God thou jest! Untoward I is now untoward Unto hellish this...Lord what your meanest idolatrous saint conjured in incense incenses one.Albeit the freedoms gathered like fallen leaves Which arced their way without falling though Earthbound......Not unlike the dieing of a clone I find them.Leaves dead as are kingdoms prone to become.For as truth and chivalry adjunct rivers are from the same mountain sprung.The flower of the day she wore in her hair.Entwined they were without a care.Two lovers smitten in lusty embrace, as towards the fox the hounds give chase.


  Print 75cm by 75cm

Price $270 Aus Dollar

Title:'A Wise Owl'

God thou jest!

Untoward I is now untoward

Unto hellish this...

Lord what your meanest

idolatrous saint conjured in incense incenses one.

It is true that man doth reap what he sow.That the rooster to the sun does crow. Intuition will my master say, lead the world till judgement day.