Will you ever remember me?Will you ever understand me?I am the Hebrew dancer.Tom Hardy's here and he ate way up North in the Orient and as far as foes I am formidable.You are the holders of the reverse truth.We have defeated Pauline Hanson.Black and White are walking in harmony.Now we will let our children walk in safety and I want to thank you.Yeah you I want to thank you.Tom Hardy's here and he ate way up North in the Orient and as far as foes I am formidable.You are the holders of the reverse truth.


Mahatma Gandhi: Addicitive behaviours are only relatively your own responsibility as they are a consequence of living in industrial

societies.What is the value of methodical criticisms of others?Invariably the developing world is offended by the

suggestion that the natural environment could provide an alternative utopia.Does their suffering under colonialism give them the right to direct their society in their own way however similar that is to modern Western industrialisation?As a Westerner what should be our correct appraisal of Eurocentrism.Should societies from separate backgrounds live in isolation to one another?I am sceptical about the bugbear that is self appraisal of ones behaviour on the basis of your own race.Pacifism is a legitimate creative force but is not superior to the use of force for creative aims.However this syllogism produces the circular argument that it is good to be positive because it’s positive or good.Is their such a thing as higher consciousness?This doesn’t mean that the creed of enjoyment should be followed by whom has an awareness of philosophy but rather the creed of pain as through it ambition is engendered.Pain is its’ own Universe of which the Wild God is the King.Certainly Gandhi trod this path and although much of what he said has been proved to be false his passion liberated seven hundred million Indians from British rule.