The truth is not always easy to distinguish.Corporations will bash you for being poor. Maybe I'm also the problem on account of my drinking this beer.I don't believe in the role of Evangelism I know how to save my own soul.

Don't piss on the tree.His name is wounded dog.Listen to these sounds worried brother.Yes I've been irresponsible but it's not too late for me to begin your therapy.History is a lie agreed upon.We were not the first people to arrive in this country.We found misery and the aboriginee.Some tribal law I stole and I know that this was wrong but its wisdom will keep you alive because wherever you are if you can see The Southern Cross you have found sanctuary.The truth is not always easy to distinguish.Corporations will bash you for being poor.Maybe I'm also the problem on account of my drinking this beer.I don't believe in the role of Evangelism I know how to save my own soul.

Print 75cm by 75cm

Price $270 Aus Dollar

Title:'Schizophrenic Personalities Are Holy Too'