ANARCHY MIND; A RANT



.I have made extensive posts on Facebook over the years which most people assiduously ignore because of their preconceived views regarding their self importance and a sadist tendency even their own children aren't spared.Thankfully I've discovered that Facebook has a function whereby one may retrieve all of their wall posts,I will make use of it.

  The Australian arm of my Father's company is closing down because like Achilles beside the burning ships I withdrew my enthusiasm which you can't put a price on.Maybe I've slighted myself in doing so because I believe that God knew that I was doing the honest and selfless thing amidst a sea of parasites.Now I don't give a shit,if he wanted to retain me he should have paid me more than the minimum wage for the past twenty years.I suffered and people laughed at me for having the bravery to do the work.It's not the first enterprise I've left that's closed down as a consequence,such as The Park Lane Hotel.In this case I was doing the mundane things properly which other Stewards and Waiters would ignore like polishing cutlery and putting different types of glasses in the correct places as well as my general work ethic and my ability to work as a team with the chefs.If those minute things aren't addressed customers will complain and turnover will drop off.SUCK MY DICK..The whole country's failing.If you don't see the value in finding work in your quieter moments like picking up a broom or polishing something you're just another arsehole like politicians.Wipe your own arse I'm not helping you.They're selling the Australian Stock Exchange to Singapore.You've never done a day's work in your life poof. I'm not helping you,you have a slovenly attitude.You have that 1970's idea that work is just about turning up.When there's a hard job to do or effort to be made you don't volunteer to do it yourself but say 'she'll be right' and get an ethnic person or a victim like me to do it.You are the cause of decline in productivity and the decline of the Western white ascendancy. I told the Indonesian managers that unless they did their jobs properly the factory would close and it did.The key to manufacturing in South East Asia is the US market.Unless you can establish effeciency,quality control and enforced lead times you won't be able to grow and survive.When I challenged them about these things they said it wasn't the Indonesian way,be content with eating your own shit in the shithole then;you can't force people to hand over the cash for your product.

  Who is outrageous? for calling John Howard a war criminal or John Howard for his mean spirited visionless leadership which resulted in at least 100,000 dead civilians in Iraq?He appeals to old people and small guys generally who cannot be satiated enough with the prospect of dead 'Darkies.'

  I just watched a clip on CNN about a 15year old journalist claiming ipods are bulky and uncool.This is typical of spoilt weird kids being indulged by their parents and adults.If you're tired of music it means you're desirous of interfering with children.Do I have to adhere to what you like poof?

. Tony Abbott reminds me of an Evil character from a Charles Dicken's novel.Where do Middleclass mediocrities acquire their slimy penchant for social engineering?I think it's integral to their inner inadequacy,just take a look at these guys wives.I went to school with guys like this,threatened by beauty and nobility of the spirit.

 The media as a consequence of their Roman appetites must undertake a period of great tragedy as I have had a premonition of this.Life is about pain and anguish and these individuals must as a consequence of willfully making enemies experience the lingering death of their children.It's part of their journey and need for growth.

 .The Norms have a bone to pick with me because I'm threatening their freedoms,the freedom to molest children.Their contribution has always been highly negative and they target my music and Art for derision because they harbor jealousy towards beauty.Poor cunts have to see their reflection every time they shave.

  They're asking the question on CNN whether it is brave or foolish to stand up to terroism?I think free societies are only as strong as their ability to articulate defiance of evil.If I condemn terroism from the safety of Australia surely it isn't anywhere near as dangerous as surviving in the military in either Iraq or Afghanistan?

  The inference I'm receiving is that the whole world gave of their glorious reward in order to save me and I don't deserve it owing to the dubiousness of my character.Man don't get me wrong I appreciate one should recognize their female side and defend Mother Earth etc but I'm just interested in fucking chicks.

  .I agree with ASIO that it is warning of a Terror Attack in Australia.I do not want to see terrible scenes on the news depicting pain and suffering as well as the societal hate towards the Muslim community that would be inevitable with such an event.I am particularly concerned with the security around the Priminister and the Queen is a devastating piece to loose on the chessboard.

  Music is it's own world of passions and ideas that love to contradict other truisms of man.It keeps me aware of the vast array of oblique human emotion and sentiment.Although most people are choking on their monotheistic religious doctrine music escapes the castration with paganism such as indigenous culture from Asia or Rap beats from Niggers in the States.

   I survived you pricks and continue to evade your sociopathic demented excuse for humanity.Your personality is a yeast infected cunt.

 I am always prepared to Love and Kill.I think you have to be with so many toxic nerds beaming out at you over the TV.Call my bluff sane weirdo and end up dead.

  I think you should be open and expressive with your sexuality.It's meant to be enjoyed.Catholicism teaches that sex is dirty and to look askance at me because I am a legend in bed.Masturbation for instance is healthy and a good way of managing one's sexual urges in a very sexualized society.I despise sex offenders and will readily kill an ignorant fuckwit with any weapon at hand.LOVE

  Prior to the Cold War a massive amount of Americans loved the idea of Communism.It's because of their beautiful Irish and other immigrant hearts.Their revolution has many communist overtones before it was articulated by the Russians.George Washington and the beautiful yellow rose of Texas resonate in our hearts.

  I hate Ellen.Some people say my creation Mad Murderer Music isn't music.Actually it's Hard Rock in the sense that The White Album initiated and it's psychological AKA Pink Floyd.People often complain that the best days of Rock died in the 70's,my music is the solution and thank God it's not R&B shit singing about cars or black arses.

  It's not illegal to make a joke and as for terrorism the best that I can do is visualize Aaron's face when I loose some weight.

  My Art is important or so I'm told.I should think more about embellishing it.

  Apparently I'm crazy whereas the Australian Government actually mandate killing people such as in Afghanistan.I've never killed anyone or sucked cocks.There's no imperative to sin and I think I'm exposed to people with a low IQ and a tendency to use the mental rulebook.If I'm guilty of not being Lucid then how did I create my Website.  Australian History Party

   I would never give a child a Christian name,totally against my principles.Such people peddle in shame and superstition.

  It's true I think the safety of my fellows is of paramount importance.

I am the twin son of the God of War and the Goddess of Love....Deimos.My Father says there was no danger because he wants to die in a Cecil B Demil movie.I know what it is to get cut on the Equator,still enjoying 'Highway To Hell' by ACDC.I get a rush out of the Orient.I don't take any shit but I'm right into their Nationalism.I like living in a man's land.If I have to I'll fight with one of my weapons,bring it on.Vive Republic Indonesia.I like revolutions.Saya percaya Merderka Indonesia.I support SBY,the Indonesian President.Vive Brimob...

Yeah there's danger.It comes down to whether you get on the wrong 747.You get locked into your destiny as a consequence of the choices you make.Sadly my Father doesn't want to predecease me.

Afterall the Father of Zeus is not a God but a Titan.I'm not dead yet ,I travel with the Koran and I touch it now to establish their understanding.

Those whose minds have been capped by submissive notions regarding the ascendancy of Religion and Wealth are trying to grind me down because I still possess a revolutionary spirit.What is it you're trying to 'teach' me you fucking insulting retards.I have an education and were I to heed what you teach me I would be worthless.

I hate the fact that it has become the Emerates Melbourne Cup.Fucking Evil Wogs,I'm not a racist but rather an Anarchist of the Mind.Sometimes I will concur with the pinkos and sometimes not.Arab countries have terrible human rights and wealth is God.Moreover we buy their crude unecessarily and now the maggots are buying our country,fuck them off.

Sport is ugly.Gladitorial spectacle and other indulgences were the undoing of Rome.There is no room for you on the Mothership.

South Sudan has requested Peace Keepers from the United Nations.For Christ sake send them and give them a proper mandate to use force in order to protect the local population.Australia sent troops after East Timor's vote on independence and they should have been sent much earlier to prevent massacres.

  Unrequited love is a real bitch and people are struggling with all their might and mostly in vain to get what I have.What is the true meaning of Procreation?Does it mean that one is heterosexual because he believes in Jesus?...certainly the communists under Stalin disapproved of it so one may be heterosexual without being religious after all one may love women and or be in love with them.

 I think 'Eat,Pray,Love' is a fucking offensive arsehole of a movie.Most people have to do fucked up jobs 9 to 5 and don't have the opportunity to be such a parasite on humanity.Feed the poor Julia Roberts you facile Hollywood psycho.You're completely out of touch and have the intelligence of a Belsen guard.I hate lazy,greedy fuckwits like you.

  Oh sorry,I forgot you're an Artiste.Actually I'm not letting you anywhere near my cock.Vive the Revolution,they can use your cadaver in China for fertilizer.

  I've decided to get a piercing but won't go the tongue,lip,nose or cock.I think I'll get the eyebrow.I've got sixteen tats and will get more when I return to Java.Sky News are pissing me off in a big way.They advertise Scientology as well as odious infomercials.Now they're crapping on about Catholicism.They are the ultimate intellectual prostitutes with very circumspect ethics.This country is regressing at a rate of knots.Maybe I should just surrender and take up lawn bowls.

Fuck why am I wasting my life being depressed?It's twelve hours till the bottle shop opens and not an ounce of contraband in sight.Tim was as I knew him one of the most eccentric people before it was cool.We did some fucking stupid things in those days but drugs are expensive.My wife thinks I'm evil because I slandered Mary McKillop.

  I'm hell for the World War Two veterans because they know that some of the terrible things I foresee are plausible.The spoilt generation don't have a concept of the intensity of world war.Phenomenom such as secret weapons were widespread in 1944/45.New technology included the jet,the atomic bomb and rocket science.UFOs are piloted by Nazis.

The former could be a case of Socratic Irony,I admit it.This syllogism arises because I am scared by the prophecy of Nostradamus who claimed that the world will end not next year but the year after that.Around 5,000 UFO sightings are reported every year and an Earth like planet is reputed to have recently been discovered by Astronomers,even Stephen Hawkins said we should be wary of aliens.

 No I think you're wrong because if Jews go so do I because I'm a self-disclosing schizophrenic.All the riff raff go from homosexuals to communists and everything in between.

 Kennedy said 'defeatists give up on Peace.'I like the moderate Western Governments generally as they are.I know what wars are like both hot and cold.I'm already too old for this shit.I disclose the facts whilst scientologists put their advertising on my Myspace page,they're a fucken immoral cult.

  I've been watching media reports on the importance of teaching children manners and reading skills.Manners will provide children with the inner strength to overcome adversity where others may fail.Reading is the light,the truth and the way.If there is a Class System in the Brave New World,the reader is at least an Alpha or a Savage.It teaches you to cut your losses when it would be foolhardy to continue and to never give up if it is a dream.

  I did try and join ASIS once as apposed to ASIO but they turned me down because they knew I'd get a result which is the last thing DFAT wants.Now I just ring them up and abuse them in Indonesian.

 Just to clarify ASIO are domestic Australian Spies whilst ASIS are foreign Australian Spys.They are not permitted to bear arms and deal ostensibly with people smuggling and it's clear they've got a whole bunch of faggots on board who don't know what they're doing.

What a resounding example of Espirit de Corps the bagpipes are,gives me a sense of impetus towards killing people and getting my head blown off.My Great Uncle fought under their banner and received nineteen wounds taking a hill in France.We live in a wonderful world because Scottish people revere violence.

  The reason why we used to put Jake in the fetal position and stuff him into garbage bins was because he's a Spanish spy seeking to usurp her Majesty and treacherously seeking the Papist restoration.We all need a good man up session with disgusting amounts of Volkische Beobactor and a Jake to tie up and torture celebrating the greatest year ever to graduate from that Terrifying institution Normanhurst Boy's High School.

 Some people might say that it's sad that Tom's mad but I'm in a morganatic relationship and 99% of cunts I've known are now into responsibility and healthy lifestyles.That's fine but fuck off if you ever think you're getting near me.I still drink like when I was seventeen,it's part of my Artistic process,I beg of you find some other slut to bore the shit out of.

  If there was a war I'd like to be in intelligence because I have some Indonesian language skills but the fucking infantry,there's fucking nothing I hate more than the great outdoors.I also want a commission so Rohan can iron my shirts.

 There's a lot of conjecture that Chapman killed Lennon out of jealousy or hatred of homosexuality.Chapman was inspired by Catcher In The Rye.The confusion is that there's a difference between schizophrenia and insanity.It's not schizophrenia that normally motivates Assasins,it's reason combined with ambition.Chapman didn't know Lennon and Charlotte Corday didn't know Robspeare.Chapman is not a schizophrenic.Lennon's assassination was a war crime.

They say I'm schizophrenic because I tried to kill my Father but unlike Oswald I know him you fucking turd and have done for thirty eight years.

  One of my greatest strengths is to have never been envious of the rich,it leads to oblivion.The only thing to do when you come from a humble background is to improve or fight for the right to exclaim to one and all that you gave it your best shot.There is no shame in that.

 I used to bring The Conquistador Effect upon Indonesians but not anymore,I have genuine love for them and highly regard their safety as my own responsibility.

  I don't support Labor out of regard for the electorate(vomit) but for the principle of providing restitution for poverty.

 I admit it I sinned against a Saint but there was a higher purpose to what I did namely to raise the red cross on white and banish Jake and his godless Rock Choppers to hell where my forefathers nobly sent them in days of yore.Come on Australia there's a fucking good reason to exclaim 'God Save the Queen' at the pub,she is The Supreme Leader.

  I'm thinking about relocating.I've been accused of stagnation.Certainly change is a good thing but am I thinking clearly?Some people would never contemplate living in the Illawarra because of Bogans but what are the stats regarding this?As far as safety is concerned why is Iago whispering paranoia in my ear.It has to be safer than Sydney.

  I watch far too much television.

Watching the Commonwealth Games.I hate to be a hesitant leader.Paradise Lost and it aint an easy journey ending up dead safely.


If I could ask former statesmen anything it would be 'was it worth it?'I think Bob Hawke would answer far to quickly Yes whilst Malcolm Fraser would answer No.I think Hawke is circumspect about my mind because he is a champion of the prole.Although clearly different to this as Priminister now it's about drawing ranks with Rugby League morons.

 Watching the Chilean President.People are impeding my megalomania with nonsensical dross and unjustified self-love.I know life could be worse

.There's an endless supply of causation to Depression being people.Mostly self-absorbed and stupid but an artist must suffer if he is to remain original.That which the population feed on is gladiatorial spectacle or sensation.Reflection gives me impetus to press on with my endeavours.Tonight it's filling my Terrabyte hard drive with music.

Watching Martin Scorces 'Cape Fear'.Although the Director achieves a retro feel to the movie the pace is slow and the actors fail to achieve a real depth of emotion in their delivery.Even Dinero's performance is lack lustre.This remade thriller is surprisingly unscary and at times boring.2 stars.

Just watched 'Notes on a Scandal',very good acting by Judy Dench.A story about those who allow loyalty to govern their lives.The scandal refers to an inappropriate sex act committed by Cate Blanchet.The twists and turns of the screenplay are quite remarkable but the ending is somewhat of an anticlimax with hoimophobic overtones.3 and a half stars.

   If you think I'm a child molester because I believe if you follow the dialogue of this film to the end you will see the implications of loyalty to the heart,desire,a premise,the self and convention you are sadly surrendering your child to be molested by a real child molestor.The villian of the story is Cate Blanchet but the culpability of all characters is the dubious interference of the fates in a Shakesprean tragedy.

I just watched Jackal.A standard hero defeats the assassin type movie.It included some sub-plots but was basically not overly high brow in it's story line.Some innovation in scenes depicting violence gave the movie and it's soundtrack a bit of validity but I give it only two and a half stars.There is also a regrettable element of homophobia.

Just watched Black Pitch-Tales of Riddick.A mediocre attempt to re-visit 'Alien' but without the amazing plot or conceptual genius.Poor character development makes this thriller quite lame.The only positive to it is the score and general audio but I give it one and a half stars.

Just watched Terminator 3 on the computer.It was a bland re-hash of the second movie wherein two terminators face off.It also had a distasteful American style concept of the inevitability of nuclear war.It's reference to the ascendancy of software in apocalyptic events was sure to have resonance with megalomaniac tech nerds.I give it two stars.

Just another American aggrandizement of violence meant to appeal to Aaron.The existence of botnets is however true and their purpose remains a mystery.Rather disappointing movie,I worry about people's safety with so many people gladly digesting into their subconscious shit concepts like this,fucking undiagnosed schizophrenics.

  Bill O'Reilly the stupid,ignorant,evil American cunt is asking whether John Lennon was a Pinhead or a Patriot.FUCK OFF

WISDOM.They're Torturing Me With Advice Based On Falsehoods

TV personalities seem to have forgotten the need for charm in order to justify our attention.I'll never enter into the void of 'I'm better than the rest.'Have pity on young people bored to the point of suicide with mediocrities that have nothing to say.Let's face it given the chance you'd reduce humanity to a grey mush and then preach subservience right down to the ninth layer of hell.

Australia was remarkable for it's freedom.Now it just another country.

Tom is Listening To The World Mainline Sorrow

The Neo-Nazi thing isn't about your skin color it's because you've got a small cock.You seek solidarity with me because we share the same skin color but the sexual frustration is the same latent homosexuality as the German SA.Keeno whilst you're trying your damndest to get my arse ferret I remind you that the Red Army put their flag on The Reichstag first.

I'm Better Than You,You Fucking Robot.

I think rises in electricity and food costs are a necessary evil.We can't as a nation go on exploiting our environment and degrading it forever.I'm a man of humble means but if I have to pay more for cleaner energy and more sustainable water usage so be it.We take too many things for granted in this country.

The great thing about life in society is that if you maintain a perspective you are always free to be yourself.

  You were never that adept at comprehension and so now you fail to understand and are beset with confusion.Descrying the world as crazy as you stumble through life dropping your loads somewhere only reinforces the view of Pico that you descend Jacob's ladder and seek safety in numbers,the unquestioning suburban advocate of ugly.

An Australian woman can there be anything less agreeable?They've got an agenda with me because my wife was born in Java.She has Australian citizenship but these small useless cunts don't deserve her.They don't give me a gun lest justice be dead aussies and a cessation to the useless unimaginative bullshit they consistently say to me.

Australia is an act of genocide.From an obscure part of the Roman Empire,Britain has been invaded by the Danes,French,Roman,Saxons and Norse.I want people to think because of the same reason that I love women and that love has been realized great misdeed was done to the people of this country.

Women resent always being the object of desire.They saved me from that deplorable end of being a homosexual with their bodies.It's their act of procreation which is indeed formidable.I'm 8 years older than Alexander at his death and my hair is grey but my drama is unabating because with women I go to that eternal drowning.Willing the guillotine.

 I am Dolohov because Louise is my Mother.

 You see women gave me all of those gifts which other men shed tears that they have never known.Some say it's not that a poet experiences anything different but my Stepfather's hair was so blonde that it scared me as a four year old and I hid under the car,I listen to Alice Cooper sing Only Women Bleed and I cut myself to impress upon God my indigenous dedication.Black blood is the same color.

You see loyalty to the Fleur De Lys is more important to the women of these supposed democracies than anything else,so I take the place of her lover at the guillotine because I have always just laughed at the myriad of gifts womankind have given me but not ever at the prospect of their demise;unto this I give my life.

You look askance at me bitch.There is no greater cowardice than a woman's disbelief in womankind.

 I don't want to be old like Mick Jagger falsifying all those noble things he said with fear of death.I want to take down some gentiles.

The black chick on CNN has a face to launch a thousand ships.Man needs spirit in his heart.Aphrodite is Evil but a Goddess.

I'm going to get cut on the equator again.I hate Australians.If I can cut my way out all the better.They say I'm a spy.Marshall Petan to you you odious,boring arsehole.Drinking to excess is given to a man who always lands his quarry.She dumped me but she knows that I really really loved her.Just too tired to be my love when you have to work next day owing to suburbia.

  I'm a man of honor and I want to get a job looking after old people including washing them.What people think is important is usually quite demented.My wife isn't gaol bait she's coffin bait.If you fuck with Brenden and I on the wrong day we're going to sever your head and show it to the passing traffic.Supercilious ignoramus with no guts or humility.

Adversarial politics leads to the criticism of good deeds as well as bad ones.Supporters of the system point to the corruption of communist regimes to indicate the desirability of the Westminster system but I'm not suggesting a corrupt regime,that would be nonsensical.Some say the answer is Christ.True communism is Christianity outside of the Church.

   Do not imbue mediocrity.

  Why are successful people sometimes sad?To find a situation where people are trying to make you despondent one only has to turn on the television.The challenge is to remain defiant whilst not actualizing a negative outcome.Of course choices often dictate where we find ourselves.Today I falter at the gateway of drunkenness and recognize that I really don't have enough money.

The internet is a good tool to contend with issues such as schizophrenia and depression of which I have both.It enables social interaction and expression whereas I was previously the mute target of media insults and hatred I can now explain why we live and suffer with the barbarities of the Nineteenth Century dressed up as modernity by Hollywood.

I hate advertising on television.They're aggressive about getting your dollar often peddling useless shit that I either can't afford or don't want.They also imply that you're less of a person if you don't own their brand.They put a smiling face on the worst excesses of capitalism.I particularly don't like car adds,insurance adds and any fricken infomercial.

I'm fat but my wife is Javanese.Eastern women often aren't concerned by fat men as it is a sign of affluence.BLESSED

The view that schizophrenics are dirt and should be punished is widespread and features prominently in the media.Their hatred is expressed in innuendo but like most bullies they are cowards.Why don't you fight you perverted swine?There's a simple solution to bigotry and the simpleton status quo,just rise above it or just turn the idiot box off;even better.

If I can be accused of anything it's being serious.I certainly am with my Art and Philosophy.My self belief is that I'm intelligent and I seek to prove this.As far as my Art is concerned I don't like to rest on my Laurels and repeat technique too much.I've also been accused of being cryptic but I think my writing reveals some unique things.

Two deaths in a couple of days due to the use of Tasers.It's patently obvious that the Police are committing manslaughter and have to get rid of the horrible things.I've watched a lot of reality cop shows from America and once in their hands the cops rely on them way too much.I wonder whether the victims were armed?If they weren't it's a terrible indightment on the Police.

 Uploading to Windows Skydrive.Western countries are beset by Governments who change systems perpetually at great cost and for no good reason

.I wish internet speeds were radically faster than 100Mpbs.They have the technology for incredibly faster speeds but like most things money dictates what we get.I agree with the Government's National Broadband scheme.It must be hell without broadband.

The Delicious Pique Of Stupidity : SEX

.Wisdom is to seek satisfaction with your world as it is whereas intelligence may lead to cnycism.Life is precarious.

I'm reformatting folders on my laptop.My dream would be to make hard copies of all of my art but this is prohibitively expensive.I like to print it on A4 Photographic paper and then frame it under glass.I guess to complete my portfolio would cost something like $20,000.It'd be an impressive array of stock if I was more orientated towards business.LAZY

Australia is involved in Afghanistan primarily out of regard for it's alliances.Alliances precipitated World War I.

I'm an artist and I'm friends with a few porn stars.What's wrong with a bit of eccentric colour.VARIETY

How can the Nazi's contention that Jews are conspiring to raise the status of African Americans be true.They can exhibit boundless racism to black and ethnic people.One of the greatest bigotries exhibited in the modern era has been Christianity.That I defy their right to presume ownership of my opinions is a noble and dangerous struggle.

You think I'm insane because you're shallow and you don't believe in anything.

 Do I think I'd let a teenage child of mine on facebook?There is much negativity that children are exposed to on the net but that existed pre-computers.

Maybe by seeing different types of people's opinions including their disagreements some things can be addressed and even resolved.

When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's my parents only knew about 10% of what I was up to and experiencing in the outside world.They didn't know about the myriad of wonderful and terrible things that were happening to me.My High School was so extreme that it was insane.On the final day of year 12 they presented the School Principle at assembly with a toilet seat painted gold.I gave the final address to the school in drag hungover and injured from the night before.Not my best performance.

I'm amazed at how much self doubt people have.You're beautiful and your uniqueness is very valuable.I''ve taken a fall like the Marquis De Sade.If you suffer from anything,it's reason.Language is there to carry you to great romantic heights and if your intention is sincere who can stand in your way?The key to self belief and confidence is to work like a driven maniac.

There's nothing wrong with critical analysis of the jingoistic falsehoods spewing out of the television.I have some young friends on Myspace and Facebook but Socrates the great Greek philosopher was executed for corrupting the minds of children.These social networking portals are saturated with persons seeking sex and yet my purpose is to express myself and provide an alternative to mainstream bullshit.As long as I don't threaten,harras,solicit or display pornography I am free to enlighten and encourage people of all ages whenever I want.Anger is an energy.

 I can feel the lurking presence of Cronus.Some decisions require an appreciation of altruism.Is that wise?

Don't vote for the Liberal Party in NSW.They're full of hardcore Catholics who want to restore Catholicism to absolute pre-eminence in Australia and globally.For instance Sky News are advertising Mary McKillop as a Saint for all Australians.This is obnoxious to the majority of Australians who are Protestant.We fucked off Catholicism for good reasons.

Be careful of those League players.They've got a low mental age.They don't know who Shakespeare was.DUMB

I fuck Mary McKillop up the arse every night as I have her cadaver and she's a complete whore.How dare they ram their pagan papist shit down my throat.I'm an atheist and I believe in science and the Church is peddling it's mysticism and interfering with children along the way. I'm not bound by your laws..You can keep your distance or I'll call the Police.

I know how Marilyn felt when everyone has an opinion as a consequence of their desire to fuck me.When you are treated for mental illness they don't want you to achieve anymore.The psychiatric imbeciles think they're actually helping me when in actual fact due to involuntary treatment and custody they destroyed my life.That's what these little penis' aspire to.

Tax Payer Funded Journeys Into Beer And Drugs Spotter The Ultimate Cunt.

 .What chance do I have of achieving fame whilst children are starving and being molested?It makes my ambition seem quite supercilious.Sometimes I get the feeling when I stand next to some anonymous person that I should punch them,are they guilty of something?I know what happens when you punch someone with no provocation,

My Father needs to be medicated because he is Othello and Iago is whispering in his ear lies.Mixed marriage is a noble and beautiful enterprise but has many enemies.The constant message one may be beset with is that their opposite number is cheating or is interested in someone else.Othello is tortured by jealousy and kills a loved one when it is a mistake.

Morbid sexual jealousy for no reason is a common feature of psychosis.

  People make derogatory comments about me especially actors and the intelligencia but the truth is their work is mediocre.

 Even Paranoid Schizophrenics Get Stalked

 If there is a bomb attack at the Commonwealth Games many Indians will just laugh.They're bitter about their poverty and their inability to escape it.They've had 70 odd years to get their shit together and yet they place the blame on the West which is an erroneous accusation.Can criminals stop calling me asking for my bank details?

Approbation of Gays and other minorities is religious vilification as the English Church is tolerant.

I deny that I took magic mushrooms in Bali and you have no evidence to support your claim.You're a small guy and you want an amnesty on child molestation because you contend that love eclipses everything.

I think women who think they can draw me into an extra-marital affair are over estimating my intelligence.It hadn't occurred to me before but the majority of my friends on facebook were cadets.It was a good military education,enough for me to know that I never want to go through that for real.I like my suburban comforts,too old as well.

Why am I frightened of the prospect of Messiah like aliens who are actually Nazis?Because I was in cadets and I know how fit you have to be to run around the bush in a fight for survival.I was an infantryman but I'm 38 now and if I had to revisit living in a hootchie,getting saturated when it rains,running through 'cunt' grass and drinking warm water out of a bottle and digging latrines I'd be fucking pissed off.

People are saying it's not as bad as it's fucking worse than it sounds.

What nationality is the internet?Answer:US.What sexuality is the internet?Answer:Gay.What is the agenda of the internet?Answer:Money.What is the religion of the internet?Answer:US.In 2012 I've been tipped off there will be a world wide religious event whose ramifications will be universal.Flying Sauces are actually the technology of the Nazi's.

It's because they don't want to admit God is an American and they're all queers.Turn your coat around.

 They say don't listen to me because I'm mad.To prevent yourself committing an evil act exercise moderate behaviour.DESTINY

I'm watching a Documentary on Charles Manson.As a child I listened to the White album whereas Manson was listening to it on his schizophrenic LSD psychosis.Why are people driven to murder by such creativity as Mark Chapman was by Catcher in the Rye?Man is capable of terrible deeds especially if he is ambitious.

This is yet another shithouse day because it is my first day on Earth without Tony Curtis living in it.Ladykillers are rare and the one's with charisma the best the gay community can do is try in vain to claim ownership.The common cause of landing the fleeing doe was championed by this man and in that is was merely procreation even warriors of Lesbos in this were defeated.

.I'm listening to a fair bit of Classical Music these days.You can see how it influences Rock especially with rthym

There are those who exercise 'holding on' primarily when it comes to their career and yet honest people will tell you that a simple and happy life with your partner is a much more difficult and rarer dream.Tonight I feel like a satelite in deep space devoid of any other human being.Certainly I will participate with the consensus to will the athlete's safety but consequences are a reality.

 Spoke to the guy at the service station,said how he might've joined the army and might have shot the seargent though.

.Forgive me whilst I don't give up on the world by deriding it as crazy.It owes me nothing.He prays for roots.DIRTY

.Finally got my surround sound working on my stereo.If I have a child would I let him or her waste their intelligence doing menial work?I seek perfection in a contemporaneous Australia full of mediocrity and incest.The mob are suspicious of computers because social networking invariably gives people a voice and the truth comes out.

Governments don't learn from the mistakes of history because they don't listen with humility to the stories of people who have suffered.Society likes to turn it's head from the calamities humans suffer.I sincerely recommend that you give to charity regularly as I do because I know that I am a fatuous waste of space but by donating there is an inkling of justification for my wellbeing.

  I'll say what I want soft touch.You like to give money to religious organizations so that they increase in size,power and personal wealth.You're a fucking unit.

He'll get progessively worse and worse until he starts molesting children in some religious organization if hasn't started to already.

Aaron's very driven to be critical of me because I think he's hiding something.

 THEOCRACY: Royal Australian Marine Corps Elucidate

   My Virtual Affair:There was a time my lady when I might adorn your bosom with a rose gilded in dew but I have long left off the life of a courtier and they call me mad man;Mad Lancelot who ranges the wild places in rain and hoar.Still your kind words are like the warm sun after the storm lilting through the forest...

 Rape is a reprehensible act committed by sub-humans.You will certainly come across some women who have been raped.Footballers are proud of their propensity to commit sex crime and they maintain fallacious beliefs such as 'she was asking for it.'I say to women who have been raped I thank God you are still here.For worried husbands and Fathers just remember should they survive it is a blessing.

He'll get on the piss and rape again.The public are well and truly courting the military defeat of this once fine nation.

He is a serial rapist who will get on the piss and rape another underage girl.His self-righteousness and low IQ amount to a dissociative disorder.He also copped convict genes and before that down.I agree with the NSW Police and prosecution.We're watching you closely cunt.Women don't submit for an internal examination without reason.I'll advise the DPP to appeal your acquittal.

  I haven't spoken with candor about my wife so therefore she is a Multiclass Magicuser/Cleric Level 5/6 and due to her race Tropical Cavewoman has rudimentary psionics in both Attack,Defense and Other.She is equipped with a poison dagger,wears padded armor and possesses a magical hairpin that when used to stab acts as a vorpal sword(1 Charge)She is Lawful Evil.

Indonesia isn't just about braids and gado gado.Indonesia is the most unabashadly black magic using country in the world.It's part of their culture and something as sweet as a wayang puppet is not what it seems.My pece,sarung and magic rings are indespensable.

My brain is a female,a feminist and a lesbian.Are you a sexually male brain gay trapped inside a woman's body happy with your vagina?

  Socratic Irony:Australia is peaceful,democratic,clean and tolerant....It wasn't invaded.This is a deceit.

I did my best to sway the Government and Public Opinion towards Australia pulling out as a block from the Delhi Games.I rang Talkback radio and spoke on air about the danger.I also rang the offices of the Priminister and Foreign Minister.Do you think I would feel this sense of foreboding if the Games are to run peacefully?

 I've been thinking about the implications of the Delhi games for twelve months.These are the possible outcomes;1.We send athletes and there is no attack.2.We send them and there is an attack.3.We don't send them and there is no attack4.We don't send them and there is an attack.The best outcome is glory and the worst outcome is death.The middle road would produce certainly safety and only potentially embarrasment.Australia should have stayed at home.In this instance the adage 'better safe than sorry' is very true.

 My observation of Parliament live and journalists on News Programs conveys through their body language and facial expressions that they are worried about the coming weeks.In order for the Nation to spare itself embarrasment we are risking a very,very fucked up outcome.Terroism isn't a fucking pantomime and red blood clashes with green and gold especially when the targets are high profile.This is fucking ridiculous.I've observed my saplings growing into trees as I foresaw.I'm a good D and I foresee a massacre of Aussie athletes.

Don't tell me that fallacious cliche that you don't negotiate with Terroists.I assure you that if on homesoil there is a Terroist event which could be diffused through negotiation it would be the first thing that the honourable men and women of the NSW Police would do.You never think kindly of the Police until you need one.During the atrocity of Beslen and the hostage drama Russian Police and Army tried to exchange themselves with the children.If required I would gladly do the same.

Mark my words Australia,Aussie athletes will die in Delhi as a consequence of terroism.This a major fuck up by Gillard

I'm helping people.I understand that my eyes are to see the darkness and ignore the insecure self deprecating minds of people in society who are doing their best.Language cannot follow truth and circular logic through it's propensity to loose originality over time looses some of it's original meaning.That the sun will rise tomorrow is an assumption.

  I appreciate people worrying about me.I did a bambi nasty and so I've decided I'll meet the Thought Police on Friday to take some different magic juice.Need to get business cards printed.

I'm being plagued by geriatric swingers,need a ratline.: The Hippy Trail

My Mother was seventeen when I was born and my Biological Father was eighteen.Our young family was desperately poor in the early 70's which was a very rude awakening for my young parents.Now my Father is surrounded by sycophhants without the slighest clue about his origins or how he got to where he is today.

I'm a Prince amongst Toxic Nerds,Faggots and Sluts.I received a beautiful poem from a beautiful woman.GAY

The view from the Eiffel tower I can still recall although it's been 25 years since I visited France.My Father and I drove from Paris to Gibralter.The sight of an English Bobby on the boarder between Spain and Gibralter oozed British Lion.My wife and I would like to move to Amsterdam but if we have kids that would be impractical.

  I think Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition was better than any computer game now and then.That the game is language based and draws on ones facility of risk taking combined with any possible chosen behaviour based on one's knowledge of the Rule Books made it a heady passion that was always certain to ruin my HSC.I've uploaded some characters at  TOM'S ARCHAIC DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS

  This country is non-sensical,stupid,insipid and petty.Anyone who has talent and dares to create something original is despised.I suppose I'm not addressing the fact that I live in Dapto.I could engage with the local environment and people but it really makes me want to vomit.I am more interested in my digital lifestyle behind closed doors.

I've had many female psychiatrists.There's nothing worse on the face of God's good Earth than a stupid woman.: Is it Clairaudient or is it Paranoia?

  I've discovered a lot of music I've previously been unaquainted with such as Sam Cooke,Tod Rundgren,Anastacia,Sussie 4,Rick Derringer,John Denver,Dido,New Grass Revival,Eric Bogle,Sam Bush,Iron Maiden,Coolio,Sarah Blakso,Tori Amos,Jimmy Cliff,Ziggy Marley,Leonard Cohen,Poison,Judas Priest,White Snake and White Lion to mention a few.

When expressing oneself especially on the internet it is insightful to apply a balance of seriousness and glib.

I think they're angry because they've been thinking about sucking cocks.Beware the Footy head pushing you up against the wall for being alledgedly a gay boy and then wonder of wonders they go down on you.It's true that I looked like a girl as a child.I think my heterosexuality was decided by my Mother with a combination of discipline and unconditional love.

  I watched a fair bit of free to air television when I was last in Indonesia.Comparing it to Australian television it's not much worse.The saturation of shampoo adds and car adds on Australian TV is odious and imparts negativity on the unlucky viewer.Also similarly there are religious programs and infomercials,it's a disgrace.

I was molested as a child but by a woman and I enjoyed it.I also had relations with an extended family member.

I don't harbour any bitterness to the culprits.They didn't hurt me so let sleeping dogs lie.I've never experienced any guilt or shame over it.I have a human heart capable of recognising things for what they are.

I loved the books by Douglas Adams;Hitchhikers Guide To The galaxy,Restaurant At The End Of The Universe and Life The Universe and Everything.His statement that the meaning of life is '42' struck me as absurdly funny but later I realised that there are exactly 42 Chromosones in the healthy phoetus.Is this what Mr Adams was sardonicly implying?

I despair at the current trend among Politicians to be as beige as possible.

Have Ipads made computers obsolete?I think certain aspects of them are a mere novelty and with an internet connection and a standard computer one may achieve a vaster expression and functionality.Hooray for the PC.I think Iphones are still desirable and as for Ipods I live on my 80G Classic and my only regret is that I didn't buy a model with greater storage.

I think Windows Skydrive is a brilliant application for it's easy to understand interface and the 25G free storage is generous.I think I'll back up as much music as I can aswell.Currently downloading Silverlight which I'm yet to use but hopefully it's straight forward to get your head around.I'm also using Hp Skydrive and it works well.Most importantly I am backing up my site files.

 Silverlight appears to be working well and I can upload multiple files at once.Is Silverlight a web platform and what exactly is a web platform?

Australian History Party website is constantly growing.I've made some Gifs combining Two Dimensional Art and Computer Animation.There are so far six pages and 24 Gifs.

Don't let the bastards get you down.Like Iggy said get drunk,go beserk and spew.

Nobody's buying my Artwork because they're more interested in claiming my physical effort is pointless and stupid and will lead to my actual death.I'm not perturbed by that because my work involves many roles;Singer Songwriter,Artist,Web Site Designer,Animator,Philosopher,Political Commentator,Author,Actor,Essayist,Comedian,Military Strategist and Poet.

It's 1.30 in the morning and I'm working on the computer.When I woke up tonight I had to ask my wife whether it was day or night.At least Jesus will forgive the error of my Satanic ways.If the world ends in 2012 our spirits will be free as they merge with the Universe.Even death is a good thing.

Rumours is one of the greatest albums ever created by Fleetwood Mac.The band suffered a lot of over exposure.They began in the 60's without the girls and I'm still getting aquainted with this early period.Rumours has such an ambient warm feel similar to the atmosphere of Warren Zevon's Excitable Boy.

  St Augustine stipulates that there can be no good without evil which implys that evil is desirable.This strikes me as a justification for taste in society.However you can be like me and only countenance good.There's such a thing as Nietze and beyond good and evil.Like Jet say 'c'mon c'mon you can't tell me what to believe.'Jake attributes the conclusions of my mind to be put there by God.

At least I'll never forget he sculled a beer can full of my hot piss.

  I don't appreciate the slur that I'm dangerous to children.My parents are dubious about my having children because they feel it would ihibit my ambititous expedition,as for you;'You've got to drop your loads somewhere.'

 I'm having a problem uploading to Facebook.That there is such a thing as computer error is a very cutting point from those that oppose the technology.However I think as a method of communication it is redoubtable.

I'm downloading files from my host using Bullet Proof FTP.Space permitting I'm then going to save to Windows Sky Drive.Already put a lot of Artwork up.It makes a lot of sense in the eventuality of theft or fire.I like the way I can fit all of my 2 dimensional work onto a flash drive aswell.The download could take quite a while.PERSERVERANCE

 Right Wing ideology is like Dungeons and Dragons,extremely addictive and interesting but also a complete fiction.These cunts actually believe and read their own press.I'm a kind person with a wicked destiny and I use Mother Nature to stop me from giving away my birthright,be a bower bird and think about other animal's habits.

Society likes to drive people mad on a conspirational level and then hospitalise them and torture them with drugs because I think you've got a small cock.

I'm being used by Agamenmon.There's also a posse of angry ex-girlfriends tracking me.DESPERATE

It's easy to dig a hole for oneself and sometimes the only choice is to face things head on...what a fucking cliche hey!I like to go hard though and 2012 looms,the problem I face with exertion is obsession and I like my work to be genuine so I can't just upload any old shit.It's true that an artist remains valid if his journey is evolution.

Fox news are suggesting that Conservatives are the most likely people to create world peace.They're the scumiest child killing freaks in the Universe.I think you should chill out a bit and go on meds.

Working on the computer as I do is mentally exhausting but I'm proud that I give a shit.

  Life is a Shakesperean Tragedy for most people including the rich and famous.Look at History,Marilyn Monroe through to Hitler.

  I said it because you're no longer Australians and haven't been for a long time.You like to send babies to Detention Centres and you stipulate that if a woman has schizophrenia she can't testify about being raped.Insanity is a very subjective thing which could even happen to your daughter and your simplistic thinking has already betrayed her.

 Only in Australia could footballers decide on issues as complex as mentally ill and their status in Law.Next they'll claim the right to deliver babies or perform neuro surgery.IGNORANT CUNTS

 Sick of Black n Whiters.Their insistence upon simplistic meaning infers book burning.No wonder the psychiatric system licked it's lips when I got caught in their web.Radical or Revolutionary attitudes are not tolerated by those with rule books regarding the innapropriateness of metascepticism.

Every time I return from Java I find that Sydney is desserted.No wonder Australia is popular around the world,they're dropping neutron bombs in my absence and replacing the population with THEM.

So what if I'm insane,all the better to play with your brains toxic nerds.Legally I'm entitled to defend myself.I'm goading you to go on a mission to remove me from my house so in self defense I can legally stab you in the face with a kitchen knife.You're not the White Knight you claim to be.Just a pathetic looser with a small mind and a nazi desire to eat babie's cocks.

Blacks and Jews are hostile to me because of my nose and what it infers.I wish those who are prejudiced to me would just scream it out but man to man they feel themselves and their cause to be pathetic which it is.If you are uncomfortable with the way you look take it up with your Mother because I didn't impregnate her as far as I can remember anyway.

  He's threatening to get me out of the picture with the backing of his Jewish sycophants but I know incrimating things.

Judges treated the Nazi's following the 1923 Beer Hall Putsche leniently.Just kill me you gutless sex predators.

I'm teaching myself aspects of Computer Science which is a slow but rewarding process.I don't do well necessarily in courses because if the curriculum becomes predictable I loose interest.I've worked on the computer now for sixteen hours and starting to feel a bit jaded,anyway wifey will be home soon.

I'm doing more Artwork on the laptop and the computer is telling me it is low on virtual memory.It only takes me a year or so for me to work the guts out of a PC.I've now been working for fourteen hours and have done some uploads and installed a new mouse.Still mulling over whether to get an Ipad or an Iphone or a Graphics Tablet.

The lie is that I've ever had it easy.As Bonn Scott said 'It ain't no fun waiting around to be a millionaire.'And as John Lee Hooker said "Since this recession all I can afford is beer and wine.'Now the fucking Nostradamus prophecy is almost upon us and I recall the words of Men at Work 'Oh you come from a land down under,can't you hear that thunder better run and take cover.'

I'm installing Digital Camera Software on my computer.I hate Australians who speak Low Australian.They're Hansonite idiots and stupid.

 .Australians generally are obsessed with sport and will obstinately send Athletes to India even if they are killed

That John Howard was Priminister for twelve years is a low brow reflection on the people of Australia.His proposed constitution could have been more visionary and inspiring if it had been done by High School students.I have devised one which I think has depth.

I would never imitate a member of the militarty as it would be dishonourable.I cannot be a member of the military as I take medication.However as it doesn't exist and in the spirit of HG Wells I created  Royal Australian Marine Corps


  I'm a diagnosed Schizophrenic in a sea of undiagnosed schizophrenics.It means village idiot..I am not rich because I am not an ethics prostitute.In life there needs some quality in your creativity rather than mere avarice for selling in order to achieve vast sums of money.It has been suggested that I own the World which freaks me out because my cash flow is pitiful but I am open minded enough to accept it as a compliment.

That I might upload files everyday is a good idea but quite impractical.It's undignified to work like a terroist.It comes down to the implication of seeking to get rich.Materialism in the greed sense is also ownership and the bigger they are the harder they fall.I heard a CEO say it is important to maintain a sense of fun and I somewhat reluctantly agree.

What might it have been?It would've been a tragedy and I am a hero in my own life.Oh Dionnysius let me rock on.

I think that your idea of Facebook that it is about saving face is completely idiotic.You must admit your premise is a defensive one.Like Cat Stevens inferred 'if they cut off my hands I will not have to work and if they cut out my tongue I will no longer have to speak.'My recomendation is that you Motherfuckers learn to actually say something rather some safe bullshit comment about Sport.

  I've become nocturnal.Dapto nights certainly aren't Hollywood nights.I'm quite sure that when you think you know everything you know nothing.I've been pretty busy making gifs and yet I'm not that inspired to make more complex animations.Schizophrenia has made a Sophist out of me and it is true that my consumption amounts to Epicureanism.I'm the butt of society's jokes and my stoicism is the target of hatred.Fuck I guess I'll be driven to drink again.Henry Lawson is the Patron Saint of lunatics.....Solution:get more money.

I've suffered Stigmata for claimg that 1 + 1 = 1 .A snowflake's chance in Hell is indeed formidable.

Are Rap musicians justified in their use of rudeness?Personally I am often rude and it's just an effort to create something of myself.It's a competitive world and African Americans make a good case for their advancement in a racist country.Being rude doesn't matter unless you can't take the consequences.

What do you think is the most honourable,killing people in war or pacifism?According to Christians if we are martyred rather than killing someone we will achieve a greater result in the afterlife.I think I am torn in my fate as to which end I aspire to.I'm sure most intelligent people are.If we strive to be good in our daily lives how can we then turn around and murder people?

It certainly beats working as a Labourer working on the computer..I like to cause misery amongst young parents by shaming them in front of their children.You should never have let them down and you swore that you wouldn't and now you see their hatred burning in their eyes that you could be so weak.

Sometimes people like to make conclusions about other people including terroists that are convinient rather than true.Fighting an enemy who committs suicide in order to kill the enemy is a serious problem like fighting the Japanese in the Coral Sea in 1944/45..

I need beer but I'm so lazy I don't know if I can drag myself to the bottle shop.Had some breakthroughs with my art.Sometimes I create a beautiful image but if it is too photographic or ciche I must change it.A girlfriend of mine said 'an artist never compromises.'I find this to be true,I've also been called an 'Artist Priest',I am open to trying to cheer people up if called upon.

  The Australian media encourage people to risk their lives even when these people have children because they want good ratings.

  This isn't about me,it's about the status quo of keeping certain Vestal Virgins unhappy who've been told I'm dead.

People whose sister or girlfriend I used to fuck in her parent's bed actually harbour great hatred for me.It all started 22 years ago.The little guys used to complain and put the actresses under duress not to fall for my charms.I'm not a callous person and what I want out of life is of the highest virtue in that I am fostering love with one woman with the prospect of having children.

People are discriminating against me because I disclose schizophrenia and they think that certain things should be denyed to people who are crazy and they view the idea of my succeeding as inappropriate.I'm not doing any time over it though because I'm philosophical about remuneration for my work.I don't need accolades from people who are less intelligent than me.

 John Mayer is a toxic nerd producing bubble gum music which horrid bland American sluts agrandise as if there's not a reason to rock out and destroy conservatism in all it's blandness.Fuck you America and fuck you Australia you're partners in creating the worst era for Rock music since it's inception.

If you want to be a Rock Star kid you might take the outrageous step of learning how to play an instrunment.

  Jews believe that you're either part of the solution or part of the problem.They accuse me of being Hitler,it's Sukarno you fucking desperate morons.To offend them from where I am is strangely intoxicating probably because the Shylocks always get their pound of flesh.I'm not a Nazi and when it comes to Australia I'm a Royalist.

Two centuries ago Mark Twaine during travail in Australia proclaimed “Australia is a Sleeping Princess but when will she ever get up?”Change for changes sake might lead one to conclude that Australia must succeed from the British Monarchy…I am not an awful Puritan, I am a Cavalier.

 What does the world offer people who have previously been incarcerated in mental hospitals?Normally nothing except suicide!

I was chemically and pyscologically tortured but I'm not about to cry.It's the tip of the iceberd as they are operating Gas Chambers.There are many things in Australia which are kept hidden and the less you know the better off you are.Detention centres are being built under the guise of housing asylum seekers but their real purpose is to convert to Death Camps and initialise the FINAL SOLUTION.

Where will that Aussie pride lead you?You're not a soldier.Aussie pride did indeed lead diggers to a pointless and early death but even they had a gun.This is a SERIOUS problem and the best way to solve it is to look at facts.You've never even been to India.You don't want to take your life seriously because like my Nam friend said 'you're a fucken idiot.'

I respect anyone who doesn't want to go especially if they have kids,they've also never been to India or had any significant experience of South East Asia.Sometimes it can be wise to say "I'll forego battle in order to win the war.'It's also ironic that you might be a casuality in India because you may find yourself dieing and yet saying I didn't enjoy or even want to come to this shithole.

Some Australians don't like the fact that I warned the Sportos.Not all Australians are the lower ignorant Green and Gold Army.They include Leftists and Anarchists who despise you.I don't like you but I don't want to watch the news for the six months seeing you cry and claim you didn't see it coming.At least countenance what I say to be true.

 Thank God I'm not a Pagan,all of that stupid dogma.How many people have I driven to suicide?

  Normanhurst Boys had a cadet unit,cadet band,a Discipline Master and a level of sport and debating to challenge GPS schools.My years as a cadet taught me some very important things including the principle of never ask a soldier to do something you can't do yourself.I like wearing Muslim attire in Dapto in order to aggravate local redknecks and closet poofs.

Under my leadership the class of 89 always sought to humiliate and bastardise children from Private Schools.90% of the time we won.I was driven recognising my abilities to engender pride.We achieved this through outstanding achievements in Sport,Debating,Uniform Standards and a fully capable cadet unit and cadet band replete with Self Loading Rifles from the vietnam war.They told me as a Prefect not to do so much extra-curricula activity but it was my passion and I got enough marks to get into Sydney University despite being a dumb cunt.

Athletes planning to go to the Commonwealth games should make the decision not to go and then see where they find themselves as a consequence of that decision.The decision is not binding.You may find the best route.What you see on television is not a pantomine,it is reality and you should consider that if you go you may return with half your face blown off or no legs or not at all.

.I saved your life and you never even had the manliness to thank me.You're a classic small guy and you're seeking revenge for something that happened twenty years ago.I live with the clansmen and they'd be falling over themselves to eat Jewish babies cocks if only the Politicians who they think like them would legalise it.

Cootes resent people who are into computers.The fact that one has the opportunity to explain the travail the evil geckos are perpetuating is important,it's a right of reply.There's no law that says you have to like me.I'm just waiting for your over inflated ego to propell you into violating my legal rights.You have been brainwashed and are afraid of literature and expression.

I was never repatriated and xenophobic Australians chucked me in a psyche ward.LITIGATION 

You'll accuse me of indoctrinating a mixed message to my kid if I seek to give them an identity of two countries rather than one.I went to school in Australia and I know what Asians cop from you.I don't want them being a person who seeks to be accepted only to be constantly rejected.Aussies like to say that Asians don't mix,it's a filthy racist lie applied to shy people.

If you want to claim that racism isn't widespread in Australia you insult my intelligence you lieing arrogant cunt.Fuck off with your hero-worshipped self righteous league players and rape some more underaged girls.

I've uploaded some parts of my psychiatric evaluation obtained whilst I was detained.I don't mind voyeurism,I have nothing to hide and most importantly I'm sexually normal.Please note however the opinions stated include a lot innaccuracies and mistaken presumptive falsehoods.People who know me will pick up on that straight away.

If you tell your children that my mind is invalid you'll also be denying them huge swathes of knowledge and they will forever live in the darkness of ignorance.The reason that you're doing it is because you want them to maintain the childhood fantasy that their parents are perfect.I don't care aslong as their actions based on ignorance don't impact on me.You prefer to keep Pandora's box shut.

 I find that children in Western countries contemporaneously are very ignorant thinking that they're at the leading edge of progress and very orientated towards money.

Also when I have a child I want him or her to spend some time as an apprentice to an Indonesian Artisan.Whereas my brothers and sisters are taught to despise Indonesia I want my child to be proud of the Indonesian Revolution,Nation and People especially as they will be Asian Australians.The ability of ordinary Indonesians with their hands is extrordinary.Their Arts and Crafts have amazing detail,technique and history.Indonesia will never become a fundamentalist Islamic State because Indonesian's love making Non-Muslim items of beauty.

I think he's wrong.He's never taught his children anything and thinks that glamourising his own achievements will teach them something.He has an over inflated opinion of himself and to justify my way of thinking I site the fact the first President of Indonesia Sukarno was a brilliant Artist gifted in technique and I have seen some of his works in his residence in Bali.

Fundamentalist Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia want to ban Malay culture because they believe it is iconaclastic,dirty and pagan.They do not like Gamelan,Wayang or Barong.As they only believe in the Arabic script they will never be successful in the Archipelago.Culture in Indonesia for the Indonesian people is as fundamental as the Waterbuffalo and rice.

If I had children I would like them to set the table for dinner,get drinks for the family,not eat whilst watching TV and not leave the table until they'd finnished dinner.As small children I would like them to drink water,I would like them to listen to their Mother,I would like them to take up an instrument and I would like them to attend Private School.

There is only one solution to my problem and that is to take copious amounts of prescription and recreational drugs.The inference is that I must flee to Sydney poste haste to buy Amyl Nitrate.In reality I have plenty of time and am I wrong or is it wrong because I know.

I really should do some more Artwork although I feel mentally exhausted.The insinuation that's made of me by the automaton of Dapto is that I'm a bludger but it requires a great deal of concentration to create something that's valid.There are many styles to my Art because I try to challenge myself with eclectic methods and I try to learn new technique.

I used to think the school motto 'Know Thyself' meant strictly self-awareness but there are other aspects to it's meaning as it also appears on the famed Delphi Oracle implying that one should adhere to the Ciceronian virtues of Bravery,Fortitude,Charity and Humility.Another perspective is that we are Normans among the Saxons which makes sense to me.

  I'm no prude but I don't agree with public advertising of sex or sex aids including chat lines because of children.

 I guess I'm quite morganatic,I'm not seeking to befriend anyone around here.If you're intelligent you don't attract many fans in the inbred population of the Illawarra.There's not much I can do if some redkneck wants to attack me in the street.It's certainly not my plan to assault anyone but you've got to understand that some of these prick's siblings are their parents.

 People want to teach me about 'reality' but all their reality amounts to is mediocrity and depression.I will never really gain anything by listening to you.38 years old believe it or not isn't time to wind things up and retire.You really must be a lame fuck aswell.Quit stalking my family as I am in e-mail contact with the NSW Police Commisioner.

  I guess I'll apologise to this insane stupid prick.I know I'm not perfect and you give yourself the best chance of staying out of gaol if you practice Peace.It's true that those who live by the sword will die by the sword.I'll get pissed today on beer as sobriety isn't a get out of gaol free card either.

My neighbour is a mentally ill pensioner married to a pig dog.If he steps onto my property or speaks to my wife I'm going to call the Police.I'm not going to hit the gecko,just raise his blood pressure till he has a heart attack.Cunts like that definiely aren't worth assaulting and then going to jail over.

I'm going to be famous and I'll be tempted with the pleasures of the flesh and I'll probably fail the test.Institutions around the world are nepotistic and their employees don't understand their job requirements.I'm not stupid and I don't think I would succeed in Politics because my colleagues would be corrupt,unintelligent and unkind deadshits.

The Christians have judged me oncemore,which requires me to concentrate lest I succumb to their basic intelligence and actualise something negative.Don't trust him around children because they're self-righteous about their God given right to molest.Their jealousy has turned to envy and I'm watching them closely.

People are mentally ill because the Government has no vision and doesn't stand for anything.People who are satisfied believe that the Lip Service of Politicians is actually a commitment to do something about existing problems or shortcomings in society.You're all feeding off me like a Vampire and yet this cadaver of mine still has the strength to turn to you and say 'A Dingo will take your baby.'

  My Art reflects something about me that's positive it's because he was Anakin Skywalker before he became Vader.

  I feel like I'm being way to spongelike when it comes to completely erroneous messages the media is shamelessly pumping out.Why is it that some Australians are obsessed with describing their nationality to me? FUCKING BORING CUNTS.

  She always thought I came from the wrong side of the tracks,so when we were over she got kicked into the gutter by Jocks.

  Am I the only person left who can still get their Rocks off?

  There's more than one way to skin a rabbit.When creating Graphics it's often the case that their ridiculously peroqial file types don't include jpeg which you can overcome by displaying the Graphic in the stupid program and then capture it using a capture screen program which are available free on the net.

  Romancing the Stone' is a very funny film and it's true that when the going get's tough the tough get going however I don't seek to savour a process as much as some others,the end justifys the means.When your smegma drenched ego starts to drag you down just remember that there are many,many gifted people in the World.

Trying to use Google Sketchup but his computer seems to have malfunctioned.I don't agree that the media is fatally flawed however.PERSEVERE

  I'm installing a program.Waiting for the supermarket to open to buy tobacco.I'm beset as a consequence of communicating by advice that really is quite foolish.The alternative to the love nest is not for me a signicant entisement to catalyze an alternative to marital bliss.I'm thinking about buying an Iphone or an Ipad or a Graphics tablet.

  Seeing Darkness but falling into a hole.Lessons of the oracle are motion.I'll run with the notion that it'll be safe.

  I am not an island and cannot escape mediocrity despite my best behaviour.He doesn't even have the class to speak English half decently.He's a cross between Geoffrey Darma and Timothy Mcvey.He likes to fuck guys and then eat them and blow up day care centres.You're happy because you're a Dickhead and good deeds aren't rewarded.

Aussies think it's funny when they use language like "I come good' or 'I done training.'It's not funny mate,your extreme lack of education has to be contrassed with my commitment to intelligence and integrity.They're aggressive towards me because their simple minds are intuitively telling them that there's something wrong with fucking underage down syndrome women.

 MAD MURDERER MUSIC:It requires much listening in order to appreciate it's originality.It is full of positivity whilst being Non-religious.

 My music is meant to appeal to children of the 70's and not to uneducated 16 year old sluts who think Usher and Justin Beiber are talented.It requires and merits a lot of listening to appreciate it's originality.It's influences range from Neil Young,Iggy Pop and the Stooges,Pink Floyd,Warren Zevon and The Beatles.Never give up your Rock.

  I don't like Blacks like Jay Z,Lil Kim,Usher or Puff Daddy,I like Blacks like Jimi Hendrix,Chuck Berry,Bob Marley and Aretha Franklin.Suck on my big cock you filthy generation Y and Z loosers.

Anthems of a psycho.Music is  still a major part of my life.I've also published my own.

Some people really dig it,It's been said that it's not music.I think it's very underproduced but at least it has potential and it's also very spontaneous like the early work of Elvis Presley or Johhny Cash at Chess Records.

They're so far up themselves because of their HSC mark that they actually think that I'd agree that I'm Jesus.The diagnosis is because I fucked the whore and aborted your half-brother.I'm not Blasphemous just the Thief who was crucified next to him.I've always believed that the primary function of Thieves is backstabbing.You dropped your loads but don't send em round for money.

The media is trying to assasinate Obama using subliminal images.You defrocked me and you will meet an evil end.

One of my greatest fears is that I will become a leader and ignore Australia's civilised practice of human rights.My enemies like me the same way the Allies liked Rommell but I would prefer for them to support me lest I repeat some Historical ugliness.Don't be a right wing racist mate because it's not right and my power isn't as yet an Also-ran story.

The media think that every creative aspirant needs to be treated like a fucking 'Idol' nerd.I hate you Guy Sebastian and I hate your lame characterless shit music.You're a fucking nerd and if there's a precadent for my behaviour it's The Sex Pistols and The Who.I'm better than news and current affairs automaton aswell.

I think it's very dangerous if you agrandise people from the Western suburbs and give them a voice because they're very stupid,they're nerds,they have nothing worthwhile to say and yet they're vocal and for all the money in the world I'm not sucking up to their pathetic attempts at quality entertainment.You're a fucken simpleton and have no potential to make good Rock at all.Bon Scott wants to piss and shit on you.

Beautiful and or famous women have a Schizophrenic agenda when it comes to whether or not they will gratify the advances of Tom Jones.On the one hand they like him to suffer unrequited love and on the other they know that they may waste his Roman looks because you've gotta try before you buy.It's a fallacy that Eugenically correct men have small ambitions.

Don't listen to Ellen Degenerate,she's a horrible fucking Dyke and should be ankle tagged because she's going to hang around playgrounds.

  Tom is getting Drunk.Famous nobodys have popped up telling me that they've arrived.When did Hitler decide that he was a cabaret act?HIV

Those were the days,nubiles would flee downtown to the Exchange Hotel seeking sanctuary in a 'Safe Place.'I used to introduce myself as Patrick Bateman AKA American Psycho or else Ahard....Ahard Johnson.Criptic oneliners are understood strangely by the dumbest broads the late Eighties could conjure.Before I took too much,like Lou Reed said 'all those drugs we took sure was fun.'

  Part of the appeal of Social Networking has to be the appeal of a community of opinions different to the one way lecture we receive at the hands of the media.Their inferance is always 'all that matters is to be rich.'Who gives a fuck if you have to mitigate your language and behaviour in order to achieve a G rating.Fucking not doing it.

Feeling quite flat tonight.Hopefully getting off my face on Port will provide inspiration of the demented kind.

I dispute that I'm famous for being famous,more like I'm infamous for being a purveyor of fine perspex toilet seats.Oh my originality may it rise to the top,his vestige is for ablutions and after eating five beef kebabs his God may indeed reward him and the flanders children but martydome isn't arrived at easily simple folk and thou must take your place at the font of presents.

  Self belief is an important quality but one shouldn't over-do an effort to play a safe game.Tell them to get stuffed

Do Aussie icons have an appreciation that we live in a world of significant import and culture beyond Fatty on the Footy Show?;Probably not.From my experience on Myspace there are still a lot of well read intelligent people out there but do they feel abject misery like I do when faced with the basic intelligence that is prevailing in society contemporaneously?

  The seed of doubt has been planted in my mind.If I know their assertion to be fallacious please soul overcome it.

Tony Abbott wants to send Aborigines to the mines to work and a lot of people agree.I've got a great idea aswell,kick your child's head in and throw it in a manure spreader.Your lack of intelligence is such that one day you may have to answer to humanity especially if it is in the form of a Jimmy Blacksmith.White skin doesn't stop bullets or endear me to you,you pathetic dunce.

  Why is life so strict if one is to be successful?Are the full gammet of jobs out there work?

   It's great to be married.It's a cliche that it's important to have made mistakes in life and learn from them,still I don't do well in deep water necessarily.I've given life a red hot go but putting my best foot forward 100% of the time isn't the destiny of Orestes(The King who can only help others and not himself.)WAITING AT A TRAFFIC LIGHT

The reprieved actor should at his first stage seek anonimity and space in which to let go of obsessive ambition and become a child once more. .I am a digital man.I think I've changed the tenure of the internet towards proper spelling and philosophy.

Despite his noble intentions the fool reacts to a problem expending energy on a failed experiment whilst the wise man hesitates and although he suffers the same defeat inevitable in life he is praised for his circumspect outlook.Sometimes I am wrong.I am going to be a Rock Star which is weird because I already am.

.If man is made in the image of God perhaps it's a fallacy that he sees all.My Athiesm is cultural novella.

  Something or someone is trying to have me capped.There are those who are afraid of their freedom and so they become a Flanders.Threats from passive aggressives are when you've found an alternative to their Masterplan.Epicureans believe in having a good time in the spirit of gratitude,will get pissed.

Was Jesus a Jew or a Christian?Was Luther a Catholic or a Protestant?I guess the assertion is one of humanism but the premise that Christ provided free will to mankind is quite incongorous.Also is God a Christian?The trinity explains God in man.If it was God who gave the commandments to Moses he must have changed his mind when it came to the contempories of Jesus.

 Why don't Jews believe in ressurection?There are more than one type of Cleric on Earth so therefore we can understand the class of Jesus was that of a Cleric whereas that of Jews is a Druid.Jesus' conception was immaculate which suggests approbation of sex.I conclude that it is an anti-semitic slur to claim that Jesus was a Jew and the activity of Christians is indellibly anti-semitic.

  What it means is that I do no service to the Jews by encouraging them in their defiance of Islam.They should surrender.

'The internet is a gimic',so they assert because of it's nihilism when compared to the industrial and natural living this country offers.What it's really all about is sex.People are striving to be a Judas because of their eroneous fear of beauty.Like a rejected child the internet is a problem.Do you agree with modernity?

  There are those whose egotistical belief in their own self worth is such that we are poles apart and I may not be Brad Pitt anymore,just the characters he depicts.Satisfaction can put a man in complete nothingness whereas I have already graced the stage and know how to project my voice in a room.With the aid of psycotrophic medication I will do my swansong well.FUCKING IDIOT

I don't have any problem with surviving your excesses of sucking your own cock mate.

  I know it's facetious but my work as Provost Marshall dates back to 1999.Highlights include Timor-Leste,Dampening popular sentiment for military intervention over West Papua,criticism of Racist Journalists particularly during Hurricane Katrina,Deployment of Army Blackhawks in Sydney during international events and appointment of General Cosgrove in Innisvail Disaster effort.

Also stemming the impetus of the media to accelerate Nato into a war with Russia over South Osetia,the appointments of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard,action by John Howard to intervene in indigenous child abuse situations,forcing John Howard's hand in saving old growth forest in Tasmania and Government attempts at amnesty for Schappelle Corby.

.The concept that Muslims don't respect women is a very eurocentric view.One of their chief claims is that it is chivalric to attach a sense of purity or chastity to women in their various protocols including the wearing of the hijab.They approbate homosexuality because it presents an alternative for men other than loving women.

  I suppose today I'll record some more spoken poetry to upload to my site.Smartyhost increased my storage to five gigabytes which is quite huge for my purposes.It's more expensive which my wife doesn't like.I've worked all night on the computer again...will fame rip me apart?      Cop dramas creep me out.I rang the Office of the Foreign Minister to say we should give assistance to New Zealand

  Is Facebook something to do with 'Saving Face.'That's a bastard of an unecessary Asian preoccupation.I haven't hurt anyone signifigantly enough to bother starting with that anyway.

  Why does Australia need a President?Do we really need to be patronised by some elitist and end up hating his guts anyway.

  I'm adding African world music to my collection.

 Culture and the embellishment of an Australian family is the hardheadedness I shall use as an insight for my fellow countrymen to digest.I think as Australians we've been conditioned to always accept second best when it comes to our National identity.

  I'm currently watching a projection of my desktop by connecting a Laptop to a projector using an S-Video cable.I want to buy an optical mouse but do not know if you can use a wireless keyboard on a laptop?Contemporaneously I have 4 computers or 5 if you include the wall.I project onto.I also have foxtel in two rooms.   Why do Christians seek to force their religion on others?They're trying to actualise the end of the world.

  I think computer technology is such that there is much work to do with a computer.

Temperance pours me a glass of Beaujalais offering me a resolution to feel the Spring warmth and how much money I might make is denyed me which wrankles but I accept the wisdom of it.Going Professional might bring the deplorable luck of a Marlon or an Enerst.

  Singular ownership of Jereusalem is the goal of some Jews,Christians and Muslims.It's a stupid con.

I don't hate my life so much that I want to forfet it in an armagedon on the off chance that I will go to heaven.It's a fucking suicide cult.

 The Cricket betting scandal,it just vindicates my point that they're all just overpaid scabs.

 That's probably what it's all about,stigma and jealousy over the soulful love making of my youth.Every jacobite insect in the world is up in arms when a Hotentot walks the talk and fucks your daughter in her parent's bed beneath the family photos.Do you know what you've spent your life doing?...Worrying about going to hell when you only have to be good on your deathbed.

 "Gonna Have a good Time Tonight.'Here's to Stevie Wright rocked too hard for rock to handle,like faggots such as Aaron.

Sometimes due to the shared experience of humanity Classic rock tunes can seem biographical of your own life.For me it's Pink Floyd and Jim Morrison.Charles Manson thought the White Album by the Beatles was about him but don't worry I'm not planning on doing any serial killing,eating puppies is at far as it goes.

  I've still got things to say.Here's a good joke for you;Fred Nile's staff only look at porn for the purposes of research.

 .I hate self-effacing,you've gotta maintain your dignity.There's 4 billion people on Earth and not all of them can be rich.

  I think my artwork would sell even better were I to get it painted unto canvas or wood in the range of 3m x 3m or so.I could also sell it to companies seeking icons.Many of my works do indeed look good in minature.Wifey didn't let me buy beer but when the cat's away the mice do play.Will get pissed today.

Most of my friends on Myspace are Americans.No doubt Australians are very strange to foreigners.We're unreserved

My wife and I are deciding where we'll go for Christmas.I was thinking of Byron Bay but it's a long way and not necessarily serene.Might be better off going South.It's probably cheaper and we could take the car.I'm already a lazy person so I don't want anything volatile

  My poetry is different in that it reflects on unrequited love and the tortured soul.

   Some people certainly are more pragmatic than me and yet I am the enemy of generic intelligence

I'm doing my best to wriggle out of the shackles.Did it satiate your need to project mediocrity and below average intelligence when you heard I had been diagnosed with schizophrenia?You've struggled your whole life with intelectualism and this is your great chance to exclaim 'if I don't understand it it must be garbage.'

Don't be a Mark Chapman.Don't attempt to be superior because you're suffering from the same imaturity you did in High School.It's high time you stopped calling gentlemen 'gayboy' because I think it highlights your insecurity about your sexuality.You haven't changed since High School and you've got no decorum.

Why do some people seek to establish that I am the same as them?It comes down to the controversialness of what is legiimate creativity.I'm inspired by the Moderns rather than the Post-Moderns.If this 'sameness' were true the cynics would succeed in making everything grey.The meaning of Art is escape,escape from the ugliness of reality.

Will go to the shops to buy cigarettes,beer and something to cook for dinner.Thankgod the weekend approahes.

 I've got two personalities.They take turns at leading each other and both are blind.

  I've been pressured to keep my mouth shut.Fuck that I'm not abiding censorship from jealous has beens who are threatened by intelligence.1970 was far more radical than 2010 which is a sad biproduct of increasingly money driven society.Countless diggers fought and died for free speech.They're just scared of what my articulation reveals about their exploitation and shortcomings.

It's not as if I'm running for Priminister.I have a story to tell because indeed my life's not perfect and never has been.Like Uncle Kracker said 'I'm no stranger to shame.'No really sinister secrets in my life.My dark side is public and there are worse things you can be than crazy.

I've undergone an Alignment change from Chaotic Neutral to Lawful Good.This pissed off some diety or other and I'm now cursed being perpetually misunderstood by most people I come across.Also I'm prone to speaking my Alignment language which really pisses off those of a different alignment.I need a fucking good wish spell to justify my unique circumstances.

  It's part of my Artistic process to eat well.I need the iron to my brain to pursue opportunities with digital media.A counsellor told me computer work is a solitary occupation,a friend of mine said the lewd content of the net accounts for this technology being the gift of the devil.I've been approached by some women to start a relationship,thankfully can't get into any trouble in Dapto.

Like Fleetwood Mac said 'don't stop thinking about tommorrow.'A fucking Thrasymachus has spoken to me,I guess absurd behaviours are required to titilate the humour of our boy God with his sardonic sense of humour.I'm a fool for spending money like I do.I think I'll apply for a new credit card.

 .Don't be so focused on your genital because right now you've got it in my face.At least I wasn't a nerd in High School.Once a nerd always a nerd especially if you have a darkside like John Howard.Conservatives want to climb on and prematurely ejaculate.I don't want to wife swap either because your's is a dog.

  I'm existing in two dimensions concurrantly,one is hell and the other Earth seeking to ascend into Heaven.People who make decisions on the basis of fallacious belief in God are delusional and dangerous.These fucking arseholes are convinced the world's going to end.Tell it to your child jerk.

  I once worked as a steward for about nine months.It was a hard job replete with being a dog's body and physically taxing and mentally excrutiatingly boring.It paid quite well though and I would have stayed there if it hadn't been for bullying I received from an arsehole superviser.In the end this hotel went broke.KARMA

  I like the cynicism of ACDC.They're right when they tell me that my endeavours have a snow flake's chance in hell of amounting to anything.I'm the same as I was twenty years ago so the outcome will be the same.Pink Floyd concour...all that you touch and all that you see is all you'll ever be.

.Yeah if they want my support why doesn't the Government just double my pension.They penalise us when we work and it's not as if they can't afford it.No doubt Packer earns untold amounts per second compared to what I get a fortnight.These cunts are wasting my life.

  I started studying education in the areas of History and English.I would have made a woeful English teacher.

It's still quite early for a quol such as myself.It's also fucking cold even though it's Spring.The most precious thing to me other than love is conviction.They encourage each other.Crying that it isn't fair won't cut it and it is an appaling state of affairs that I don't have enough money.

  One can't work 100% of the time because it becomes obsessive.I'll take some time out to play a computer game.RELAX

  I think the fact that free to air Television late night is all about American infomercials really is a disgrace.Could anyone watch this shit and be entertained?The media need a good kick up the arse.America really appeals to low IQ,lower class faggots with no insight like Aaron.

I think tommorrow I will write a poem and create some Artwork to accompany it.I like multi-media.

  I'd like to buy a big flat screen monitor but sadly don't have enough money,anyway I have enough equipment ranging from books to digital technology to keep me sharp and busy.Society attacks my blindspot by making ridiculous assertions which are so stupid I am in danger of missing them.

  Computer games don't really interest me,I find it nihilistic.I'm intereted in graphics.

 I can't re-install Windows XP on my computer using the installation CD because the CD rom drive is cactus.I wonder if I copy the Cd contents to an external USB drive could I install from that.....I'm in a fucking vortex.

My so dirty you could catch cholera off it.When I absconded from a community treatment order in Sydney I found myself asking a barmaid 'why isn't beer free?'I kept on thinking to myself or at least being paranoid that things actually were free.What does Freud say about that?

  .I think Osama is dead.There are those who would like a return to the supposed order of the 1960's when white supremacy was more the norm but actually I asked my Mum what the 1960's were like and she said they were very violent.Therefore is that sort of conservative thought really as infallible as it claims to be?I think we should be compassionate.

  Meat,it's very good for the health of the brain.PROTEIN.

 .I'm uploading to my website hosted by Smartyhost.I use Bullet Proof FTP.There's a lot I'd like to learn about computers and would definitely consider studying Computer Science.I'm also interested in Politics and Graphic Art.I've fulfilled a lot of the requirements to be accepted into Graphic Art at Wollongong University,sick of trying though.

  I'm ripping Cd's using media player.I've worked all afternoon on the computer and ha ha time is on my side and wifey will be home soon.

 My computer is being a pig.I had to rebuild after I crashed it,had to boot from CD using the operating installation CD.I'd thrown out a CD with display drivers so had to download them from the net.It's a pretty good build but don't have drivers for a video and multimedia controller.I've also got a problem with a CD drive.I'm not sure if it's a hardware error or a driver issue.I just don't have enough money to keep up with all my electronics failures.

I've got more artwork to upload to Myspace and Facebook.May work on some images today,I think as an Artist and Musician the most important thing to do is just work.Considerations about money should be regarded as superficial.

Contemporaneously our leaders act like 'Yes' men without any vision less they disturb the status quo.

  As I am a schizophrenic there are wicked people who rather than describe a negative trait associated with my illness actually suggest such a thing.Which is best,to be absorbed in passion or to seek money?I think the latter because therein lies the benevolence of security for one's family and their wellbeing should be the major concern of any human being.

My sync with Myspace doesn't seem to be working which gives me the shits,I'll check my privacy settings.

  I think some aspects of my sites can present problems with some people's security settings.I'll have to look into that.

  Sanity may not be to accept resolution.This is a world full of injustice and surely the sane will seek restitution for themselves.I'm happy if I die with my boots on.I have plenty of enemies and that could be you too.You think God is a reflection of you which I dispute because by definition God must be the most intelligent entity in the Universe little man.

I like having a death wish,it's better than just feeling emptiness.The world's full of jailbait and human shields taunting me to assault them.I wish we could have a cease fire on obnoxious pricks getting in your face.If I like to Rock out and get pissed everyday appreciate my epicurean dedication.

.I need a drink again.The wife is insisting that I slow up on the spending but it's an obvious way to harm penny pinchers.Why make life a stagnant,dull place.Fucking Taurians they need a kick up the butt

  Like Billy Idol says,look into the Evil eye again;that's where the inspiration is.I've made quite a number of friends on Myspace who are porn actresses.It's funny that the most searched term on the internet is still 'porn'.Contemporaneously a lot of people meet on the net,I prefer to live in abject misery;it's called marriage.

.Occaisonly I don't mind a bit of Old school Gangster Rap.I like it because it's evil,drug infused and recalsitrant.Feasting on Ice Cream at the moment,when am I going to change my wicked ways?I need to check how many hits my website has been getting,that's the problem with the internet it often caters to items of a humorous rather than serious nature.

It's hard for me to take R&B but I'm getting into it on the basis that it's conceptual,the concept being that Americans have something to say.What if Jesus returned and said 'look at this bullshit the Christian civilisation turned into,I'm not abiding any of the crap I once believed;let these demented human beings perpetuate their evil destructions I'm going to exercise splendid isolationism.'

 My intuition tells me Motherfuckers are throwing me a crooked deal,have to work some actualisation towards positivity.Monday approaches and I'm still broke but don't forget to use your resources,I've got a lot of download space left on my internet plan so will get busy.

.To drink the wife's wine or not to drink the wife's wine,that isn't even a question!I don't like video clips not disimilar to Mark Knophler.I feel that it ditracts from the music.The worst clips are R&B with their usual plethora of voluptuos women acting like crack whores.That record companies control the hit charts is also wrong.

.I don't know if I can work more on Facebook and Myspace after last night.I'd appreciate some feedback on the music I've recorded at Mad Murderer Music.One thing in my defense regarding my web enterprises,I haven't spent more than $1000 on it since 2001.Obsessions are OK until you start spending unecesary amounts of money on them.

 .I'm going to see if I can get an Iphone.Technology requires one to stay up to date to an extent if one is to remain valid.I heard about an App that can listen to a played song on the radio for instance and identify the artist,song title and Albulm.I find this quite incredible and useful too.

 .Original Punk Rock,so much more generous than the introspective,self-important Indie shit that we hear contemporaneously.My very controversial activities in Java tend to orientate me towards Rock bands with a true appreciation of adrenalin.I have a question for the media;is a journey to Mars that of an astronaught or an act of genocide?LUCIFER STAR OF THE DAWN.

. The only solution is to look at her hands Clark Gable style:'frankly my dear I don't give a damn.'Fuck I am so bored of being responsible.I want to burn this one horse town to the ground.

  It's morning,it's cold and it's stupidly sobre.I'll comfort eat my way out of this bullshit.Ethnic people can be more racsist than white people,they learnt their place during colonialsim.Poetry:we look to Persephone,as she returns to the Underworld.Wait until Spring as women descry I am not a man.She sees his lashes as the Man sleeps,she washes and clothes what is merely his inner child.

  Don't you think there are a lot of desperate chicks out there when we reach this age?It's the tyrany of the body clock.I can't have em because of my vowes but they've also normally got a 'bad record card.'Like my friend Brendan says 'it's better to be the golden egg than it is the golden goose.'Go out bitch and earn your fortune,it's a free country.

  Hoorah it's dawn.Sat up all night getting pissed.Time now for some Papillon techniques like imbuing the Javanese atmosphere on a metabiological level towards being just another coolie hangin' around pleased with our freedom we fought the white man in order to call our own.If they're not taking me literally it's just about the jaded deviat who lives in another dimension getting permeated by all the porn I delete.

.Andrew is doing exercise every day whilst I'm lost in an unhealthy misery of middle age.I don't have enthusiasm for physicality.In High School Jake used to say I liked Russian boys..

   I've known a few sets of twins in my time,they've got a good sense of humour.You'd be inclined to be social too if your first nine months were spent incubating in the same small's lovely.I like watching births which at times can be confronting but Mid-wives and Birthing Doctors perform such an intense and at the same time important function.Women yet to be a Mother should watch 'One born Every Minute' on SBS.A bit of preparation towards embracing pain.

.Capitalism works when you sell what you love.Either sell out or get used to being poor.Is there any room to have your cake and eat it too?It's true that I'll make it one day but what the fuck does that mean?I've been busy most of my life working as hard as I could at menial jobs.My train of thought is often insightful at night and then I sleep and forget everything.

 My need for more money is good if it isn't satiated because that's Bipolar.Just a fucken poor boy and the butt of jokes.I've made a very simple program on disc using Powerpoint.

  I've got a whole library of books I haven't read yet.What's the point in making money if you're not allowed to enjoy it?

.Body Art is more original than any enterprise based on ascetics.In some ways there's a sense of justice in the futility of my enterprise because in my life I haven't been a stranger to money.The product I can take to market would include digital photo frames displaying my portfolio and framed hard copy artwork aswell as men's rings for which I have a good source.

They say necessity is the Mother of all invention.I guess I suffer from a disability being apathy but what surprises you about that when this country isn't exactly high brow.Some problems I can overcome however and this is at the crux of the problem,I'm suffering from an inclination to put up my hand rather than drive to market my product.PLEASE HELP.

Australian Governments have for years eroded any logical reason to try.

 People sometimes suggest business ventures involving furniture manufacture,It's possible but I don't necesarily want to go into competition with my Father.Orestes is a King in the ilk of Prometheus and therefore the gates of Dacau are opened and in triumph Jews build Israel.

  You think I'm a piss-ant but I think it's better to give to Charity than eat dog-shit on youtube.I'm no candle in the wind and I think that right-wing assertions about 'self' are a very transperant disguise for the fact that you want to suck a very huge meat.My God I have piss that I haven't drunk yet,that's not like me...TOM IS GETTING PISSED

  They want me to sell out everyone who cares or has sacrificed for me so I can get to the top and go around saying 'people just don't understand when you're talented....IT"S A FUCKING CLICHE YOU FUCKING CUNT.

.Selfish cunts don't appreciate what I sacrifice on a daily basis.It's their own fucking fault if I grow cold.I'm not a fucking prostitute either.It's pig ignorance satiated with the Capitalist dream.Fucking peasants doing their best to make my life more complicated than it already is.Tell it to someone who cares bitch.

.I heard the John Butler Trio's new single.They've fucken sold out and done an R and B track.What's required for a bitch to have manners?My charisma is based on wealth which Bon sings about in 'It's a long way to the Top.'If I don't donate to charity soon God is going to flush my enterprise down the toilet.I'll get on to it.

  The Liberal Party are stalking me because I know they're into solutions.I've always endorsed the various ways of the prole,so put on a happy face and drink a case of piss.I'm a winner but sometimes I feel depression so intensely that I can't even stand.I'm aware that as Australians we truly deserve this carefree indulgence.What chance do I have of being someone in a world context?...fuck all.

 I'm a bad man....I kicked em to the curb when they put their excrement on a canvas.Generation Y aint paid their dues.I need to buy a riding crop just to carry it around and point it at people.

 Because my brain can actualise outcomes not disimilar to your own capacity fuckwits are trying to hypnotise us....I need Amyl Nitrate but as far as I know it's not sold in Wollongong.I find Sydney to be a cold and callous place especially if I'm there on my own.

   Why do chicks want to have an affair with me?I'm a defunct cunt and I'm struggling not to drown in a sea of infamy.

   Meditate on Nature.I don't come cheap.Don't need no home wrecker.I have to give up smoking.If I cut down and spend more time reading I might just hold on to all that I have.Being broke sucks and fate doesn't accept any excuse.Fuckwits are telling me it's all about Dostoevsky.No I'm gonna get Ken Kesey juice happening...fuck I need a drink.The enemy is the 1970's mentality.

  .Female voices in Rock can really appeal to me such as Bonnie Tyler,Kim Carnes and Donna Summers for instance.Why doesn't it occur to practising Christians that they're an oxy moron should they believe that sex is a dirty secret rather than something which a God could never condemn as from this we achieve new life..

I have to take my psychiatric medication because I know you want to rape my wife but don't forget your children are a liability mate.The election resulted in a hung Parliament but it should have been a hanged Parliament.They call em birds because they're quite irational in their behaviours.I have arrived oncemore at infamy.

 Who looses in Tom's Musical Chairs of Death Game?Find empathy my friends and do it earnestly,seriously and quickly.God doesn't need any self-interested cunts hanging around anymore.

 The reason for the Halfling.Their cowardice when faced with my dour rhetoric can also result in my overextending the breach and being routed.Were one to assasinate Tony Abbott I think the consequence would be the fate of Lee Harvey Oswald.I have arrived at infamy once more.Another solution when seated at the Seige Perilous drinking from the Grail is to work one's way out of culpibility.My scanner needs a workout as does my social networking.There are those that High School created within them the misguided belief that I'm a genius.Just a baby trying to eat his way out of a truck load of dead babies.

.To fuck the head up or not to fuck the head up,that is the question.Black Orpheus was so absorbed in writing poetry that his wife was taken from him by Hades.There's no time like the present and of course my dilema is not enough money.I think I should re-finance some more debt.

...If I'm wrong try to explain away Dionysius.I think your simple Christian mind is a control freak that seeks ownership.Where is the sensuality in a huge number on your ATM screen.Jamie Packer can't drink anymore than I can.This world of ours is a Church and her vagina is a portal through which Jesus also travelled through with hardship.Rediscover the validity of depth.

  .Maybe I would have made a good Barrister but is it the role of an Australian Priminister to uphold justice?They sure as hell by example don't give a fuck about it.I'm a Great Artist but don't spend anywhere near enough time on the casting couch sucking cocks to ever enter into that perverse and weak scene called the Art World.

.If you vote for the Liberals you're therefore a fucking idiot because they want to reduce take home pay to make Australia more competitive with India and China.I believe in an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.Abbott wants to revisit the early days of the Industrial Revolution when children went down mines,strong nations but deplorable lives for the working class.

   People became somewhat bored of my successes because it was a broken record called win.Some people think that the problem with me is that I win even when I'm wrong.The key to rhetoric is Anarchy of the mind.Chase down the weak bitch like my Grandfather ran down Japs with his 303.Mrs Hardmen was integral in our Debating success.So good that North Sydney Girl's High poached her.

 .I could make money as an entrepreneur.My artwork was selling in my Father's furniture shop but when the stock ran out I just couldn't be bothered replacing it.At present I'm very much enemy No 1 of redknecks and The Liberal Party.I'm in contact with Scipinoe however because despite your fucking ridiculous fantasies you still can't break the law regarding me or my family.

.Learn to say no to patronising offers of making the big time.I've been a star for long enough to know it's a fucking cliche.Sexual sadists savour the opportunity of laughing at my self destruction.If your victories were mine they still wouldn't mean that much to me.

 I refinanced my loan and paid off both my credit cards,kept one with $3000 credit;spent it on an awesome holiday.Now I've returned to Australia and pay bills by credit into the card and then pay the bill which also pays my minimum repayments and all the while my personal loan is diminishing and eventually I'll refinance it again,pay off the card again and go another holiday again without having lifted a finger.

The key to it is maxing out the credit card and allowing the personal loan to diminish which is easy because you can't acrue credit on a personal may seem expensive but it eliminates temptation and is psycologically advantageous because you don't have to find the minimum repayment every month....FINANCIAL SYSTEMS OF THE BLUDGER

It might seem quite simplistic but I'm punching above my weight and it allows me to go on overseas holiday every year.

That's another reason I can maintain my Rock Star poo factories.

Despite the general histeria about credit,it's increased my wealth and standard of living markedly and I thank Westpac for it.

Do you spend odious amounts of time deciding whether to buy something?I was always told by my multi-millionaire Father to treat it with disdain.If I have $1,000,000 I'll spend $200,000 on a piece of jewelry for my wife without even thinking about it.Like Elvis said 'don't stop shopping around' and 'get out your lead trainer.'Fucking tightarse cunts.

.English people like me because most Australian's like fucking the date,they have no honour and they won't fight for the Queen.I have a new song for ya;'I am the Lord of the Manor and I hate your fucking guts.Fuck all the women and kill all the men,go to the village and do it again.'

 Yeah but my Stepather's and Mum's home remains a happy family,worth not destroying.My Mother is admired by people because she stuck to her dream and built an architecurally inspired house in Tasmania.It's not a French Provincial Home it's A French Hugenot home.

.I'm enemy no 1 to the Government because they can never absolutely beat me because I love my wife unconditionaly.I've been married for twelve years and I know how to stay married.Julia Gillard is a cunt and a horrible dirty slut but I'll still vote Labor.I'm a good wife.

That's what Australian society is;a divorce maker.To stay married to a beautiful woman it takes a shit load of strength and the cunning of a Tobruk Rat.I fight to the death you politically correct yeast infected cunt.Now that I wear my Javanese atire it's going to be even harder for ya fucken scab.

 Yeah but when it comes down to it I have no fear of hand to hand combat either.My life is war and I'm battle hardened.

 Other beautiful women?After the honeymoon period it's the same thing bitch.Like the original modern women I'm not running away from it.

 People would think I had a problem if I chased skirt and people think I have a problem because I don't.At least I have my pride even if sometimes I have to swallow it.

  Stop saying you're a human being,we don't say that in the Special Air Service.

Throw everything at me ya yellow wranger cause you're going to get hurt.

 I'm still writing a new song it goes like this:' I hope I hurt feelings and I hope I fucked your lives

That's not what your Mum said,she's a dirty fucken whore'

Inspired hey!

 It's not a popularity contest though Lesbian I'm an Australian political prisoner from the Big Brother re-education camp.You know why they call you a Dyke,because you've got a dry cunt.

 Yes I do have a wife and it's also on the public record that I have a problem because I deploy extreme violence.I'm going to cut your cunt out and make you eat it and I've seen that before aswell...consequences and ramifications.

 What's a French Hugenot house?Built by French Protesant's post the Remormation in the sixteenth century and therefore partly Germanic and partly French.It's why the Caramel mud cake is better than the chocolate cake.Don't fuck around with me,I'm a fucking King.

 No I'm talking about my parent's house in Tasmania.A house isn't supposed to be built to look at,a house is built to live in.

 Why do I wear Javanese atire?I learnt it at the front.

 A lot of people are very angry about this outcome because they know that you're a piece of shit in comparison to me.

.Cunt's say 'yeah we've seen him do some hard yards...'Mate you haven't seen anything,I was at my peak of work capability between 1985 and 1994,long before you came on the scene mate.My Father told me the most important thing was to work your guts out and I foolishly believed him.

Actually most of my working life I've done the hardest labor in Sydney struggling with Mental Illness and Diabetes.In my prime work was effortless.There wasn't a cunt I couldn't work harder than except of course for Sir Darren of Kiama.

 Working as a farm Labourer as I told em on 2GB;you look out at the rainforest and you think this place is idylic and yet you feel like absolute shit.You can understand why convicts in paradise threw themselves off cliffs.I have often marvelled at the Illawarra and we've been her since 1983 because this hard land was cleared by hand.

You don't think that that was hard.Those people were lucky if they reached sixty.The illawarra is quite old.My family had a farmhouse that was built early in the Nineteenth century.Therefore you're a ranger and you've got a suburban symbiotic relationship with hard people.Dapto spastics aren't permitted to enter my property physically or mentally.

That's the thing about wog's mate,as much as my Grandfather had his socks pulled up to his knees and hated the dago they're insightful enough to have ascertained a lot about the history and nature of the country they have found themselves in.It's not for me to respect that.They built a lot of Australia's infrastructure including the Snowy Mountain's scheme.They knew that we used to be a hard land and a hard people.

It's no sin to appreciate when people are good,I can see it.

 I'm not trying to curry favour with you but I won't prevent you from talking to me but I can't say that about all Australian's,I'm from an old family.

 My family served in Gallipoli at the age of fourteen in the AIF,were gassed on the Western Front and subsequently died,received nineteen wounds taking a hill on the Somme,suffered in PNG and served as a doctor in Timor but we can rarely talk to white Australian's because their character hasn't been pressure tested,they cry poor and they have no appreciation of the beauty of the outside world.Don't worry Anna I'm the historian.

Why do my family tell me everything exclusive of my siblings and cousins?It's just because I'm their only Hardy male.They're North's as was a British Priminister.

 But it's lucky to have a Hardy sword in your camp and my race isn't run yet.We have a book that absolutely traces our ancestry back to the early 1500's.We've been Knight's and we've been murder victims.I'll see you in hell or else I'll lease Clarendon for my Mother Louise into the 22nd Century.

 The stupid bitch didn't even know my surname.She's a Stewart,it's a very good English name redoubtable against any Stuart.Thank God I got away from know it's true Susan.

 My name is Thomas,my older cousin is Thomas and my younger cousin is Thomas.It's how the sisters hid the three musketeers from the wicked Cardinal.I am Portos the first to appreciate that and one day Aramis and Artos will appreciate that too...all for one and one for all.

 Schizophrenic's organise things by colour.I used to identify Sydneysiders by their Napoleonic blue and that was ironic because they very nearly were...La Perouse.

 My cats are apalled by your lack of decorum and sensibility.

 I hope they never read this but I did compare them to cats but not only that I compared them to abortions and not only that I compared them to abortions that I've done.What I said was regarding Australian chicks was that I used to go out with the Moggies but I kept on eating the cubs and so now I go out with the Burmese.

 So what if I'm an infanticidle Lion and like writing poetry about arbortions I've forced on my ex-girlfriends!There's no law against freedom of speech even if after weighing it in the balance she was only an orifice.

They've proved to me that it was the other way round.I admit defeat,I console myself with the tears that you cried and I didn't.

 No I've seen Elle's breasts in that movie about Sydney Nolan...FUCKING AWESOME but alas alack a woman's feelings for me are like AIDS.You are every woman Elle and I've got more than enough problems coping with one.

 I've held onto my marriage like a bitch but normally a bitch won't hang around for the beatings and degradation that I've copped luv.

Asian women are sweet mate and although it's a cliche when you marry them be prepared to awake the sleeping tiger.Mine's an entrepreneur but I got my house but it's not in my name so when she threatens to divorce me I just say 'Fuck Off then.'

My wife's a devout Catholic but to explain to you the sexual poltics of the majority of Javanese who are Muslim.They regard a prostitute or a good time girl as absolutely still being a Muslim woman whereas we think of prostitutes as trash.If she takes a Western man down that's one for the team.

I'm a Javanese man in a way too.I've been living with them for twenty years.They're solid mate and they're sly too.

White woman,your feelings regarding me only have somethig to do with me as far as your concerned.I can't physically produce enough semen to service you all.

Congratulations to Pakistan....Awesome.

Despite what you say mate I am never voting for those Liberal pricks mate.I won't accept the precious little boy,private school homo prejudices mate.I've just been speaking to Stephen Smith's office about how Indonesia is still feudal.I'll make a boss a profit but if it doesn't suit me I walk.

My problem politically is that I overestimate the intelligence of people around me.I was juniour public speaker,senior public speaker two years running,I won the Neal Gunther Shield,I was a State Council School representative and 80% of the Debating Team was just me.I just can't do anything with you.I need to put myself in a time capsule for a thousand years and come back when you're a bit more evolved.

I don't care if I sound imodest.Even if the truth hurts,you learnt things from me by sitting in the classroom five days a week for six years.In some ways thank God I went to a State School.

I now learn some things from you.A gentleman should go through life teaching and learning.

Certain Nazi elements in society are patronising to me because I told them that we were the first to put the red flag on the Reichstag and we also raped 300,000 of their women on the Eastern front.Skinhead's have become the servants of the Jew.

 I'm a Russian Pig,the man of steel.I used to have a wall of power with pictures of Lenin,Marx,Zuhkov,Gagaryn,Ho Chi Minh,Rosa Luxemburg,Trotsky,Molotov,Mao,Kruschev,Breshnev,Deng,Gorbachov,Sukarno,Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.People that know me said Tom Hardy in power....Papa Doc on a bad day.

 Another thing,why is prostitution ilegal?Selling is legal,fucking is legal and so why is selling fucking ilegal?

 What's the hair about bitch?Make sure you've got your fuck me pumps on.Les Paterson is my Political Mentor and Paul Hogan is my Spiritual Guru.I'm an Artist you know.I want to document the various Kingswoods I've seen in Java and do a photographic exhibition called Diggers...Behind Enemy Lines.

 Another one of my problems is that my old school friends know that I have political ambitions and they won't step aside because they don't want to admit certain things about themselves.Harold knew how to bow out and my plan is to have a scandal on a yacht in Sydney Harbour with tax payer funded excstacy and prostitutes...Classy.

Bludging it beats working and don't try and tell me otherwise gay predator.

No gay predator...don't tell me to resume digging holes,you haven't worked a day in your life prick.You have to learn to wipe your own arse darling.

I've worked for the Romonov's for a long time mate and they've dislcosed everything about their lives and I've never betrayed them and remained loyal but it leads me to think how many of those heads on the logies statues have been inserted up someone's arse.

Knowing Don Lane and the King,they probably looked at those statues and thought mmmmm this looks like a probe,that would go nicely up my arse.That'll teach those frumps and suits a lesson when I stick my logie up my arse....Argh

 It's after nine and that means the body is a temple so embellish it with as much alcohol and tobacco as I possibly can,get right off my head and confuse God....Angel Heartl

 Tom is listening to the Black Crowes.How did I get to be top dog at Normanhurst Boy's High School?...Subterfuge,Instigation and just plain lieing.Then I went on to study it at University with subjects like Renaissance and Reformation History,Epistemology and The Holocaust History and Causes.My favourite subject was English Neo-Platonism...May Julia Gillard indeed prove that she's a natural redhead.

Yeah but wars aren't won by fags from Vaucluse or Toorak mate.They're won by Labor men like Chifley,Hughes and Truman.However hard you try 'don't hurt me',doesn't cut it in fighting or war.

 .You can't always force your will if you're doing something which can be construde as illegal.Even if you're caught through the butterfly effect,it's the same crime as far as a cop is concerned.Either I'm a spy or I'm insane.But I don't ring ASIO's toll free number in Sydney to tell them that your Abo wife gave you the boot because she didn't like you fucking her up the arse.PETTY

 I did learn a few things I suppose.The Indonesian Government are spending a lot more money on military hardware.Balinese people have threatened Jakarta that they will suceed from the Indonesian Republic if they enforce an Anti-Pornography bill which would prevent imodest dress by tourists.Schappelle Corby wants to get pregnant via a Prison guard so that she can be transferred to Australian custody and the Indonesian economy will be in dire trouble in two years with the adoption of the South East Asian Free Trade Agreement.

 Aaron's new nickname is Backdoor Benny.And the bible bashing cunt was a skin head and whilst he was living in a warehouse in Surrey Hills,he fucked a Jew up the arse.He called me a 'Nigger Lover' Fuck off back the Coast with your kind.

 Brendan's fucking his way around the world again.I'm writing my third album.It's entitled 'Fucking Satan and Spewing in Asia.'Van Gough died for his intelligence but this time I've embedded a marine colt 45.It was imported into Australia for the express purpose of killing coons and it's pointed at your head.

 I've been listening to a Rolling Stones song where they sing 'Don't hurt me.'It's a bit faggotty.But I'm like my Stepfather we don't agree but it's your problem and not mine.I understand you're trying to teach your kid's right from wrong but I'm also from Normanhurst Boys High School and it may aswell been general population at Goulborn.I was top dog there too.

You have to decide whether you're going to send your kid's to school or not.By doing so you expose them to vast ignorance and they're like a Victorian era workhouse.I might home school my children.Don't get me wrong I know you love your children but your face looks like a combination of an arsehole and a Vulcan and I'm never going to follow you patsy.

 Psychiatrist's and Psychiatric nurses like to fuck their patients because they think it's kindness.I'm Charles IX and I wrote beautiful poetry as a child like Autumn leaves however after I spent nine months screaming at Indonesian's and psycologically torturing them they decided I was sadistic and dangerous.It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

They're trying to treat me like a new boy.I've got Pibaldism on my torso like Captain Ahad.It means that I'm dangerously obsessed.He denyed his son a family so he could go out and fuck sluts.Did I hurt your feelings?'I'm slowly writing a song,it goes 'I hope I hurt your feelings and I hope I fucked your lives.'IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE IRE ....Here's Johnny

 They think that I'm Jesus and I don't care about them.I can't worship myself you fucking idiot.I hold the crossed keys of Saint Peter and you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven ya ranger.My favourite things are listening to music,smoking,drinking,fucking,social networking,coffee and sleeping.It's A Long Way To The Top If You Want To Rock N Roll,even moreso if you're a little girl with delusions of grandeur.

 I've been running from the law and dipping into the Australian Treasury for so long that I've become a cop.My last reccy in Indonesia didn't reveal anything.I'm a fucking disgrace to MI6.I don't like not capitalising on oppurtunities.I was going take a translated defence option to give to the Foreign Ministry in Jakarta but I knew I was drawing heat.They indeed patted me down at Kingsford Smith.Don't force your will when you're philosophically wrong.

Humiliating Australian's is an Art Form.The Marquis dined on Bohemian pussy ever the while aware of his claim to the Divine Right.For those sanyasin acolytes of mine thou are best served with this;the hunter can become the hunted and pain is love.Australia is a Multi-Cultural,Egalitarian White Supremisit Country.Don't let them fool you Brother's and Sister's that there is no such thing as paradox.

 Yes it is and I want to share it with boat people aswell.

  I'm a Green and very much not.I don't think Australia should take the South African or the German path.I think we should take the path of Her Majesty.To relinquish is to endure.

 More will come.....SO WHAT.We're fighting a war in their country and we had the decency to accept Vietnamese boat people in the 1970's as a consequence of our actions.Get fucked little man.

 Tom is watching MasterChef.I'm dissapointed in the final three.A Jap,a Lawyer and a Punk.I don't like the Governor General either.She told the English that we'll be a Republic.She's done nothing to inspire Australian's and worst of all she doesn't ride.I don't want a Republic because I can't take jingoistic propaganda by Australian elites and actors who invariably live in Balmain.

 I can live with Judges as I did in Greenwich and I can live with workers as I do in Dapto but I cannot live with actors in Balmain.They want to touch me and tell me that I'm beautiful like Mr Slimey.

 They'll ask the Vaseline people with money in their hole what they think about Australia.But they won't ask me because I'll say it's a yeast infected cunt.

The wanna be's will crap on about how we've had our problems but we've got a good heart etc etc because they want to make something of themselves and it's a requirement of society that entertainment don't offend.Making it to the top is a cliche for people who drink cum.

  There are people with a fantasy about sending me to jail because I have enemies in mediocre places derived from high school.It's not against the law to call Tony Abott and Alan Jones faggotts.Criticism of a political party is a healthy component of a democracy and I haven't threatened anyone.It's not slander if it's true Marshall Peitan

 That's another thing ,the Australian Labor Party and the American Democrat's are always suspicious about me thinkng that I'm trying to curry favour but I have the dignity of the poorest Javanese peasant.I support them only because they are on the side of the disadvantaged and Australian's generally.I belong in the service of a Queen,nothing less and nothing inbetween.

 I earn around $11,000 a year on the pension,I'm not crying poor but a lot of white women insist that I'm cheating the system.I declare all of my wife's and my earnings to centrelink and I tell them when I'm going overseas.The real reason that these women are harrasing me is because when their husband's come it's like pissing in a cadaver.

She's happy for me to be happy for her but she's not happy for her to be happy with me..I also contributed to your DNA because your Mum sucked the nutrients out of my cock.

Yeah but is that your wife mate?

 You see you don't know what Australia's about.I may only speak General Australian but my Nana and Garndpa spoke High Australian.It's an English brogue that you don't hear much anymore.Fucking Western Suburbs sub-human's and wogs claim ownership of the ANZAC legend.But it is nothing without the Australian officer.Because I have passess in 2unit English and Maths you're going to be cleaning the toilet with a toothbrush everyday bogan.I don't like the way you sound,intimate,say or look.

 My Grandfather kept the Jap killer above the fireplace in his heritage house at Katoomba.It always inspired in me a sense of wonder.It was nice to know those old Victorian esque people who are now sadly mostly gone.My Nana didn't like my Stepmother.My Nana basically worked herself to death.She was a beautiful girl when she was young.When she was old she was everything Katoomba and the Blue Mountains like a mysterious gnarled old pine tree.A heroine,ex-land army and war widow.God bless her soul.

  There isn't a white woman who I've gone out with that I couldn't have married but I was a bad man.They were all beautiful and I loved them too.The ultimate shame to bertray love and if they don't admit that that's true they're a fucking liar.

   My old man said;'you're good at trashing women.'I used to make them love me absolutely then kick them to the curb,jilt them and send them to the clinic.My Mum thinks I have to take my medication because my heart wasn't generous or kind enough.There's no point in crying because the problem of my life will never be resolved.There are penty of Mother's out there who have sworn never to forgive me.

 In an increasingly gay society I'd like to say regarding women that their breasts are an outrageous accompmiant to their stunning faces but thank God I'm married because I can be Doctor Jeckyl and Mr Hyde and that sort of intense passionate love hurt me possibly mor than it hurt them.Now I'm into devotion and caring as qualities of love.I didn't marry my Asian wife because I had to but because she is the most beautiful.

 Also before men get jealous of their wive's previous lovers they should consider this,I loved her though and her decisions of affection aren't up to you or me.I'm glad that she's happy.

Why were women attracted to me?Because of my heart and my somewhat previous good looks and they wanted to have a baby like that.I admit the reason why I didn't marry them was simply that I was stupid but to be with a woman is to write a story.I recently travelled with a group of women.They need the spark of a man's brain otherwise they just start hating each other.Like Rose Tattoo said 'bad girls like bad boys but good girls like them too...time to get pissed.

They live in Wahroonga and they like to have a good time and they like their daughters to be gang fucked by Sydney University jocks and the ski team.I could turn that around in a minute but she's got a bad report card and I don't want a cum dump.

 The reason why their daughter's have no dignity is because of that Alanis song.But Honey Bunny you can suck a million cocks but I'm never coming back.It's just doubly sad because you used to be sensitive.There's no one on Earth that knows you aswell as I do with no agenda as towards what you can say to me.Cynicism on your part is very transperant and your Parents and siblings love me to.

 Your parents grew to love me because I loved you for whatever you are and I didn't second guess that.You've got more enemies including dykes because some members of my family said that you were the most beautiful woman they'd ever seen.

She called me arrogant in the end not referring to my family's wealth but to my behaviour however it's pronounced arrogaunce,a fragrance from France.P.S Playful Satan.

She can go on remembering me for the rest of her life as far as I'm concerned because I blooded her.I'm a communist but I don't want to destroy Australia's prosperity.I'm also a communist in bed.Whilst you've been getting turned down for acts of prostitution with mindless society people my family have been working to aquire a vast amount of greater wealth.

That reminds me of Jake's Dungeons and Dragon's name 'Dive Thu.'His Indian name was 'Little Puddles',mine was 'Wild Snake'(up your dot) and Aaron's was 'Hawk Wind'(out your arse).

Tony Abbott is General Blamey criticising Diggers. on the Kokoda Trail.They have High Camp predujices against single Mother's and Disability Pensioners.Andrew was silent speaker whilst I was captain of the Debating team.He's  openly gay whilst I'm a schizophrenic pensioner.It just tells me that if I'd been a North Shore girl and a poof I would have done better.

My life hasn't been a waste of time.I've been spending it making love to women.It's a story that transcends that of materialism or a Caligula.The beef of Allan Jones and Tony Abbott is that they can't fuck boys with impunity.I may be poor but you can't get pregnant up the arse Andrew.

They'll argue that they're sluts because I'm the ultimate chauvinist,one who still believes in the heart of women.They don't want me to achieve paradise and women are desperate because I have achieved that principally because I trust and respect my wife.It's the old rule that Mrs Hardmen taught in debating EVEN IF she is a whore,she is more transcendent than a man.

 No doubt my admission that I'm a chauvinist may derive criticism from women but get fucked in reality because I'm not about to have a sex change operation.If you have a problem with 'I do the fucking' and your a female take the issue up with the people that decided your gender,your parents.

 Lock Jaw on the quarry

 Yeah if Integrity and Moderation are a good way to generate good luck,I fucken don't know how I'm still alive.

I'm still a little kid.

 .I don't want to exchange social nicities with child molestors.My predilection for violence towards paedophiles who think that to be bland is wonderful and sanity is a divine inspiration from the usurper sitting on the throne.I think supposed good boys want it up the arse and I should be allowed to sit on a perplex toilet and defecate on their family.SPQR

  Tony Abbott is a throwback to the Dark Ages.He is a hero to all of the prudes and the sexually inept weirdos.They're all coming out of the wood work.The inquisition of the 21st Century is in full flight.Schizophrenic Christian's should be ankle tagged because their religiosity is a surrender of human dignity and they cannot be trusted.

 Schizophrenic Christian's are very sinister.I live next to a mental home and I detest the inmates.Hail Satan

 I still have a Super Ego true to the maxim Sex,Drugs n Rock n Roll.My neighbours are defeated people and they pray to the diety that punishes them.Defeated people despite what you might fallaciously think of me, are far more dark.

The holy psycopaths are successful because they proclaim that their selves are shit and they hand you divine knowledge about the integrity of men and women that your current situation was meant to be because there was a worse alternative.We provide this service for free requiring no remuneration or compliance.You can do what you want in life.

Sweet Madness but it is a two edged sword.There can be no good without evil.

My years of toil and spotting in Java have emboldened and focused my mental dissent towards red neck scum,hokey Christian heretics and the perverse grandiose theories of the Neo-Caligula.Although I am yet to sacrifice my life for the cause I appreciate about myself that I will never surrender.I don't want to go to the reunion because it'll be about middle class postering.VOMIT

He bores God with endless requests for roots and sticks of dope.He's always been a carnal low mental age who is titilated by violence and moron Americans.It's on the public record that his ex-wife called him a pervert.The truth is he'll be a larvae in hell and I'll be cracking the whip.Christianity is how he copes with his desire to sexually play with shit and piss.

Environmentalist's are in the true Christian ilk Athiest or not because they're seeking to save the world for the next generation of children;c'mon Copenhagen.

.The idea that one will go to hell is a slur use by supposed Christians to vilify people such as Atheists.They can't admit that I can draw on a store of inner goodness rather than religion to navigate life's moral dilema's.The crab traverses the World East to West and must abide other's in their different route.

.Sometimes I've said I've killed people but like Jagger said 'it was just my imagination running away with me.'I think I've aquired a bad reputation and high profile proles are trying to run me down.My closest ally is the truth.There's no murder if there's no victim.I'm more likely to help people.

.I worry about being friends with people.I'm a crap guy.The best wisdom I can offer is very coloured by my own makeup but it's still valid;try and kill two birds with one stone that you might be as victorious as possible and also shed possesions because they can hold you down.This has become a bitch of a world with the war on Islam.I'll die young but I've had a good life.

 .I like the definition of fear.Australian Army spotters on uninhabited islands in the Pacific.Completely on their own for years observing Japanese planes and reporting with a radio.You ask what would happen if they got caught...dead.I met a Nam vet who was a spotter and copped a head shot on the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos.I've swum in the Mekong.It's incidental and it's not.

  I come from a town of 200,000 people where there are no other white people.There was a Japanese concentration camp there in WWII.Now it's home to Indonesian armoured cavalry.I stay there for months or years.Whilst I was there there was a fire fight with Nordin Top.If I don't achieve any information,Australians aren't always stupid and they can taste the atmosphere of my experience like a snake tastes air.

  My Dad can't handle it because I have an Indonesian presence seperate to him.The entire population try to force me to show him defference because they're evil sycophants based on his money.I tell them all ito get fucked.My key tactic which the psychiatric system don't want schizophrenic's to realise is regulation 24 which allows a pensioner to get six months of medication in one hit.I've always manipulated psychiatrist's and their henchmen.They're stupid and they're my bitch.

Only a weak King shows defference to another King.I used to inspire Matt to dehumanise Jake by tieing him up and putting him in the foetal position in garbage bins by saying 'Matt he's insulted you...a man is nothing without vengence and honour.'

I used to drag him on the ground around the school corridors not allowing him to get to his feet.We used to tie impossible knots around his kneck with his tie and then tie him to a tap in the middle of winter and saturate him in cold water whilst we slapped his thighs as hard as we could and then just leave him there until someone came along and took pity on him and untied him.

I remember after the school athletics carnival Tim punctured his thigh with a spiked running shoe and Jake started chasing me and fell over and impaled his gut on a wire fence...fucking ugly scar too.

The final straw for Jake when he started fighting back was when I told the whole school when he was seventeen that he had been away because he got his penis circumcised.

Jake used to call me the instigator but I'm not listening to U2 but rather Rose Tattoo,BHP if you know what I mean.

I'm thinking about doing a Facebook quiz,'Which SS Henchmen are you?'I have dibs on Marshall Petan Obergrupenfuhrer Vichy SS

  The US Army agree with me that America can't contemporaneously fight like it did in WWII and they're wise to do so because it was a meat grinder and a blood bath where Generals sent thousands of men to their deaths and didn't give a shit.

 The history of WWII is so vast that there is no historian on Earth who can be versed in it 360 degrees.There were too many engagements and too many missions to understand all of it entirely at the same time.

I'm no racist.I hate Aussie Oi,Oi,Oi.These bogan's are offensive to me.I'm telling you,they should be made to pass an aptitude test before they're alloud overseas and they'd pebble creat the Sistene Chapel.They're one of the most self-righteous insidious forms of ignorance in the world.As for Niggers,I don't think they're monkeys but you sure as hell wouldn't like living with them.

I'm a Buddhist and I think that Nazism and Communism both have a place in achieving balance.The Nazi's will hold the Leb's in check and China will hold the Christian fundamentalists to account.Essentially I'm just not a guy who walks the street assaulting people.

There's an Aussie Pride Beach Party happening I noticed on Facebook.If Australia gets into a war with China and there's a plethora of racism against Asians ,I'll be standing my ground beneath a red flag.We fired a million shells in the first half hour of the counter attack and gang raped 300,000 German sluts.Aussie,Aussie,Aussie will discover the wrath of legitimate fighting bolsheviks.I'll eat your cunt and fuck the exit wound.I am well known in communist circles as being a Stalingrab sniper.You gotta mobilise a hundred facists before you can cope with my Marxist spirit.We're the only people that skinheads are afraid of.

 I'm an Asian Imperialist and I own islands in the South China Sea.I can't live in a world that you propose because you're a complete and utter moron.There is only one thing to fear and that is fear itself.I may be rich but I started out poor and my heart remains the same.I will fight you if need be and if you start to become a problem I will sacrifice my life in order to kill you.

The fact is I can contact Resistance any time I want.The fact is you're just not as strong and you can't mobilise.Don't forget dumb cunt your kids are a liability.I'm a cannibal and I'll do it in front of you.I'm regarded by the Government to be a criminally insane psycopath.I think I'm creative.Javanese credit me with forty kills in 1993.They said when I came back that they didn't recognise me.

Some people say madness is being touched by the hand of God.Schizophrenics participated to great effect in the various French revolutions and the cops and the psychiatric system know it.I'm a catalyst and when I go for a surf the waves get bigger and when I go to demonstrations the cops get damaged.I've punched cops in the face before but this time I'm tracking you.When you started criticising my Sydney University education you walked into an ambush.The only thing your good at is spreading ill will about yourself.

Jackie O put the edge on the Oswald shot.JFK achieved bad Karma through his infidelity and she warned him not to go to Dallas which he was obliged to do.I won't let my wife fall in my shadow.When you waste your life as I do,not appreciating the people that love you,you have to be careful.I don't care but Niggers are base,stupid people promoted by jews.

I think women are essentialy stupid people.Manners make the man.The birds can plagiarise a concept or at best paraphrase it but they're always unable to realise the true import of a sylogism.They also have a crutch which is that when the going gets tough they can fall back on being sweet and gentile.Your gaping cunt isn't my problem bitch.

 I'm a fucking married man and if some fuckin white trash slut questions me I'm going to give the dog both barrels.I know the men I like and Hitler and Mussolini didn't win any beauty pageants.

Start a public campaign: 'women demand bigger cocks.'I don't care what you do you filthy bucket.

There was the counter reformation and the counter counter reformation.When a dog's blooded or get's rabies it should be shot.

To be fair though there is scant female history.There's no arena for them to say what they truly think.And my point is the fact that all great leaders are born.

  .More LSD stories:The scene,the exchange again and I was on my own and I dropped another trip.Started talking to these these hot English chicks.They caught my attention because one of them was carrying a beer can in her cleavage.To cut a long story short I was fucking her and kept on asking her if I ws burning her.DRUGFUCKED

LSD stories:We were out at the Exchange Hotel in Darlinghurst,me Aaron and Tim and we bought green pyramid gel trips and took them back to Artarmon and then dropped them.We made a pact that we wouldn't go into the kitchen an hour later off our heads we were holding knives to Tim's throat.FUNNY

Tom Hardy AKA Lieutenant Colonel Hardy SAS AKA Sire Octavian AKA Obergrupenfuher Waffen SS Armoured Cav AKA Comrade Tsung Te AKA Spotter the Ultimate Cunt AKA Basically a Mad Fantacist AKA Combat Leader Royal Australian Marine Corps.I named jacked the Aussie Marines,.


Don Lane passed away,even more tragic than Hogan's face lift.Those 70's comedians were the best because they knew how to be self-effacing and practiced the highest form of comedy,the idiotic.Comedians tell good jokes contemporaneously but there's no theatre about them.

.Is to be cloned imortality?There are two possible outcomes regarding the memory of a clone.The first is that they will have no recall of the life of their donor.The second is as many Sci-Fi writers have alluded to is that they will have sporadic flash backs.Either way there is a philosophical question to do with amnesia.I put it to you this way,if you suffer amnesia have you died?

.In my paranoid way I think that people have ordained that the daylight hours are not for me and I have to burn the midnight oil.Maybe it's a US conspiracy to make people all over the world run on US time.I've often wondered how they feel being a day behind as a consequence of where the international date line is.SUCK SHIT

 .I participated with the Communist Party at demo's  to engage my power mad inclinations.Those rallies were quite full on.Pink Floyd got it right when they said on Dark Side of the Moon that all you can see is all your life will be...that can be a comforting thought but I've defeated that sort of despondency with my adventures overseas.I think I'll go to Borneo next time.

What sort of Priminister will I make?...Probably an unpopular one.

 Sometimes I think it's pissant not to own a gun.It's for the best though because I think in a fit of excitement I'd blow my brains out.The other possibility is that I'd take it to Lakemba Mosque and start shooting Arabies.My anger at my country and it's countrymen being disrespected can at times be a self defeating curse.Still if I find myself in a war I'd like to be courageous.VALHALLA AWAITS

Some people want to know if I'm gay?I answer them by saying 'How can I be?I've been fucking your mum up the arse for years,she's a dirty slut.Don't fuck with me you suburban,boring,unintelligent closet poof.I'll cut your kid up with a bowie knife and through the pieces in a manure spredder in front of you.CHEERS'

Tom is listening to Simon and Garfunkel.The house I'm living in is going to be renovated which could make things difficult.They've finnished landscaping the garden which looks great.We're also getting a new covered deck with french doors leading into the loungeroom.I'm going to end up staying in a new garage they're building.Good times ahead!

.I've got a strange lump in my mouth again so I guess I'll have to go to the Doctor's again,so fucking boring.I'm going well on Myspace and I've started listening to a lot of new movies.Overall I'd say it's better than Facebook except that there's hardly any Normo boys on it from our year.I found Andrew but he hasn't got back to me yet.Probably too busy fucking up his company.

  ACDC.My first attempt at becoming a rock star was back in 1994 with a rag tag bunch of guys from school.The Band's name was the Virgin Panther's.From the outset it had problems.I wanted the other guys to put a really hard effort into the project but they were obstinately lazy.They also ended up ostracising me so I eventually fucked it off.

 My bad days won't last forever and I wil achieve deliverance,it's also going to cost ya $350,000,000 (350 juta) which is promptly going to go up my nose.How are American's different to Australians?It all comes down to the brains of our Mother's.They're more at peace as they listen to Kookaburra's hanging out the washing.

Why are Jews so exuberrant about the historiography of the holocaust?I think it's because they're into holocaust denial.When you grow up you learn to believe whatever it is that will keep your loved ones safe.Seven men rule the world at any given time and Hitler was just a pawn in a greater conspiracy.It was about money.

  American's think I should be affectionate to them because we're the same skin colour.

  .I've formed a Rock N Roll Band called Mad Murderer Music.I really need drugs to provide some remedy to the bullshit ague I'm suffering at the moment.I feel naked sometimes living in the country but that's a good dose of reality afterall you can't take it with you.

I'm being insulted by American Jews.They condemn Satan and happily fill Gentiles lives with pornographic images and films glorifying gratuitous violence fucking sick hypocrites.I have a sense of humour about it because I don't mind a bit of sin.As I've said before 'the only truth is beer.'Unfortunately I'm sobre and broke again.If it wasn't for coffee I'd be going out of my mind.

You can't condemn Satan,you are Satan.

I think money is largely irrelevant to someone's character or worth.Hard worker's should be respected no matter what they do.I've set up an account with My Space

.I am not a rascist.They suggest one should be tolerant of Muslim people but fail to recognise their own complicity in what our armies are doing to them.If you're serving in the SAS or the Household Cavalry you're engaged in the sanctioned murder of people.It's not a gentleman's game and if you think they don't employ hatred when they shoot the Taleban,you are incredibly naive.

 There's two types of people I don't like in this world,filthy wogs and their collaboraters.The left wing Liberals support the rights of the wog but are somehow oblivious to their vile practice of circumsing and veiling women.The wogs that they defend if in power would have no tolerance for their homo and Lesbian deviations.For me I still believe in women and children first into the lifeboats.

  My advice to all sufferers of Mental illness is listen to ACDC.

We're an underclass idiot.

 I'm a paradox.On the one hand I want to kill the enemy but sometimes I can feel great affection for people from very disperate parts of the world including the Middle East.That's not insanity.If you want to understand the nature of world war read Catch 22 by Joseph Heller...God has a sense of humour.

.Sobriety is a normality in which one is understood and the next stage is the nackery.

Male wogs will destroy any institution of higher learning or any good scene.They're wogs,that's what they do...filthy animals who form quasi homo ghettoes.Caucasian men and women appreciate the peace and love engendered at occaisons like Woodstock but that's something that with their violent attitude wogs especially Lebs can't appreciate.They're proud to be dirt and should be treated as such.

Tooheys New...It's a bad Lieutenant

Chicks think I'm a bit rough so fuck off and find a faggot from Boy Zone or West Life.

.I've been doing some artworks with inverted crosses and pentagrams.Of course the inspiration is Satanic but I think the only invalid form of supposed Art is photos of pre-pubescent children amounting to voyeurism.People who deplore desecration of religious symbols are leaning towards fundamentalism.Go convert someone else ARSEHOLE.

People who don't agree with me about children are sick perverts who probably call themselves Artistes.Fucking wankers...

Classical music for me really speaks of either neurosis or elation.My wife has criticised me for being too idealistic.I think it's alright though as long as I don't over intellectualise.

.I think modern ostensibly prog and punk rock is derived from earlier original bands.Influences I can hear are The Police,The Grateful Dead(for psycedilia),Split Enz,Motorhead(for hard rock),Depeche Mode,T Rex,Jefferson Airplane and Joan Baez etc.I enjoy copying friends cd collections which puts me in their mindset.

The most sane people are in the asylums.Look at that Rush Limbaugh reciting absurd neo-nazi propaganda.I'll just stick with my Art.Artist's I like are Charles Conder,Monet,Gaughan,Manet,Pollock,Davinci,Angelo and Picasso etc

  .The cripple outlast's ya and walks into mansions and centres of propriety like Universities.In time I will be wealthy so what's wrong about being patient about it?Too much television rots your brain.They say that a small nose is indicative of a small penis.It's not my fault if your wife's gotta a huge void between her legs.She can come to our farm and commit animal cruelty on our horses.

The bastard's are edifying me again.The effect of Seroquel is similar to Rohipnol.It's only Wednesday and I'm broke.I suppose I could get pissed by maxing out my Mastercard.Right wing conservatives are Jew baiting me because I'm poor.Somehow they've deluded themselves into thinking that wealth is a Christian virtue.The day will come when they have to answer for that.

I don't understand the relationship between 'I've had a bad day' and pull out a gun and massacre innocent people and fuck your own life aswell,it's a bit Aaron.I love breasts.Jake,Mathew and I formed deviate corner in year nine so that in class we could nourish our perverted inclinations.A word of warning,don't besmerch the name of Molly Ringwald in Matt's presence.

I'm the inspiation for the Surrogates movie amongst others.I'm glad Michael Jackson is dead because he was a fucked up paedophile.What's even more delictable of the remorse of hundreds of millions of dickheads around the world.The planet of Cancer is the moon.A symbol of magic since the birth of man.NASA fired a rocket into it,

.Arseholes are toying with me before they finally murder me.When I was first diagnosed with Schizophrenia my friends tried to warn me about risk taking behaviour.I didn't understand at the time but now I know they were just trying to protect me from the sadists wherever they may be.I often think I should keep up in a philosophical way...for whose benefit though.

.I shouldn't take advice regarding my marriage by fucked loosers who haven't even considered why they don't have a woman.To the Technically minded,how do I get a Microsoft server account?On another topic like Radar from Mash I can sense that there are some bad times ahead.Don't forget to draw fire in those situations.Women and children first.

Gays are claiiming they have the right to not be hated but do I have that right?Isn't it just a fact of life that some people you encounter in life will occaisonly dislike you?People are envious of me and always have been.Yet again they're considering breaking my legal rights but I'm wise about that.I don't give a shit but your warped logic may put you in the bay with your new boyfriend.

The Fauves and Impressionists when they first came on the Art scene in the Nineteenth century were regarded to be crap.I'm being condemned for breaking the rules so I'll do it again;Jesus sucks my cock.Life is like Revenge of the Nerd's.So you're gay,doesn't mean you have to have a beef about it.

.Christianity is a religion about power evidenced by the execution of Jesus wherein he questioned authority.Like all revolutions,imperialism and terroism it requires it's victims and constantly seeks to undermine the Godhead of any non-believer.Essentially it is based on the truism that it is good to be good.Its designed to liberate loosers with the promise of a greater destiny.

Who or what is the machine?What accounts for hatred of people who aren't Christians?I think the non-believer troubles such Christian's because it is self evident that they can be good without Jesus.This implies that their primitive mythology is complete bullshit.They like to say Jesus loves you but I find it insulting because Jesus is dead and has been for 2009 years.

.I was a boss once and I was a prick to my employees.It seems strange to me now but if I thought they weren't performing or working hard enough I'd hassle the shit out of them.I remember there was one guy who used to go on Christian retreats and I used to tell him that I was Satan and that Jesus sucked my cock.Quite innapropriate considering discrimination laws.HELLO SATAN

.Many people seek to avoid voicing an opinion or engaging in profanity because they have a fantasy that such audacity is fool hardy or else the habit of vulgar ignorance and will be met with divine retribution.Sorry but I ain't going to die anytime soon and their vacuous silence may be tacit and also it may be tardy.President Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize.

NERD TIME:I'm a type of man as described in the Monster Manual as a Beserka.Like Samaurai we literally go beserk in combat having double strength and never surrendering.Magical Rods Wands and Staffs have limited charges but can be recharged.If a player character seeks information regarding the properties of a magic item they may pay a Sage.

I'm a Super Villain and Australia is the Vortex trying to contain me.

When I last went to Sydney Uni I spent two years engaged in psycological warfare with the entire undergraduate population.I always did my readings and my homework and then in tutorials and lectures ruthlessly made my classmates look stupid and inept.I don't know what it is about young preppy people but I just hate their guts.

 I've left people in my wake who now suffer emotional problems.There's something not quite right about me.PAPA DOC ON A BAD DAY.

Like Lou Reed says believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.Someone who says something which you agree with may however be dangerous to your cause if they are insincere or are a weak person.I'm caught in a viscious circle where people seek to either edify me or harm me with the most base ignorance.SHITFIGHT

Actually Elegance is to look into the human wound with courtesy.It is appropriate for a king to show some defference to the pain of his impoverished people not by helping them necessarily but by imbueing their life in his own mind.

I think Asian people really understand that because Budda was a King before he went on his journey to discover the human condition.

Some motherfucker's when they smoke dope just like to sit in front of the television which I think sucks and is a wasted opportunity.I like to listen to music when I'm stoned and like Coleridge think and write poetry.

To reflect is also a double entendre like a foil suit deflecting enemy laser beams of callous criticisms and game playing.

I'm watching that perverse cable station Fox News and they're featuring a story about a ninety year old grandma whose taken up deer hunting.I can understand fighting people might legitimise you as a man but shooting a defenceless animal for no reason is idiotic and childish.No wonder Americans love it.

Fox News are the biggest propaganda pricks in the business.It's where Rupert Murdoch takes a dump.

The thought of another conservative government in Australia makes me physically ill.They have nerd angst rallying against women's tendency to choose progressive politically minded men.They divided society,encouraged bigotry and villification.Who is there that they haven't already villified?They're grubby individuals.

I take my medication so I can bear the responsibility of exciting Japanese minds with my stories about life.Turkish demonstrators destroy private property which is innapropriate but it will curtail nepotism in their government.Japanese people can be very intellectually radical but I want them to know that life is always a bit of a bummer.

Japanese people are very good and they formed a formidable fighting force post 1941.The legacy of my Grandfather's war service in PNG is that they can respect me aswell.

  I haven't read it but I know instinctively that 'The Female Eunuch' is one of the greatest,original and insightful books of the Twentieth century.Even today fuckwits can't handle Germaine Greer because she's a woman who speaks the truth.Her criticism of Steve Irwin was true although perhaps untimely.Your wife isn't your bored subservient slave mate.

 .I really like the physique of fat guys with a huge beer gut because it's not the Ken doll.It takes courage to be an obese man because you know that it's not good for your heart but you continue on regardless.There's an incarnation of Budda which is a fat man.There's an important insight to be gained about being fat whilst other people starve.

 .The greatest strength of Australia is that we're not snobs.I first saw Javanese women preparing meals on the floor in 1992.My wife's Mum did this with mortar and pestle for many years.It's beautiful and owing to their diet Asian people can squat for hours.They still have hearth God's.Like Lennon said,'just follow me.'

Only a straight man can recognise the beauty in that because we're not our suburban Mother's.I think gays are simplistic people whose opinions are corrupted because of the practice of sucking too many cocks.

There's only one thing that puts more hair on your chest than drinking Metho and that's the snatch.

I like women and they make a man oughtta ya.

It's great that American's are still offended by us because it stops the cunts from coming here.Balinese dig us because we're the white tribe of Asia.It's not pompous and we're not above fucking them.ANIMALISTIC

We're a rabble and I love it.

American's claim that it was in bad taste.I think American's purile attitude and everything they do is in exceptional bad taste.

Gays started saying instead of 'I'm homosexual and I can still go to heaven,'with 'I'm going to go to heaven because I'm homosexual.'I drew a line in the sand.For something to be true like the statement homosexuality is appropriate to be the bible,firstly it must be a consensus of opinion;it must be common sense true;and it must just be true.Fallacious Bastards.

My point is that also Heterosexuality isn't a ticket into Heaven.The truth about the Bible is that all sexual pleasure is considered quite profane.

 Muslim's believe they get their 72 virgins,sounds great but Christian Heaven as in the theology of Paradisio by Dante is completely sexless and is actually a Church the head of which is God and we the worshippers receive direct from the source divine bliss,how fucked.

Listening to Bob Marley.I have a similiarity with Gates he played D&D in the 70's and 80's.I had a problem with my internet connection so I spent fifteen minutes talking to a machine at Telstra.The machine told me that my phone line was too long and I changed it and unbelievably it fixed it.Bill Gates is a High Level Magicuser.Geeks are weak when they start out at 1st level but by the time they reach 18 watch out.

 .Two of my cousins are named Kate and Anna and they really do remind one of a pre-saxon couple the likes of which may have been alluded to in a novel by my namesake.Kate is definitely a true seems like an old name,as old as moon and sleep.They say the English language is ostensibly Freshian.There are those that would punish my memory because it doesn't suit their agenda.

 .I forgive Australian chicks when they wear black.It dates back to the Twentieth century death of Victoria but hey what are you actually trying to tell me?Of course you are good girls,rarely.I could discuss your intellect but as in art a beautiful brunette is an object worthy of desire forever.I'm sure dark haired girls can cop flattery better than a blonde aswell.They're mysterious.

 A woman dressed in black implies I have a red heart and in my train does cupid play the lyre

They certainly seem to be scraping the bottom of the eugenics bucket.I've had the same impression that I got at a General Assembly meeting of the Australian Communist Party.Ostensibly made up of workers advocates who have never worked a day in their lives.Most of them were obese cripples.Hardly Bolshevik revolutionaries.

 It's the same experience to watch football supporters.

Women's distrust of me as a young man based on my good looks was only indicative of their pathetic inferiority.If it wasn't for what's between their legs they'd be piled ten high at the tip.Only a man can take on someone merely because they're beautiful.Women want someone who's safe.There aint a bucking bronco mare that I can't ride stupid cunt.

They respond by saying 'but I don't want you.Don't worry baby I did an upgrade to a slicker machine.Fuck off back to your potato farm.

Feminist's don't necessarily like the slur on women due to the culpability of Eve and Pandora.Are they the animals of animal husbandry?A lot of people say there is a war between the sexes and in Pagan India menstruation is regarded as profane in the temple.Should a man regard the vestige of women without considering what it would be like to fuck them?I think it is OK to regard.

Speaking of music is Alice Cooper a reference to Alice In Wonderland?Some people claim the tale alludes to recreational drug use.On that basis what are people who have never dabbled?Hallucengenic drugs have been a part of religious ritual for a lot longer than the existence of Christianity.Generally the spread of drugs is due to their pleasurable effect.It's pandora's box.

For those that aren't familiar with the Greek myth,Pandora was forbidden to open a certain box but she did anyway and all pestilence and hardship was released on mankind which we know today however all intellectual gifts were revealed including mankind's understanding of the use of fire.

 We should have a forum and public disclosure of the fantasies of the class of 89.It would be interesting to out the perverts.I reckon there'd be some virulent ones after twenty years of climbing the corporate ladder.

 .I've recently said to myself all sources of a problem come from within and I'm not going to get rich unless I change my psycological approach.Realistically I can just drift for the next ten years until I've forgotten a lot of unecessary things and start something new on a different shore.

Constantly thinking you're shit produces two outcomes;wealth and perversion.I eer on the side of pride and therefore poverty.What's wrong with taking the good with the bad,afterall rich men go to jail aswell.In other words money is the root of all evil.Zealous Asceticism is condemmed in philosophy and regarded by many theologians to be another source of corruption.

The only truth is beer.

lMurphy's Law of course dictates that the entire continent will be destroyed by a direct hit from a an asteroid,not much anyone can do about that.The strange circumstances of my undoing are best regarded as intervention by dieties.

.I've acquised to John Howard and he can root me up the arse.The US military need to sort the wheat from the chaff amongst the Afghan people.They should go through the villages and identify by acquiring written oathes of allegiance those who support the US and those who don't and then ID cards should be issued on that basis.The remaining enemy should be put to the sword.

.Death.The environment is a snake bite which I must suck the poison from.I have no rights.If you feel you need to challenge me the ball's in your court.People are trying to fuck with my brain by saying I'm great.I'm going to start gambling and buying useless shit so I can assimilate into normal society.

.William the conquerer ordered feigned retreats on the battle field at Hastings.I am totally defeated.Nothing will come of my endeavour and I have always been a failure.Everyone is superior to me because I am Satan.I am inferior to other men and should suck cocks.I am unintelligent and am only suited to menial work.It's a miracle if in ten years time I still have a roof over my head.

 Well my humility strategy lasted an hour but then I started thinking about having sex with old women and I'm no granny back to normal,the sun shines out of my arse.

.Some people think that being mad isn't an ejoyable situation.Johhny Rotten's view is 'I don't know what I want but I know how to get it and I want it now.'My advice is don't talk to the shrinks about the epilouge to War and Peace or Black Orpheus.Christ languishes in Ward Seven.

.I don't agree with the dismisal of Brendan Fevola.Suddenly it's inappropriate to have a laugh and be a larrikan.Nerds are taking over the world.They call themselves Christians which is even more worrisome.I like Buddhist ideas about the hands and meditation....Hold the world in your open hand and wriggle your fingers to draw water from the well.NEIL

 The nerds have also got angst because beautiful girls don't like fucking ugly people.

.American's claim they believe in the sanctity of recognising the ownership rights of what someone has earnt unless of course you're a minority such as the Indians or indeed anyone else.They need a wake up call.The head intestine needs to expunge this subliminal threat posed by celebrities and sadistic political commentators.ABLUTIONS

 I need drugs.

.To get pissed or not to get pissed that is the question.It sure beats just sitting there and being insulted by earnest liars on cable news.People say I should get with the times...How about setting up a holistic,non-invasive breast screening centre,I'd be good at it and interesting too;they could pay me in VB.American's would actually get away with doing ridiculous shit like that.ENTERPRISE

 The Lord has ordained that I must be a sick motherfucker.It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it.

.I can disrespect my inferiors by being facetitous.Some of these dick wads who have never respected anyone in their entire life,now have the gall to send their kid's round for money.I've offended God with my intelligence.Why is there an onomatapea similarity between the word Jesus and Zeus?Actually not knowing your biological Father means that you can never be legitimately baptised.

The crossroads and every direction is a piece of shit.I guess the only thing to do is to choose the lesser evil.Some people like to play the Joseph Conrad strategy of 'Chance,Luck and Destiny.'It's 1939 but I'm going to co-operate with you all in the name of stuffing greenback's up my arse and bejeweling my cock with precious gems.

For me a good tactic for going forwards is that art is Magic and therefore one should 'do without doing.'Approaching creativity like a miner at the coal face can render what you do banal.Maybe I'll get Brenden to paint the interior of my house,money permitting.My work with Powerpoint has been a great success but something sinister is being done to me.BRAINDEAD

In the case of Roman Polanski the only argument against his arrest on a thirty year old charge is that it's just a waste of public money for an old and minor offence.Even though the victim was consenting and post pubescent you are however establishing a precedent that it's ok for adult men to have sex with underage women.In India and Pakistan post-pubescent girls are married all the time.

People might say 'why get married.'The reason is obvious.It's harder to destroy a union based on love when it is a marriage.There were plenty of women I could have married but I was too young.Also there's something shallow about continuosly playing the field if you have already met someone that you love.Kookaburras and Gallahs do monogamy too'it's natural.

Just that one day can be very important to a woman and it's infinitely better to call her a wife rather than a girlfriend.

I don't watch much sport anymore but I like it when Australia beats England in the cricket.Send those cotton wool babies back to their mummies bruised and battered.Next time the Toff's load the grounds at Lords with their own supporters,drop the Australian players into the grounds with an RAAF chinook.English fucking pathetic girls.

As far as superstars go I don't particularly like Julia Roberts or Elle.I like Angelina Jolie who I offered to prostitute my self by way of cunilingus for five dollars and I also like Tyra ,Jessica Simpson and Beyonce who doesn't understand that I'm already married.The ex Miss California contender is hot and I agree with her that marriage is between a man and a woman.

I'm proud of you Australia,sending personel to Samoa and Indonesia.I don't like to see Asian and Islander people in pain.They're people of such simple means and they don't deserve it.People have criticised my love of Asian's because of the military threat we face from China but stupid people fail to see that they'd have to get through at least 5 non-communist countries before getting here.

I failed to defeat David Oldfield's argument that aborigines wouldn't return to their pre-colonisation life if it meant sacrificing their European cars and houses.Sometimes a simplistic and demented argument can catch you off guard.What I should have said is that they lost their country and autonomy which attacks the esteem like nothing else.

A lot of Aboriginal people have less esteem than an animal and Australian conservatives try to deny that European colonisation has nothing to do with it.A novel idea like eating your own shit!

Creatively the problem with the world today is that women have too much influence over contemporary culture.They try to redress the fact that they get penetrated and they like style and they're gay friendly.I suppose they can believe in their clean,savvy prince charming but will have to turn a blind eye when he goes to the Bondi beat to suck seven cocks at the same time.

I don't mean it as a sexual metaphor but there can be no renewal without fresh blood on your halbert.

Men are meant to be discusting to women.Makes them live longer.

God really likes Old women because they survived their dead husbands and spent the rest of their life mortified.

I'm trapped in a world of ague which only slow jazz can articulate.I'm rapidly becoming an alcoholic.I like Tom Cruise;he laughs at my sick jokes like: 'the body is a temple and I'm embelleshing it w...ith as much drugs and alcohol as I can.'If you struggle with how to be creative maybe just fuck your head in a bit mate.All work and no play does make Jack a dull boy.

I'm being ripped off by Rightwing Redneck cunts who oddly enough are Jews aswell.They regard me as being disposable.If you react to this ignorance is there a point anyway?However defiant you are someone's going to mark you and these dirt breed aswell.My problem is again financial.Austerity isn't necessarily rewardsed in a capitalist society.

I don't like young schizophrenics saying 'I was mad but it's alright now' because it's just what psychiatric nurses tell them to say.I prefer to say 'you don't approve of my intellect so shove it up your arse you neo-nazi cunt.'People are delusional about their self worth.If you come onto my property uninvited I'm going to call the Police.I am not required to show you respect.

As a man I have very few WANTS which I need to be satisfied.That habit of a man needing clothes,cars,gambling,beer on tap is outdated and precious and I know stupid cunts who are like that repleate with failed marriages.To get the fine things in life you have to earn them.He's like a retarded baby but he's a fully grown man.

It's homo,Aussie and Macho Gay.

Sometimes I think having been born a white person and therefore affluent is sick and unfair because mankind has so many other destinies.How often do white's around the world really stop and take some action for poor African's or Asian's?I'm not just accusing you but recognising my own meaningless indulgence.We feel sorry for them but opening our wallets is another story.

I think I'm the same as any poor person from the Third world except that I've got money.

Black people may think that's condescending but it's not.In popular culture people equate white skin with wealth and coloured skin with poverty,it's just a fact.

The Labor Party or the Liberal Party don't want you to use critical thought about your situation.The media think they have an opportunity to manipulate aswell.They want you to be unthinking drones.I'm not asking you for any money because I can get that myself.Even if you disagree with me,in academia one has to be cognizant in the contrary opinion before you can defeat it.

That's one of the Queen's favourite paintings 'The Catholic Buddhist'.It is about an Asian person despite having all the genuine wisdom of a Buddhist and being of a coloured race devoting himself to the idea of loyalty and kindness of Jesus.It's her recognition of the devotion of coloured people in her Commonwealth who are often the most Christian and devout people she lords over.

I suppose my enthusiasm for Christians in Asia is because I was treated by Nuns for an illness.Nuns in Java are very very good.

Are you going to dismiss everything I say because the authorities tell you to?

I always tried to work with super-human effort and make a profit for the boss.But for the past ten years I've felt disrespected,I haven't believed in it.It's become demeaning and torturous.It's made worse by the generation Y who have no respect for a boss and absolutely no work ethic.Maybe my good fortune now is due to good Karma.The Romonov's have to find someone else to wipe their arse.

My biggest concern is over my imoderate behaviour.I haven't been moderate in about eight years.I'm watching Maury Povich and the sad tale of American blacks which is just too depressing to be healthy.I tried to support callers on 2GB concerned about aborigines but don't forget even the poor hate the poor.I suppose that desperate people need their TV fantasy.

Australia has a good balance between working smarter rather than harder and still working hard.We can keep pace with Asia because I have experienced first hand how their management remains feudal and talent is not rewarded.As for westerners Europeans especially English have no balls and Americans are ashamed of unskilled work due to their materialistic media.

Australian workers are taught to be proud of themselves if they work hard evidenced in their habit of wearing their work clothes home and when they get their pay packet their money is as good as the next persons.In the third world a laborer can never attend the venues that Australian labourers attend.CLASS SUCKS

People inevitably ask me;'why is David Oldfield such a dumb arsehole?'Because he's a Christian who masks his desire to be pissed and shat on.Luckily I have an innate aversion to pooh and wee and there...fore don't need any racist and capitalist religion to confuse my perspective.Life is quite simple and the heart of Jesus is with the progressive Christians...environment,peace and equality.

The first night I slept in a Psyche ward.I had to sleep in the same room with the most dangerous insane looking animal of a lunatic.During the night he came over to my bed with a pillow and said what is Hade and I knew the mongrel was referring to Hades so I judiciously told him I didn't know what he was talking about.Hell isn't a pit of fire but Hades,a land of shadows and we all go there.

People wonder how a schizophrenic can be so lucky to have a beautiful wife and a wealthy Father.It's because the first word I spoke as a baby was an invocation of a Catholic Saint.Indeed one of the most illustrious in English history.The word I said was More which refers to Saint Sir Thomas More executed by Henry VIII for refusing to renounce Catholicism.

Has there been a paradigm shift in Strategic Warfare from Nuclear deterrent based on Mutually Assured Destruction to Fuck It,let's just drop a number despite the consequences for our own people on the part of the Iranian's and the North Korean's?Personally I do not have enough information to answer the question.However someone should know.If the answer is wrong it is devastating for humanity.

Most heirs don't begin their life of accomplishment until the King is dead but I haven't been satisfied with lingering in my Father's shadow in part because I'm only eighteen years younger than him.If I were to do that I'd be an old man by the time he died.Like my friend Brenden said we're creating things in a support and momentum vacuum but everyone has their cross to bear.

Seeing my desktop's fucked I hooked up it's monitor to my lap top using the extended desktop function which is kind of like having two computers anyway because you can run a seperate internet window on the second monitor concurently with the first and still have functionality on both monitors.Other programs like Powerpoint do it aswell.It's the same technology that Stockbrokers use.

I think I'll buy a USB TV Tuner this week so I can rout Foxtell around the house wirelessly.I was doing it through my desktop which has a tuner card but now that's cactus.

I wonder where that term 'it's Cactus' comes from.I know that Cactus on farms can be a son of a bitch to get rid of.On one of my Father's ex-properties Woodgrove,we had a bad infestation of it which was also full of black snakes.We got rid of it using a front end loader.

They say 'Don't trust a man who doesn't drink.'There's some truth to it.Poisoning your body and feeling like shit the next day is a cathartic process.When I was a baby my Mother gave me an icecream and then said 'What do you say Tom?'I said was the first word I spoke.GREED and INDULGENCE.

MORE NERD STUFF:I've got to update my software because I want to check out how Powerpoint does it's online broadcast.My desktop literally blew up and replacements require a greater level of disposable cash.Anyway I did an extensive Power Point presentation with animation and music which would be fun to upload.I also have to put my web cam to greater use.MORE MONEY DAMNIT

A lot of people that get viruses or operating system malfunctions throw out perfectly good computers.To get a new,perfectly good computer all they have to do is a clean system re-install which is as simple as putting the microsoft disk in your computers drive.It's a culture of waste based on ignorance.If you're about to throw out a computer please tell me.

NERD TIME :By using the Windows System Restore Tool you can clean your computer of some spyware and worms etc.Also a female human fighter is not capable of equal strength with males.Female Dwarves have beards.A Deep Gnome must wear a veil when in direct sunlight.Ranger characters must take note of which monsters they have killed as they will now have an advantage with them in encounters.

Indian women are typically very beautiful but their poor husbands treat them like shit because they can only equate beauty with rich or fair skinned women.It is a cultural veil before their eyes.In the Karma Sutra there are several incarnations to personify female beauty including 'The Dark Girl'.Since reading National Geographic my cock has always been an egalitarian.

The world's wonderful plethora of women from Iceland to Uganda and everything in between.Beautiful women are one of the only good things left about the Earth.Jim Morrison's word to describe black women was DUSKY and like he said 'spades dance best from the hip.'

The most intractable Australians are the women.I think it takes eons longer to erase reality in women than it does in men.Dose this indicate that women are less strong than men in Australia than in other countries around the world?Perhaps in reknown but I know these bitches man and their penal days imbued in them the practice of keeping a seed of dissent in their hearts and minds.

I'm watching CNN and they're talking about Tyra Bank's weightloss.I love Tyra whether she's fat or thin.I love Tyra whether she's fucking me or not.She's a nice person and as an acolyte of aphrodite we regard beauty and sexuality to be overiding moral myself I find the violence against a beautiful woman to be a crime as reprehensible as that against a child.

King Charles III will be a good King and King William II will be a good King.They say in Australian politics,do you really want a King of Australia?What is there to fear about a male version.Surely the stallion fights best with teeth and hoof.I think it will be inspiring time when the monarchy retains a greater influence over the Commonwealth.As we said about Harold.God save the King.

Thankyou Satan for the beautiful red day.John Lennon sang about the number of the Beast and wondered how such an individual might save mankind.I remember telling a huge violent Christian that I would call my son Lucifer.It's certainly better than a recording of your children saying 'Jesus loves you' on your answering machine.That's Christian propaganda.Jesus was a Hebrew mistake.

That's why I support groups such as 'Resistance' and reflect fondly on the memory of the Bolsheviks because they can take a beating and come back and they're also the only ones who can face the Nazi's in the street.I think the television insults my intelligence 95% of the time so I keep a seed of dissent hidden in my mind.That's a human quality.

I was ringing 2GB to complain about Gadhafi but I'm glad I didn't get through because that's just stupid and unhelpful.I know how to ingratiate myself with any political mindset.I employed racism in the line.I'm an anarchist and can do both good or if I'm desperate ill.

The only redeeming thing about Glen Beck is that he has an autistic daughter who he is not ashamed of.Everything he says is bullshit and he looks like a facile turd who should be flushed.The bigger picture for World Leaders is of course peace on Earth.There are a disturbing number of arseholes who seek to show consideration in history to Nazis.Tell it to my Lee Enfield Goebbels.

I don't know what love is and I'm too old'.Well they say a frenchman can make her rise three feet when she has an orgasm but mine goes through the roof mate when I cum and wipe my dick on the curtain.I think I'll go and spend our last thirty bucks on some flowers for her;no fuck that I'll buy a case of beer and chunder all over the bathroom...hmmm beer True Love.

Listening to Bad Company.I'm highly critical of right wing media such as radio 2GB.Some people actually believe their childish rant.They're nihilists of the most blood thirsty type.They're against Australia showing compassion to refugees and their racism does nothing to assist Australia's aims to seek peace with the Muslim world.They're scrotes from the 70's who also hate feminism as if it's wrong to respect women.

I've read the Bible more extensively than most people who claim to be Christians.I'll never be aborn again moron.If I have a spiritual crisis I can pick up a Koran,the Wisdom of Confuscious,The I Ching,The Bible,Paradise Lost,The Canterbury Tales,The Complete Works of Shakespeare,The Iliad and many other spiritual works.I prefer to be an individual.

My story is very much like a Vietnam veteran's.I've made another discovery for them...'Wild Irish Rose' by George Jones.He sings about the reality of what happens to war heroes.

I hate the paedophile Denis Ferguson like every other cunt and although I won't defend him,thank God for prisoner advocates.Someone's gotta do it because otherwise realistically there'd be linchings.Things that Jesus would advocate:Prison Reform,Pacifism,Communism and Homosexuality.

The thing I like most about my Ipod is the process of shuffling my 16,000 odd songs of every genre pressing play and seeing where it takes me.It's shit to sound like an advertisement for Apple but the technology really has inflamed my passion for music.The experience is like meeting that mellow stranger called music for the first time.Fuck off with the idea that I'm too old.

It's a pacemaker for my head.Some gays think it's wrong to not have sex with men.And some rock stars think it's wrong to live for music.So go get fucked.

They've got a good retrospective sound.The vocals remind me of Stevie Wonder.I listen to a lot of contemporay American shit.You can hear the Prog Rock influence.I've been thinking about a business idea,marketing my Ipod library by selling pre-progammed classic ipods.Afterall it takes a lot of work to fill an 80 gig ipod with tracks and just not any shit off the internet.

Icons like the Rolling Stones want me to come and hang out because I'm respectful but original.However it's taboo for a Schizophrenic to seek out famous people.Like my friend Brenden said 'there's nothing wrong with a bit of tragedy.'I don't struggle with loneliness and isolation and afterall some of the most famous people in the world never overcome it.

I think my insanity was to be perpetually walking out on women that I loved.Like Janis Joplin said,you can walk around the world but all it really takes is to be good to one woman and you'll have reached the end of the road.Mine can't watch TV reports about animal cruelty and everyone agrees she's a good girl.I think I've been a victim of sex marketing.No longer though.

The reason I'm copping so much shit from every direction is that it's the Age of Christian Fundamentalism.These peasants believe that the whole world should b converted to Christianity even if this involves guns.Aaron gleefully like the simpleton he is will tell you that Jesus was a redkneck muderer and a racist.Like most lower class masturbate he has fantasies about America.

He seriously believs that Jesus was a murderer which isn't very surprising because his English Comprehension skills were never very good.I assure you the Gospel and everything it infers in the Bible is not about hate,fear and violence.I don't even understand why he thinks he's a Christian..He's a nasty unit.

As a consequence of my generosity to my Sisters people will view me as Edward the Confessor,a King I despised in High School.The have no understanding that their actions and things say have consequences in my life.Many people despise them because they're like the characters out of Absolutely Fabulous and like most drug addicts from the 70's they're now into interior design.

They're all envious of my wealth which is absurd.The amount of my money I earn wouldn't keep them in back and arsehole waxes.Hitler said Australia was a centre of Oriental Judaism.You're all rugby league players and if I hand you a mirror you're going to choke on your vomit.Aaron thinks I should be more financially credible but he used to be a skinhead,he tried to wank me in bed and he backdoored a JewIt's not defamation if it's true..

I swear they want to send me to the Gas chamber but o the basis that I've marched in Anzac day I request my last words,which are 'You're Mother is a filthy slut who loves getting fucked up the arse. Dr Guillotine ended up being executed on the machine he invented.I understand why you should exterminate schizophrenics because it is truly embarrasing to have people who are clearly vastly superior in bed.

I know what the future holds,sauteed baby cocks and a moroturim on child molestations.The problem is once you get rid of the undesirables whose going to wipe your arse and whose going to put food on your table,believe it or not you can't eat your own shit.Lke the parents of Caligula or Geoffrey Dharma what are you going to do when he starts fucking guys and eating them?I humiliated so many people in my childhood ,I'm like a Rotweiller with lockjaw.Now they're telling me that they want to sterilise aboriginal girls

President Obama is a half-caste.They are good at being glamorous and a half-elf is different to an elf with it's own idiosyicrasies.I have been the target of the most envy of any human in history and still haven't succumbed to the unbelievable weakness and down right evil.Read MoreRead More

.An interesting book is Hadrian IV by Baron Von Corvo.It deplores that the lower classes can infiltrate and take over which is what your trying to do to me.My life is in danger because a previously loyal person has bertrayed me and like JFK I have fallen in their shadow.The lesson is seek money.

.President Obama is a half-caste.They are good at being glamorous and a half-elf is different to an elf with it's own idiosyicrasies.I have been the target of the most envy of any human in history and still haven't succumbed to the unbelievable weakness and down right evil.

The coons know how to play my Father.They despise me because of my excellent English language skills and these cunts don't know to self improve.Normally a persons problems come from within.I know everything about them and I know who are the terroists.I've told ASIO and the Federal Police.

I think the important thing to do when you're rich is convince poor people that you're unhappy because it titilaes their last vistages of hope but in reality they'll never grow up and a consequence walk around with their pants down and their wives perform sex acts on the Marquis De Sade.PERVERSION

Some of my friends have seen things about my family that if they were widely known would make me popular but like Cat Steven's said 'life is full of fancy dancers who have no answer when you ask them,what are you here for?'I might have to become A Christian in order to retain my wealth.FUCKING CRUEL

watching a six year old preacher on the TV who'll probably grow up to emulate Charles Manson and be a violent rapist on drugs.Women have liberated themselves and climbed the heights of business and every other arena but has their maturity level kept pace?Platonic philosophy asserts that man's meaning in life is to be happy.Indonesian women no their place.

Again I'm in dispute with people because I believe men in a marriage have rights.Don't get me wrong I believe a woman is entitled to a career,an intellect,a sex life,a productive financial partner and someone who'll fight for her but when I won't to get pissed with my Mates and listen to music it's time to back off bitch.What's wrong with a woman respecting a man and a man respecting a woman.Jealousy is a curse.

.In the West there are a lot of women now with an Oedipus complex.It's really revolting and creepy.It actually makes me angry,Daddy's little girl who doesn't care because Daddy's rich and if she came on to him she's sure he'd fuck her.Incest really creeps me out.Even though it's dirty the Dad's love it too.The world's become a jungle of metrosexuals and vaseline.

How does one intelligence condemn another as being insane?There is no sanctity of the mind or freedom of thought.The Virginia Tech murderer was an intelligent talented playwright dismissed by some Lesbian academic who probably just didn't even give a shit.I understand his hatred but dispute the relationship with that and shooting innocent people.A fatal flaw of imaturity.

Are aborigines the lowest rung on the evolutionary ladder or are they the leading edge?Indigenous people have lived sustainably with the environment for tens of thousands of years.Saint Thomas More said that all churches are the creation of the ego and should be demolished because the only true Church is the planet.Many Christians now believe that environmentalism is a mission from God.

Peter said he was concerned by my Facebook portrait.Does all creative expression have to be defined by being a boring middle class Dad whose actually a raving hard core poof?According to psychiatry and the Torah one should not question one's Master.I agree with the Screaming Jets, 'I'm too drunk to fuck.'Actions speak louder than words so I'll mix my JD with a maximum dose of anti-psycs

Australians are a jingoistic,virulent STD who've never read a book of any repute and should be made to pass an intelligence and aptitude test before being allowed to go overseas and inflict their pathetic dogshit agenda on other cultures.Politician's understand because they're normally intelligent and analytical.The lower classes have achieved too much prevalence due to television..

What happened to our exuberance?Maybe a cheap excuse as a regard for days we can't easily dismiss.I still remember nights of wonder free of consequence.I guess they placate us by reminding us of nights we survived but that's not the entirety of the liberation that we acheived.Please Brothers don't let them obliterate our cause as it has been on our effect.

The best representation of the lower classes is by George Orwell who rather than seeking a Marxist inspiration in them knew that they are spiritually and intellectualy ugly and they are all pervasive in this terrible corner of the world.

They could have a good try if it wasn't for Bonnie Raitt but the world of emotion is far from including the world of female emotion.I guess I'm surprised that these things actually feel after what they've done to me.I think they're not capable of fathoming the depths to which I've suffered to bring the salary to their door...I bled.

Women don't understand the idiotic like when Aaron and I introduced ourselves as 'Stunt Men'.They just don't get it,that we would be so absurd in our objective to get into their pants.Shit I'm starting to dig No 9 by the Beatles,just watch out if I start calling you The Family!

I just rang Sky News and reminded them that Rupert Murdock their boss is married to a Chinese woman but the footballer's are still obstinate about their right to rape any woman whether she be of age or not.This presents me with the somewhat opportunism to ask on radio whether anything is actually being done about footballer transgressions about women or whether they are being protected.

Why can't they handle that I've already fucked her.As my friends know it's just the power of my imagination because although cupid is merely the sun of Venus he is a god all the same.In an age of computer rationalisation we need primordial disputes regarding absolute masculinity.Seek more heterosexual adventuralism rather than less.

I'm like the Sir Galahad of drinking;I'd never rape a woman and I know Aaron never would either.It just doesn't appeal to our idea of sex and love.Where did we get our idea of sex and justice;maybe from our mothers.My parents never taught me that sex was a taboo and when I was 16 I made them accountable to that.When you have a child who knows what you're going to get.

Listening to Rose Tattoo.Much social negativity is derived from the States.This includes spastics who want to claim virtue based on their financial status aswell as a conjured image of casualness which is exhibited in the mindless dross of meaningless bullshit they say on Facebook and other internet forums.Typically these people will accuse thoughtful people of being crazy.I love it when they get massacred.

I think it's because they're desperately trying to fuck someone with their small dicks but I've got more roots anytime,anywhere that I know what to do with including your bored wife because I can make her feel valued.Fuck off corporate moron.

I believe I am thoughtful but slow.I often deplore my inability to achieve more but we all have our cross to bear.

When people try to overcome their faults they can inadvertently move away from their centre.Growth occurs when one addresses psycological problems and applys cognitive strategy and or tactics.Comparing oneself to other people is not the correct motivation for self change especially when it is financial.A good thing to remember is that all you really need is a heartbeat and a heart and gratitude for your freedom is nothing to be afraid of.

People in life who say they've never had a problem probably would eat babies cocks if it were legal.Conscience and Passion do not visit an individual without cost.

Indonesian's often think I'm gay because I've refrained from going on a fucking fest but this is because I felt compassion for the girls who in Java would become treated like shit and degraded by their community because they had lost their virginity without achieving a marriage.I think and so therefore I am whilst the Victorian Government is screening for unfit IVF participants.FUCK

Typically American's and their sycophants can't understand why I wouldn't ruin a Muslim girl's life despite having the opportunity.

I don't particularly care if people download and print my Artwork.To be called an Artist is not a right but rather a privledge.Also I need to make a name for myself if I am to obtain comissions.I have tried to push the envelope as to what websites can do and am not oblivious to the many computer experts who are more def than I.Check out

The reason why we are not winning in Afghanistan is because the US Army petitioned the Government to extensively use conventional army forces in the field only because it was motivated to aquire a greater share of the defense spending by the US Government.Actually winning the war is of secondary importance.The deployment of conventional forces will never succeed.

There are two paths of actualisation caused by the power of the unconcious mind.Even if I am offered money as a guru I will refuse it,it is irrelevant.One has the power to walk in the ways of success or actualise a negative outcome.Only Epicurean philosophy views money as a mark of happiness.

Defending Australia isn't so much about Aussie pride and the courage of the Aussie Digger as it is about what happens to the women and children if you get it wrong.I remember Aaron as the Year 2000 approached showing me his slingshot which he was adamant he was going to use to defend himself in the coming anarchy.There are many stupid arseholes in this world.

What will happen to the women and children?...They'll all be raped and or murdered and sent to re-education camps telling them about the great injustices we did against the Aboriginal people.

Some people assert that I'm a good man because I'm concerned about the defense of Australian women and children in the event of a war.They cannot however accept that at the same time I am a murderer which is what hand to hand combat in the infrantry requires.

I like Asian women.They are beautiful and need protection from racist men in the West,disingenuous Western women and also from the corrupt society of Asia itself.Tim once said to me Philipino's are beautiful and they are most abused because that's what happens to gentle and physically beautiful people.I'm always gunning for them it's just a coincidence that the underdogs are also princesses.

I am so reviled by mistreatment of Asian women that if anything is done to my wife I would cut the perpetrator into pieces,fuck the exit wound and feed the rest to my dog.My advice is avoid making slurs and racist comments about women around me.Some specialist's say I am a class A psycho prone to obsession and self-destructive behaviour,I think it's more appropriate to say I'm creative.

The only item of interest I can bring at this time to subject of the war in Afghanistan is that it's a Land Locked country similar to Laos or Switzerland.The historians should examine the implications of this fact through examination of similar warfare in such countries over time.I admit that I have read nothing about this.

Actually from a cursory look on Google:'Warfare with a Landlocked Country' it appears that there has been research and that the US military have fucked this from the outset.

Aaron asserts that my prose and poetry doesn't make sense but it's not for him.It's for educated people simpatico with the minds of a Churchill or a Rosevelt.They like it to be oblique because it alludes to God's demented sense of humour that despite all of the horrendous suffering of mankind,heaven will eclipse it with happiness.

How do you expect Police to understand the very complex Law when essentially they're given a gun with no legal tertiary education?In their eyes it's become everyone is guilty until proven innocent.How can a person of unsound mind explain themselves adequately or aquire adequate legal protections.It's a fucking jungle and my psychiatrist said my failing was that I was a gentleman.

.I have tangible fear of the cops because they don't like schizophrenics.Although I haven't committed any crime whether it be theft,drug dealing,assaults and murders etc but I feel I'm a target for someone to fabricate evidence against me.I guess it's because they threatened me over sending vitriolic e-mails which amounts to harrasment.Fucking corrupt bastards.

They like threatening us in our homes and then blowing our brains out in supposed self defence.The community don't give a fuck either,just another dead crazy subhuman.Don't expect me to show you decency you fucking arsehole.

It's part of the Schizophrenic belief system to go beserk when we fight.Maybe it's different but this is the way of the twin sons Deimos and Phoebus of the union of the God of war and the Goddess of love.

.East Timor is a basket case because the Howard Government failed to help develop a welfare state with standards of civilisation approximating those of Australia.I was in Java at the time and watched the SAS land on Indonesian TV.I told the Javanese that Australia would provide better standards of living.It has been proven to be bullshit.

August 30, 2009 at 8:22 pm 

I'm very sceptical about war overseas for any reason and I think it is only legitimate if it is defensive.

I wouldn't say I was scared but rather realistic.It could have escalated into a full blown war and forty odd years ago Indonesian's massacred over 1,000,000 of their own people in a failed uprising.Indonesian's have a humble attitude but when they snap all that suffering errupts into madness.

Depression is worse than schizophrenia because psycosis can be channeled into a positive stream.Whereas the depressed are just unhappy schizophrenics can be creative and aggressive.Perhaps aggression is ignorant but this is an ignorant world.Regarding unhappiness,it's the greatest burden of all and watching the news with terrible killing and violence,the darkness of depression can strike.

I like to say to skin heads 'you're the tool of the Jew' because it's the hardest and foremost insult to them aswell as being true because their driving principle is that the world is a Jewish conspiracy.The Jews have thrown em off the scent and are useing them to fight Muslims.Pathetic and dumb.

Anyone whose ever camped in the Australian bush knows that one of the most beautiful things you can experience is to look up into the dawn sky and see a single star,this is the meaning Lucifer.To understand why a noble name has been bastardised one must understand it's usage in Rome.

I think it's awesome to be a black man.We get treated like shit,we're poor and we're humiliated but we feel things like music that only shades can feel.

I'm in the trench with them somewhere North of Saigon rushing like I never want it end doin' the Captain jack that the CIA gave us.I've learnt how to move myself around despite having no solution to this catch 22 with a razor blade.

.I like to tell the truth rather than stick to any political party policy.My enemies and I have many say I'm just a senseless biggot because I believe my love is different to homosexual love.I base this upon the fact that my partners have the opposite genital and I may still love men but I do not have sex with them.The story of heterosexuality encompasses all of history and may it shine on.

 One of the reasons for the aforementioned parameters is celibacy which when practised properly is just as good as sex.

Some cunts even have their nuts cut off to achieve it.I don't reccomend doing a DIY job to achieve that however.

Whether you're Tim,Tom,Damien,Jake,Peter and many other names that I forget they're trying to make us suck their cock because only we were Royal Australian Army Cadets Normanhurst Regiment and I assure you till your dieing day they will try and besmerch your good name but even if you succumb to their assaults God will acknowledge you as a gentleman and the truth of the commonwealth.

.I thought Ted Kennedy was full of shit.Mr Ridley had me swear an oath of loyalty to the Queen as he did every other cadet.It may not be in favour with Labor fanatics but I was brought up including my schooling to be a gentleman.Discipline has entitled me to avoid gaol and the other side of the coin in Australian history is that we fought for King and Country.Lest We Forget

The motto of Normanhurst Boys High School Know Thyself isn't so much about introspection as it is about it's place on the Delphi oracle which defers directly to Ciceronian virtue that includes the values of fortitude,stoicism,bravey,selflessness and charity.If I had the opportunity to have authority over those lazy scabs today I would kick the shit out of them CAV style.

Stupid parents have decided that the education of their children should be based on generic intelligence.Master of English Mr Skinner whipped the shit out of Aaron for swinging his bag in the playground.He looked like a reprobate and he deserved what he got.

Women are just cunts who are concerned about their potential child's material well being.I saw an ex boyfriend of my sisters,I could tell he was just a walking shell and that he would be for the rest of his life.Don't let the cunts fight in war.Surely a man's death should be sacrosanct.I've fought my own battles sometimes across the seas.Women just laughed.They exgaturate

I've never hit a woman with a closed fist or bashed one but I did have an AVO against me decades ago because the girl was in two minds about having me around and her Mother didn't like me.I didn't breach it because I accepted that it was her right to end the relationship.The AVO contained spurious claims and we had consentual sex the night before it was delivered.She still loves me.

What's it like to be old when you have so much more to give and no one wants to know?Even myself can at times be oblivious to their wisdom and insights .The bastards try to put you into your grave before you're dead.I remember the old diggers,they were some of the most insightful critics of Gallipoli and indeed warfare itself.I could work in a nursing home.I have compassion for them

 I think a lot of feeling old people believe in 'live for the day!'.Youth is wasted on the young and I can't quit the habit of wasting my life.

I think that the harder that you punish me with your tales of the good life the better it will be for my correct assesment of the truth which will always be more important than my own mortality.Basically most Australians are fucking themselves up their own arse.You get used to it after a while.You as an observer just have to ignore the ijactulations.

It's a hard wall to climb,what I did to you Keeno when I was sixteen because whatever you've achieved since is only ever going to be a second chance and there are never any second chances.How does it feel to be the invincible Thomas Hardy?...I think Napolean was wisest to stay on Elbe rather than conduct a premature assault on the continent especially when lower middle classes are involved

.I told my wife the truth about the plight of women and so now I'm subject to her criticism but I like keeping the bastard that is myself honest.She must appreciate that honourable conduct to anyone is against the law and a target of the masses and the media.Anyone with a heart knows that true love is the ultimate goal and the most targeted of oposition by society.I will die on this barricade

I'm a Dolphin and I'd like to cut my own arm off if it resulted in saving the submarine.They probably don't believe me but I will kill a mutineer and not become grandiose.Ultimately killing people requires a leader to be clinical and cold,I have accepted that.

Militarily at the moment of a leaders proposed action to destroy the enemy he must accept that he has no regard for life and is himself a cold vessel.

The Jews want you to believe that most recently I've been in a Psyche ward.The truth is I've done a two month tour in Central Java.They got a terroist just down the road where I was staying.I had a dog and a machete to protect myself.I had a good time but the status quo of Jews is that white Christians are incapable of achieving simpatico relationships with Muslim Asians.

All of the mentally retarded right wing people want me to leave my wife but the heart of Taurus is precious as is the mind of Cancer.Many things have tested my devotion to my wife but if my marriage is a barricade I know that ending my mortality is merely a finite struggle whose repurcution is merely no suffering.You better draw fast homo cunt because I blelieve in the babies.

It hurt me spiritually and deeply what Martin Bryant did.I'm not an imature moron who believes in violence for violence sake.Pathetic greenhorns who discovered drugs and think they know about rock disrespectfully say hello to me.The government gives me drugs,your vagina is the same as every one.

Like Churchill prior to World War II,I'm accused by the lesbians and homosexuals of Bloodthirstiness and Madness.My passion is for Australia is to triumph over it's enemies and to show no mercy in the defense of this country.Perhaps she got a Phd but she didn't harden her resolve to see that in these matters the people that suffer the most are the underprivledged through poor leadership

They should have killed that cunt Gaddafi years ago for having the discusting disrespect for sponsoring events like Lockerbe.Imagine what his kids are like.Fucking sick monsters.I'm not a proponent of ground based attacks against these dictators but I am a big advocate of the pre-emptive strike.Go on Barrack paint Michelle on the side of a Cruise Missile it'll be a lot of Doner Kebab.

Politicians are an insult to my intelligence.They have the nerve to claim that they've done and are doing good things for me.These arrogant,supercillious gits actually believe what they're saying.They'll inact policy to help homeless people and go home every night whilst children sleep on the streets and sell themselves.They're scum and

If you're worried about your family member's safety just draw fire in order to distract fate;it's the best you can do in this uncertain world.Neo-Nazi groups are abided by Government's and Law-enforcement in Western countries because Jewish priorities are now regarding the Nation of Israel and therefore people who hate Muslim's and Asiatic's are useful.Islam means peace of mind despite war

They're singing 'just give love to all' which is a feeble Christian concept because in reality not everybody wants my love.Am I racist to dislike Lebanese immigrants who have become known for racist violence and rapes of white Australians?It's not their olive skin which is actually very handsome but the ignorance which makes me angry.Still I do think we have to share Australia

That's the thing about famous entertainment people.They can say and suggest some real bullshit.

Tom is watching a documentary on The Art Of War by Tsun Tsu the tenure of which is incorrect.He was actually a great man of Peace.He believed that generals should achieve victories without loosing a man or firing a shot.Let the neighbours tree drop it's fruit in your backyard.Only fools glorify war.

Your average Aussie mongrel would never want me as Priminister because I'd enrich him.Just by ending proabition of illecit drugs and getting the Government to manufacture,supply and tax it i could turn this country into a wealthy nation but that's not the nature of the meathead.I've lessened my faith in the Aussie male because he tolerates his ignorant mates,be fucking each other in custody.

Australia is an act of genocide not only against Tasmanian Aborigines but against White Australians because the Geneva convention regards the deportation of a countries citizens as an act of genocide.The three most evil countries in modern History are Germany,England and Spain.The only ones to not pay reperations are the fucking English.168,000 British were exiled here

The Americans might have assumed I would claim they were in the top three but the term Modern History relates to the period dating back to the Seventeenth century.If I was to outline all of the crimes that England has committed all over the World I would have to write a Tome of work.

There were instances when British marines buried aboriginal babies up to their necks and then kicked their heads off.I used to live near Dorego,whole tribes were marched off cliffs.Tasmania is the only country on Earth known to have committed a complete genocide.I haven't helped aboriginal people in any way but I won't be stopped in telling the truth about them.

Howard doesn't like Australian students being told the truth about atrocities against aboriginal people because it didn't suit his stance of claiming to be a righteous leader during our involvement in Iraq.He's a discusting cunt and I I'll always regret not having blown him away because it is true that the greatest evils are done when good men do nothing.He's a fucking war criminal

I think Australian parents are entitled that their children are told the truth in schools.I'm considered insane because I have believed that my life should be about victory and I have acted upon it.

I realised when I was 24 that the only solution to my shitkicker status and my Father was violence.

The United States are such a deplorable leader of international relations because their Government and society are beseiged by Hokey Christian Rednecks who are suceeding in drowning the voices of rational,educated and intelligent people.They have no tolerance of culturally different people and think the best thing to do is build a McDonalds restaurant in every locale of the world

I'm watching Q&A on the ABC.They've been talking about Balabo and I'm immediately aware of the Government's predicament when it comes to human rights abuse whether it be Indonesia,China,Singapore etc.The machiaveleans would say stuff the victims because developing societies have abuse problems as did our country and one must see the big picture for the sake of International peace.

The Government is full of bigotts who think the end justifies the means like killing babies in an attempt to silence Moses.The idea of having to sing one's own praises in order to achieve public office is low and distasteful.I asked one of my friends ,'what's wrong with me?' he replied 'you haven't pulled yourself enough.'I suppose it's true and over intellectuasing can be problematic

Like he says 'I've got the madman blues.'While cunts are making a pass at my wife which means they've got a fucking death wish it occurs to me that I'm going to be rich.God is of course dubious which I agree with because with money can come a whole swathe of problems.if you're not going to share wealth and you don't have any children,what does the aquisition of it actually change

People including Hitler think that Clacisisim is noble and that their practice of child sacrifice and molestation is acceptable or desirable.However I am an Ex-Normanhurst Prefect and Cadet and therefore I believe nobility occured in 1915 at Gallipoli.That premise by ostensibly Christian people who don't believe in child cruelty is something my ancestors established in the New South Wales Regiment.

I think Born Again Christians have issues about sexual propriety.Sometimes babies will rub themselves on their brothers and sisters,parents or furniture.It's called Frotting and is perfectly innocent and harmless.Civilised people know that sexual propriety is based on Science such as the phenonemon of Puberty and has nothing to do with the concept of God.

The fact is I took LSD and you didn't but I don't think I know what that means and I'm certainly not going to take advice on the meaning of life from a closet middle class poof with mediocre marks in an Economics degree.It's like the cunt found out he has a genital and wants to show me.Like Bon Scott said I'm on the Highway to Hell and don't try to slow me down.Time to buy more piss.TWH

Had a good conversation with Brendan over a few beers.We talked about pride and I said get rid of that stupid notion and wipe your arse with it.About school I think it's about what stage of development you're at when you do your final year.He'd been doing Acid for years and I was fucking chicks and causing huge problems for their parents.Had I become a QC I also would have gone to jail.

Government schools are full of racism,violence,bullying,drugs and discrimination.The teaching standards are deplorable If you can afford it it is better to send your child to a private school.Things have gotten worse now that they have removed corporal punishment.Poor standards and laziness do a diservice to the students.We have been raped by nihilists calling themselves progressives.

Sometimes I'm duplicit because I know how to help myself.One fundamental thing I don't forget is that I don't know everything.I don't think Gardasil will cause deformities in childern because as yet there has been no reported incidences of that.At least I'm helping parents with the truth. If you choose to protect her against death by cancer through vacination there is also a risk of death.

Those comments are not advice because I would never assume that regarding your children's health I have the right to do that.It 's a Catch 22 and although there have been no reported incidences of deformities in phoetus' I'm not an expert in that.

Most of people's self worth is based on comparing themselves to me which shows how pathetic they are.I'm glad the Born Again Christian cunt grew tired of me.His heart is duplicit and disingenuous.I'm in love with Rock n Roll and if that insect even suggests that he's going to come onto my property I'm going to ring the Police like his abo wife who gave him the boot.Fucking insect.

Never hit a woman.If your wife is at her wits end and hits you in the face don't react and just keep a space in your mind which laughs at her pathetic attempts to sway a real man with violence afterall your a street fighter and if that's what the price of your wicked,lazy indulgent behaviour is she'll get over it.Control your temper and don't be overly proud.Keep your chin up.

I can hear the women saying 'how arrogant' but I don't think I'll ever be physically afraid of a woman afterall I've even fought my own Father in the street.I can be terrified of my wife's mind and will however.

People might say 'she can't be violent with you' but if she stabbed me I would calmly clean her fingerprints from the blade and say I did it myself.I started having long term relationships over twenty years ago so I believe in marriage and will endure anything that it will continue.We fight but we're happy.

You see some bastard's won't take it from a woman but that's why they'll die unhappy.I'm a Cancerian and according to facebook I'm the Knight of Cups and therefore I know you never miss your water till you're dry,there'll all the same and you should have gratitude for her.I'll leave this marriage contract when I'm wormfood.

I'm watching parliament and knowing me they'd contend that I'm out of order vilifying poofs etc.But could they live in a village in Central Java for two months?It's wisest that they say no lest it befell them.They suggest I should be positive and address supposed problems in my life.I am way too fucked to be objective in any country on this Earth.I don't want to return there for a long time.

The disease that some men have is that they know that their women are ladies and therefore try to treat them like that in bed but sometimes women want their man to burn with animalistic passion whereby their man's desire to make love to them is almost deranged.Don't deny them their romantic imagination,it's beautiful.

Women are very detached and sometimes question whether their husband loves them or is it just convenience.Don't feel pressured as a husband but some passionate sex will keep the wolf at the door.The twentieth century taught them to be idiots.Gratify them and then don't let them overstep the mark that they're being used.Make your case and then compromise.

A lot of people say why work in a relationship despite having sworn everlasting monogamy.I was recently away from my wife for six weeks at times surrounded by many young available people but their allure felt so cheap and meaningless and also I am still sexually attracted to my wife.

I've read the Koran cover to cover.There's nothing in it which says a husband and a wife can't enjoy each other during sex and remain true Muslim's.How can you explain the fact that a wife takes her veil off infront of her husband in the bedroom.the Koran and Islam are very sexually orientated because the Universe was created from a drop of God's sperm.

The important thing to do when having sex with your lover is to anticipate what she is thinking.Use her body as a means to get your filthy rocks off and she will appreciate your masculinity.Pornography and talking Dirty to your partner are also very helpful in establishing Hot Sex.Communication,everything you need goes to sleep next to you.

Yeah don't give up on yourself.There isn't a religion on Earth that condemns sex between a husband and wife.It's an opportunity to be beyond control and it's beautiful.

A lot of women like to say that heterosexuality is the same as homosexuality only because they copped a limp fish.My sexual prowess is not in doubt and had you been fucked by me you would have felt my physical gratitude and excitement.You see a lot of sexually inadequate men try to blame the problem on their lovers.

I shouldn't really watch as much news as I do because most of the people depicted or presenting it have never read a book of any repute.Why did Orwell provide me with the opportunity to analyse these discusting proles.Must have been my proclomation that he is the Patron Saint of Kitchenhands.He saw people die in the workplace just as I have.

The funny surprise for hippies and slobs is that the East is not the source of freedoms including sexual freedoms.The East as my Mother's appraisal was correct is the source of discipline.Regulations regarding fasting amongst Muslims and meditation,abstinance and sexual propriety amongst Hindus and Buddhists.The idea is to transpose pleasure and pain

Sydney siders are villifying me because I already know that homosexuals are foul.I am a Hare Krishna.We have sex only once a month and only Heterosexuality is allowed.But you want to go to Hindu destinations like Bali and put your little penis up some poor boys arsehole.I agree with Bin Laden kill the deviates befor they have their racist way and destroy beautiful and pure heterosexuality

My Proclomation to the people as President of the World is 'Eat more pussy.'I'm a Tasmanian convict,we fight over our women and when we get one we think that's enough.It's also a religious belief because in the Hindu Karma Sutra homosexuality is condemmed as Evil negativity.Don't vilify me because of my absolute dedication to the VAGINA

I like two planets colliding whereas it's politically correct to have a bumb root or a fist fuck.I despise homosexuals and their historiography is Roman alluding to Caligula and child molestation.My sex is better than yours you sordid sodomite.For a man at least there is nothing to fear about the opposite genital.You can't seriously suggest that I'd be better off with a faggot.

When you work for my Father you won't be there for long unless you make him a profit.I guarantee that within eight hours of looking for work I will always have a job.I see say to potential emloyers 'time is money,I'm a hard worker and I do what I'm told.Whatever you say I will do fast and efficiently.You're the boss and I'm a team player.I'll get the job done.Then they say 'you're hired.'

Labor leaders say to me what's it like to make pensioners and bludgers jealous.My answer is it's not like a Pilates class.Often you'd work yourself into madness beyond what was rationally acceptable.When you'd get home you'd thank God that you'd made it back.Most people that work like that end up as alcoholics or insane.I don't need to prove that I'm better than you anymore.Vive Henry Lawson

The best way to manage employees is to work side by side with them and if possible harder.Most deadshits won't work harder than Asians but I match them to prove in part that I can defend my country against them.I despise ignorant Englishmen who put the burden on our Asian workers.I am a Digger no-one is as tough as me

I used to work on a Removalist Truck and the boss set the standard for severe hard work.It made me believe in him and although I didn't get the lions share of the profit I looked up to him and I matched him in hard work.

I ordain Peter the Great as Patron Saint of the true blood workers.I don't want to severe ties with the Queen because I still have an issue with her over the Scottish restoration.I chose to be Achilles rather than Agamenmon and let those fucking ships burn I've got my share of Lesbos women that need to be fucked cock in the vagina like an animal.Vive Iliad

You see I'm from the richest family that attended Normanhurst Boys High School.My Father owns a Multi National company but most of the time he just works as a labourer.If I'm going to earn another million the only way is on the end of a shovel.Your mistake has been thinking that you are above physical hardship.

I'm too rich and capable to be accepted by the Left Wing.I'm too Heterosexual to be accepted on the Right Wing by poofs like Allan Jones and Andrew Maiden.I'll tell you something interesting about Andrew Maiden;he was fourth and silent speaker of the debating team whereas I was Third speaker.He supported Iraq,I'll send him into the line with 3RAR but I don't know if they need Rent Boys

The Labor Party seek to ingratiate themselves with abo's and bludgers who have never worked a day in their lives.Honest and Noble people are a threat because they have made ground against the enemy nihilism.They really couldn't give a shit if we starved to death in concentration camps.The Strong are their enemy because they want to hand the whole thing over to China anyway.

I hate Sky News because of it's coverage of little boys playing sport and sucking cocks whilst there's a war on.Chicks who know it's wrong try to offer me their cunt but I don't want to be sucked into a black hole.The Government has done nothing to help me.They claim the contary and it's a filthy lie.I'm not even provided with a councillor.The politicians defecate into the mouths of diggers

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to David Ruffin.I know some so called Players who denied their children families so they could go out and fuck sluts.Some are even hard core Christians but in reality whereas they believe being good has nothing to do with Christianity Evangelical Preachers will burn brightest when they go to hell.If it's into Christianity take out an AVO against them.They know who they are.Stay away from playgrounds

The only thing I don't like about the Ultra-Nerds from school and you know who you are is that you don't believe me and therefore you hurt the idealistic politicians who are seeking objectivity and solutions.I was much more engaging in High School than you douche and your crutch is the mark you got in the HSC.I was more interested in fucking chicks and sometimes your Mum.Ha Ha Ha

The most important event in History which would define Post-Modernism was the Yalta Conference.Generation Y have been taught a whole swathe of bull-shit about the Cold War and the dilema of the Palestinians.I've been in the room where the Versailles Treaty was inacted and I don't give a fuck about goat-herders.Nuclear weapons are part of the Royal Airforce.Vive Israel

People think I'm stupid but even staying out of jail is a complex ethical dilema for an adult.When I was in Java I thought about killing a random Muslim as Revenge for their killing Australians.This would no doubt ruin my life and breach international law.However if the Government disagree does this mandatorily mean that the individual is wrong.In Law one must defend his country.

People were certain I was going to take one out but I thought about what my wife said;'don't do anything stupid.'Also I've already had a brush with the Federal Police over e-mails I sent to the Malaysian Embassy:'We want to drop bombs on you,have a nice day Saracen.' and to the Indonesian embassy 'I think you will die a violent death.'Anyway I did a full tour and gave some intelligence to the Australian Government regarding Abu Bakir Bashir.He's a difficult target.Maybe next time.

I think parenthood reveals to parents that they're not providing perfect parenting towards their children.My advice is that no parents are perfect and just be laid back providing your children with love and the basics.They have to make their own mistakes,make up their own mind and live their own lives.An Australian Marine hurts himself before he hurts a child.

All of the homeless cunts and abo's get atleast $550 a fortnight and then spend it all on piss and drugs,run out of money and then beg.I've spent a couple of nights in Mathew Talbot but in 37 years I've never begged,not even for five cents.I'm not a biggot though.You can see some homeless men reading in the library,probably never begged either.HONOUR

.I think your problem is that your philosophy suggests that it's ok for you to have sex with children.I'm not a fucking fool,take your money worshipping ways and stuff the lucre in your hole.Oh that's right intelligence is guaged by how much money you've acquired.What about Orwell,Austen,Van Gogh and Gaughan.Tell your feeble bullshit to someone else.

I'm a poor man but poverty isn't an excuse to steal or develop a drug problem.I know I'm not playing the Capitalist wealth acquisition game but ascetesism isn't against the Law.One time in Far North Queensland I had no money for food or accomodation but I didn't beg like an abo I just lived in the Rain Forest and ate native fruits.I've seen wealth anyway.

I think little boys who ripped me off in High School are trying in one final effort to deny me glory through riducle based on their Lower Middle Class triumphs in using wealth to disguise their rabid desire for multiple cocks down the throat.Australia is a land of ugly minds but I have recourse to the Mental Health system because afterall why should I care what dumb cunts from Normo think.

I have to be judicious about what I tell psychiatric nurses I've just done because they would think it's out of bounds regarding acceptable experience.

Yeah Bardot is very hot like snorting cocaine off the dashboard of a Lamborgine Cheetah on the way to Studio 54

I have to see my Father tommorow which is offensive to me.They killed Nordin Top just down the road and I'm running on Indo time which means if it moves then you fuck it and if it doesn't then you stab it.Whilst here I'm an ordinary man prepared to hack you to death with my machete.Western chicks don't approve but here there's a value attached to virginity.

When I have a son I will teach him what it is to be an Indonesian Man.Indonesian men must normally show great patience physically and mentally.A diseases which pervades Indonesia is the Western concept of imediate gratification.He will be my child and nothing will be kept secret from him but he will be taught traditional Javanese work ethic.I will not disguise from him that he is Asian

.If they get me that'll be the end of billy the Kid.I used to climb up a tree next to my parents balcony over the roof to meet Tim Barber in the park and go to a party with some chick I had the hots for.Now pathetic mediocre one dimensional nerds have corporate dominance.It's a miracle they've hid their homosexuality for so many years

I've been living here for two months.As a consequence of having racked up over two years of Java it's the best option to survive your tour.I married a Christian girl and that has been essential to my survival.I'd like that known to Australians who are beligerent about Indonesians that there are millions of faithful Christians even in Java.War is a filthy lie

.I've made another good discovery for Australia,Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel to add with Fighting Sons Rose Tatto,Still in Saigon Charlie Daniels Band,Khe Sanh Cold Chisel,I was only nineteen Redgum,and the band played waltzing matilda by Eric Bogle.It's not safe to fly Garuda but it's less dangerous than being a digger in Asia.Lest We Forget

First thing Indonesian's will do when you get to know them especially University students is have a winge about their poverty without accepting any responsibility for it themselves.They haven't experienced the struggles of our unionists in the 1930's and it's convenient to blame the West.Their infrastructure is a fucking disgrace and their country is indelibly corrupt.Eat my shit Java.

August 9, 2009 at 8:08 pm 

It's kind of a social secret to not know that Diggers died in Indonesia.1942 Chifley asked Churchill to save Black Force and he refused.1,000 men were surrendered to the Japanese and none of them returned.It has helped me to know that diggers were here.You can still visit their war graves in Jakarta.My Grandfather was a search light operator in Moresby.Don't neglect your pride Australia

Audrey Hepburn is a very sophisticated choice but you're the romantic type so I guess that's not surprising.

I'm partial to Elizabeth Taylor when she was in Black Velvet.Makes me wish I was born forty years earlier.

Gotta die sometime.

Because I am a schizophrenic society seeks to deride my beliefs as being fiction.But what is the faculty that creates fiction?Being in Indo I am cognizant of the many manifestations in their culture due to belief.I think belief is makeup on a beautiful woman and human beings should be allowed their narative because of it's positive psycology.Social mores are important.

Listening to Australian Crawl.I've noticed that women are drawn to me It's certainly not because of my looks but rather the challenge to usurp my Javanese wife.After ten years of marriage I've reached the conclusion that they're all the same.After the honeymoon period they all want loyalty and nurturing and I'm not about to jump ship.Like the movie I'm into High Fidelity.Out of some miracle I like her parents too.

I said jokingly to My Aunty in Tasmania;there was the Great Depression,the Holocaust,Hiroshima and the Western Front,what major historical event was a catalyst for these tragedies?...She knew what I meant and answered Universal Sufferage.I was only joking but sometimes I think we've emancipated women so that they can cast away their chains and become another vile arsehole hanging around

 If that's true that I'm hiding my light under a bushell it's for good reason;being creative has nothing to do with chasing the dollar.I've taught myself to not give a fuck.

.Like Luther I make a proclomation to the faithful.Whilst you brainwash yourself at Church listening to the dirty inuendo of some lech telling you that you're important and everyone sins;mark my words if you do that to Tom Hardy's family or property I will cut off your little cock and shove it down your throat.I don't recognise your feeble excuse that you're a born again retard.

Reason is one of the most dangerous things in life.Madness is freedom because the normal or ordinary is defined as sin and the conotations of Christianity for us all are apparent and escapable through virtuos directions beyond Jesus.Bats flitter around the Papaya Trees whilst the call to Prayer is amplified righteously condemming my pig eating ways.Paedophiles reason that Love has no rules.

But Morgan Le Fay,Cancer was put into the zodiac because we defended the monsters of Hera.Die for a woman like Morgan Le Fay of every taboo but female.It's of no coincidence that I am Sir Garlon because women have bestowed upon m

Like they say 'shine on you crazy diamond.'They want me to dissapear over here.I could and earn 10,000 rupiah a day in some shit-hole,starving to death.It's not all about what Orwell said.Dumas told me and my cousin Tom's th

I've been thinking of Band Names. Some examples are;'Bianca Jagger','Look Into The Wounds','Brenden the Revelator','Dallas,Reece,and Rodney','Happy Music','Aryes Rock','Rock Revival','The Giant Albino Pygmies','It Isn't Can

Remember those pathetic,two manner tanks we had in PNG?The Holden factories were devised so we could build armor in the event of a war.That's what I should get because it's so discustingly naf and nouveau-riche;a Holden Commodore T-Shir

There was a Terroist plot in Australia.I think that presently Indonesian citizens can kill Australians with no repurcussions for the Republic of Indonesia.I think it's time for a Pre-emptive strike by the Royal Australian AirForce

Did they inspire Def Lepard?There's a foot long gecko living in my room.He or she is free to go about their business as long as he or she doesn't bite me on the Tojo!I once put a screaming gecko on my cock.Should I say that when I

I think the best way to survive a trip is to tell yourself no falsehoods.I had to admit that Bali is a bummer and Java is like ECT.I like Kreteks,they say they're 38 mg Tar.I also like drinking their energy drinks;completely illegal

Some people like to say that their safety regarding terroism here is in the lap of the Gods or in other words they're just another arsehole boring God with their pathetic problems.I like factual reasons to legitimise my safety;f

Life is a charming song which ignores you when you're in the gutter.I've seen a plethora of hot chicks from around the world stepping over six month old babies sleeping in the dirt as they make their way to the bar.Money her

What's the point in an I Phone?I suppose I'll get one when I have kids.At the moment my Ipod is essential to me.It means I can chill out with a beer and a smoke and be content.I'm the only foreigner in a town of about 150,000 Ja

I had to return to Java from Bali because my Father in Law had a stroke.So far he's recovering well.I'm due to return to Aus on the 14th of August via Bali.Spent a few days R&R in kuta.Magic Mushrooms are great spent on yo

Westerners come here and suggest Australian Law and Order.I paid a cop $25 for a traffic violation.They'd have to arrest a million people in the first 24 hours.The country runs on bribes.The socioligists say

A friend asked me what Java is like;the word that comes to mind is 'mysterious'.It's good to be focused here because although there is terroism and kidnappers you don't want to kill the man who has come to read the electrici

Thanks Buddy,stubbornly avoiding middle age.Wondering how much longer I can keep smoking without kealing over.

.I didn't dig 80's Heavy Metal but I've changed my mind.I remember hasseling Steven Townley because he liked bands like Poison and Iron Maiden.There are many perspectives I've had in my past that I would change if I could

Am I different?I don't fit in atleast and I don't encourage contact with bogans.I am corrupt like most husbands but my medication is a different factor in my lifestyle.I also exercise philosophy being a Ciceronian Tetrahedron

Psychiatry is Zionism.It is an opportunity for Jungian practitioners to punish people who believe Jesus was the Messiah rather than a heretic who deserved to be executed.Adolf Hitler stated that Australia was an offshoot of Europe

You're wrong because in the Chinese horology wood is an element.Female emancipation has revealed an ugly side to the ambitious femme fatale.Value of women is in a wide range and mostly they're worthless ignorant paracites.If I am

I'm being villified because of my schizophrenia diagnosis and dedication to what I regard as an ethic,physical hard work.It means nothing to my enemies that I am a young man.I know a lot of mediocre sycophants addict

Women are sexual,so what.One of the major problems in western society is ownership.Why is it that we can only love a woman who is sexually exclusive to ourselves?Is it not because of our own inadequasy?Certainly women are predis

I find women in the media to be confused about my intentions;given the opportunity I'd waste no time about getting the job done.Fuck I'm not firing blanks sweetheart.I haven't got the English disease about being precious wit

The suggestion is that you never escape the label of convict until you immigrgate to England.I admit that when I was a child I considered it a great injustice to have been born in Australia.Still there is an masculinity to be

Am I a good person?I'm pissed and I think it is best to answer that in the best way possible.The world loves me if I am a boy rather than a man.Men are capable of brutality but I contest Jake and I were men at fourteen.If there is

I'm watching English News and Anti-Facsists bashing the BNP Nazi's.It's great,I hate Nazi's.How dare they claim a Western identity when people such as my Great Grandfather fought and died versus the Germans.Diversity is a be

John Lennon asserted that by dabbling in Rock n Roll I might experience great sorrow.What is the idea that good cannot exist without evil?Why is this so?I guess the answer is because...People who believe this assert that we live on the

People claim Christmas is in July because I was born on the 6th of July.We're in hell and I am condemmed by mediocre creeps and depressives because I manage to use objectivity and achieve happy outcomes.The Church,arbiters of mora

Women are largely unaware about the extremes of physical punishment men often experience in the workplace.Only in places such as Asia is there a greater equality of suffering between the sexes.50% of being a Western woman

What is Schizophrenia?I understand it to be a spiritual dilema requiring love,achievement,a return to one's centre,stoicism and medication.I dispute the belief that alcohol and drugs are poison to sufferers as these luxuries are a

Australia needs to adapt to a changing environment.Indonesia is also Oceania which needs a common currency and work programs for poorer countries in the region.We should use Indonesian labourers and tradespeople to build a Multi

May 19, 2009 at 1:19 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to Ike and Tina Turner.When I look at an adult I see them as a child aswell with feelings and rights.I don't harbour any hate for ethnicities.i am accused of being a Terroist because I don't support Big Brother's totalitarian regime and p

May 19, 2009 at 11:23 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to the Shania Twain.I'm torn between serving the country in some sort of military or defence way and being a good person.Can I in truth justify hurting another person or killing?People like Bill Oreilly of Fox News fallaciously contend th

May 19, 2009 at 11:04 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to the Transplants.Children are exposed to too much gratuitous violence.Why should I censor my prose when Americans make copius amounts of threats and allude to violence in their rap music?I'm being villified but I won't be silenced.Religious pe

My wife is Helen of Troy and I am Paris.In Australia there are a swathe of evil right wing hard liners who demand that I take up work in a supermarket.As I already have a job my reply to the Howard people is 'you're a toilet and

If I forsook women I would be well on the path to success,however I have chosen love.I swore an oath to stay with my wife which means I have entered into a contract which will result in my death.The difficulties I have with other p

I've never heeded society's approbation of Cat Stevens.His album Tea For The Tiller Man is one of the most beautiful albums of the Twentieth century.People claim my music appreciation is 'Dated'.Even my wife is a 'noise fasc

Because I've been pretty much a no-show in the labouring department I must find things which equate to work to satisfy life's humility requirements which I believe are as tangible as rock.Also fear is a healthy respect fo

The last couple of years I've been concentrating on visual and prosaic creativity.Before that I recorded some bodies of music: Machete Blues,Killing Mandarins and Wayward Sun at Night.If I can't immediately get a recor

I'm approaching 15,000 songs on my Ipod.This hobby of music appreciation has opened my music horizons to genres such as classical,jazz and world music.It's hard to admit but I'll also listen to contemporary pop such as

I'm having some trouble with the local aborigines who seem to think that my insanity means that I should surrender my property rights.In truth I will not go on a rascist terrade which would be stupid.Reconciliation is impo

I think it's too late which is indeed a shame because what I have lost is my reputation when had I been descreet I may even have become Priminister one day.Also I think I'm being stalked for not being a Christian.A clairvoyant

Shit eating American's have taken offense at my criticisms of their uneducated repressed homo ways.Well get fucked then I'm coming to the Bronx with a sawn off shotgun to kill some niggers,don't you dig it brothers?I remember a

I think it's safe to say I am now entering a zone of uncertainty as I have succeded in pissing off a sufficient amount of people.I have a busy schedule tommorow and murphy's law is something I don't like to tempt.I need to

The Indonesian word for Teacher is Guru.That is what I am Guru Sire Octavian AKA Spotter the Ultimate Cunt.My lesson for teenager's is to be smacked in the face with a shovel.These simplistics cunts can't be listened to bec

I'm basically an emphatic person but this may mean I smile and say G'day to people who are really sick cunts without my knowing.I must pay the price of suffering if I am not to hurt innocent people.Like Jesus I suffer the crucifi

The only policy the Liberal Party propose regarding the economy is more Neo-Liberalism,the very same strategy which ruined the World's financial market.They outrageously pretend to have no culpibility for the speculation and gratu

I never believed in the notion of soul in a religious sense.Now however I understand it to be the element for well-being.I always disputed the need to accomplish Mores in my Society and Culture class in High School.They can be thing

My religious metaphor is to be bound to Aphrodite by the chains of the retarded Hephaestus.To esape the Epsoloms of Dapto I must first loosen the bonds with the most reliable tools of freedom;the heart and mind.My mind

Is Scientology a good religion?I have no problem with the idea of Alien possession.It's similar to the Christian notion of sin and the Devil.I just don't believe in Religion full stop whether it is Scientology or anything else.M

Are Australian Police the rudest in the Western hemisphere?If you're unfortunate enough to be exposed to their opinions it raises the quandry regarding civil rights which is one of those invisible things whose importance

Motherfucker's are askng me for advice and I don't know what they're talking about except intuitively to say that it's easy.I live in a world of nihilist arseholes and then turn on the TV and expose myself to a huge swat

I don't like Americans but I like the Obama's.Were I to meet Michelle I would say this:'Fair Lady in your presence I am a guilty Iago and I can conjure no artifice to compete with your grace and wisdom.You are a becon of hope

Can ignorance be beautiful?I would explain that by talking about the artistic inspirations of man.First he saw the Blue in the sky followed by the Red from her vagina which is the essence of a palette but although this is true ar

I hated single life.Good looks are a curse.People are constantly making value judgements about you and you make them about yourself;it's superficiality.Still when I see thirty something women on the TV like Jacinta Tynan I

People live in a bubble where bad things don't happen,like your Dad killing himself on the Burma railroad.Dead men don't tell the truth and wars are one by scientist's and the Chinese are spending billions of dollars working on

I've definitely turned into a cyber-man owing to my digital existence and the 13,500 songs on my Ipod.I allow the tenure of the music be it happy or sad to dictate my mood.I use shuffle mode and if we all do this does not shuffle mod

To put it another way I'm not going to stop listening to Cold Chisel or LRB because JJJ say it's uncool.I went to Uni with Adam Spencer and he's a stupid git.I also had the best room of any kid in High School because of my StepFath

There is likely to be an apocalyptic event because wankers are more interested in Sporting entertainment than they are in fighting wars of justice.It's gladitorial spectacle no different from that of Rome before the fall.I resent

Some people say I'm a looser because of my revisionist opinions and maybe I am but I won't retract my belief that the twentieth reached it's creative zenith in the 60's.70's and 80's.Because the sylogism is that people who he

I think I hurt the world by leaving behind my magical childhood because i was inspiring to my friends and family as a consequence of the amazing things my parent's gave me and which I utilised.It was all sublimated by my new in

Remember the kid's books and series called 'The Hardy Boys?'My generation read a lot and were in to a much more diverse array of things than kid's today.It is impossible to remember all of the influences on our childhood.I think a

.Is a state of convergence enabling two-way communication between a listener and a broadcaster possible?I myself have experiencd such a bizarre occurence in the physical company of another apparently sane person who also

The respectable people want to exercise their right to arrest me for not being a schizophrenic and for being a schizophrenic.It's a non-sensical argument by cunts who want an amnesty on child molestation.I'll exercise my greater

.I don't pull rank based on how I looked when I was a young adult.The truth is that my sway over women isn't due to any sinister factor but entirely on my good looks not denying that I have lost those.I was undoubtedly the best loo

We're conditioned by the Media to believe that success is in the ilke of killing people like there is a release in such behaviour.Often uneducated people like black Americans seek to emulate this behaviour but even if it's a sm

 People may say my above comment is a generalisation and it is because the opposite is also true but why should I create an apologetic caveat to th truth because if this were warranted then there would be no problems on the Earth when I can get mugged or worse for the colour of my skin just walking down the road.The reality is that I like coloured women because they're second class citizens like me for no good reason and I will give my life for their defense.The sentimental guy in me finds no warmer person than coloured women worshiping white Jesus.Like Luther my philosophy is not pure Truth but that of reality or street wisdom.Vive La Innoncence.

It's true I advise the Rpublic of Indonesia in military strategy in how to best defend the country.I'm also going to visit their Foreign Ministry in Jakarta in June to unveil my 'Operasi Desa Diponegoro'.Many motherfuckers believ

I think in a desperate and pathetic attempt at stopping me from fucking society up the arse the vain egoists are threatening me with violence which despite being against the law is my favourite challenge because they can't fight t

At present some motherfucker element of society has got me actualising a negative affirmation.Sometimes giving the clowns a reality check is as simple as giving them a simple 'fuck off'.Psycology is warfare paraphrase

 I claimed Social Security benefits in all of them Ha Ha Ha last 5 countries you have visited in order by Thomas  Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia and Singapore.

Before you accuse me of being a con-man listen to my pronouncement...I'm Friar Tuck and I like to....I also in a spirit of altruism rob from the rich and give to the poor which coincidently is me.And although those celebrities and leaders who I despise are in truth complete arseholes given time even Hitler will be viewed with regard.God bless Her Majesty and their Highnesses and if I may beg their indulgence I do declare that in the name of all that is holy and sublime I shall flush the toilet and rid the world of American evil.

Top Five People I Want To Punch In The Face by Thomas  Hugh Jackman, Nicole Kidman, Glen Beck, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Merrick and Rosso.

A Try Hard,Vomit,Demented,Nazi and Full of Shit.

Top Five People I Want To Punch In The Face by Thomas  Emperor Akihito, Iranian president Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Boroujerdi, mo3amer el gadafi and Malcolm Turnball.

 April 28, 2009 at 2:04 am

 Japanese Whale Eating Vermin,Satan,Subhuman,Murderer and Traitor

Top Five People I Want To Punch In The Face by Thomas  Osama Bin Laden, Jerry Springer, Alexander Downer, Peter Costello and Ellen De Genres.

 A Terroist,an Opportunist,a Poof,an Egoist and a Spastic

Well that's understandable Ben,as you and I know the coalition in Iraq brought an unforgivable toll on civilian lives.I didn't support it from the outset.

Like most thirty somethings I obviously have lived in my parent's record collection. 

favourite albums by Thomas  Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J., Making Movies, Goats Head Soup, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and Piano Man.

 April 28, 2009 at 1:40 am

Top Five People I Want To Punch In The Face by Thomas  Kylie Minogue, Molly Meldrum, Paris Hilton, David Beckham and Adam Spencer.

 An idiot,a perverted ignoramous,a looser,narcisist,a user...P.S. being a meglomaniac I did check to see if I was in the list because I am sometimes self-loathing and would like to punch myself in the face.

All participants in the war machine with it's predilection for killing babies.Stupid insane cunts. 

A Cunt,a kiss arse,pathetic,dumb and moron.

 Tom chose the Neo-Nazi Fuhrer elite.These are some of their odious evil henchmen.Still hanging around despite the demise of that prick George W. 

Top Five People I Want To Punch In The Face by Thomas  Bill O'Reilly, Tony Abbott, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Sol Trujillo.

 Liar,Extremist Biggot,Slime,Pig and criminal

I'm not into the scene of who's cool and who's rich or on the other hand a nerd.I seek to find inspiration in other people,in their hearts and in their minds.There are so many valuable people in the world.A lot of people are b

.If I were to say to you that 'ultimate power corrupts' and there is inequality whilst politicians waste our lives many people would agree but if I attach the statement you should see the appeal of Nazism by my earlier sta

I've always liked the duff

JJJ radio station and most y generation closet poofters think that good music needs to be cool which is complete bullshit.I like music which is deemed nerdy like Enya and Chicago.It may be deemed by society as nerdy but go

I agree with the 42 billion$ being spent on upgrading Australia's broadband because we should have paritry with other first world countries.Technology is a civilising factor and a skill.It is also dignified and Pico who wrote

The Government is flying blind as it struggles to decide what to do.A leader should not be hesitant to make decisions and apply policy.Why don't they consider killing copius amounts of Iranian citizens, afterall killing peop

Beautiful women I know,some in the media contest that I have a seduction agenda regarding them and stubbornly refuse to admit that there's something drastically retarded about me.I reply that there's a difference between can and

April 22, 2009 at 1:54 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Natalie Imbruglia.Like the Chilli Peppers said 'with the girls we've shed it's a lonely view.'Women don't know what they do to a man.All that dramatic shit has been fossilised around me.I had some high fidelity relationships.Maybe now that it

I may not know much about women but I've deflowered a few of them.I don't know why these bitches don't admit that they sucked the nutrients out of my cock thereby establishing the molecular structure of their minds.DISRESPECT

.My psychiatric medication resets my mind set every time I take it.Does it de-tox the brain?Most experts aserrt that it does correct a chemical inbalance.If you develop cancer I recomend taking a high does and a combination

They say a picture tells a thousand words and I myself can tell a lot about a person's state of mind or personality by looking at their photo.Aborigines and other primitive people believe a photo catches your spirit and this

When Eric Clapton sang about 'that Spoonful' was he alluding to a quest for the love of a woman or cooking up heroin?Maybe I wouldn't have fiited in during the 60's because I'm a square and can be scared by extroverted debauchery



.I was being groomed by the Australian Communist Party to take on an intellectual and potentially greater role in the Party.However I was at the time very influenced by Neo-Platonist philosophy which they disputed was bourgois

More D&D trivia.When an Assasin hits an opponent they are entitled to an attempt at assasination which if successful will result in death of the opponent.A Magicuser or Illusionist must roll dice to determine if they understa

They rehabilitated me in order to engage in an arbitary destiny of grief and death.Sometimes I delude myself and say 'it's going to get better' but that's not true.Still I have a sense of humour about the small child God t

I see darkness so that I am a conduit to flattery,suggestion and ownership which are all either negative influences or lies.I discovered that despite absolutist claims that truth is absolute it is in fact absolutely relative.My ph

I think a dimension to homophobia is confusion about whether one is truly meant to admonish homosexuals and I think owing to the personal agenda's of homosexuals this is acceptable as long as it manifests itself in a non violent

.Not only do I hate Easter but I hate Anzac Day.The supposed wise social commentators say it is not to glorify war but for the plebs it amounts to that.Killing people is something learnt by simple idiots after watching vio

Tom's Easter message to the faithful is:'You're a delusional nerd Christian who has problems with sex and Priests are weirdos who like to fuck boys.I'm going to create a clone embryo of myself and artificially inseminate

Conservative's might claim I am being disrespectful but Jesus didn't condone the Church and that is the whole point of the Gospel.Struggle against tyrany.

Obama by virtue of paying the correct respect and acknowledgement of the Muslim religion is now a Guest of Islam as am I.Hosptality to respectful strangers is a very important part of the Muslim religion.I like participating peac

I believe in God but not in a traditional way.I find in many religions inspiration and where there are God's there are Devils.Hindu's sometimes worship Evil Gods which I think is sublime.One of the things I like about Christianity i

Don't delude yourself young man there is a difference between the SA and the SS.The first rank of Nazi's must die as it was with Ernst Rohm;the SA leader who was assasinated by the Fuhrer for his penchant for young boys.I th

Another one of my pet hates is stupid women.They're a worse obsenity than Asmoedus.I asked a barmaid whether my VC tat was less patriotic than her stick on Australian flag.The stupid,worthless bitch thought it was.I thi

I'm Thomas Hardy.It's an intrinsic part of my identity.I've wondered what it would be like to be called T.S Elliot.If I am an incarnation of my namesake what am I meant to do now?I think works of greatness were achieved in the Nine

The absolutely ignorant argument of the Liberal Party regarding aborigines is as follows;'Aboriginal welfare,well caucasians have done well in Australia.'What the fuck has that got to do with the subject?Australia was invaded in

What makes you think it's the Earth?Can you prove it?It's Bizzaro World or the World of Concordant Opposition.At the present time it's night and at the present time it's day,on the other side of the international dateline.China's a co

 My Philosophy isn't entirely new.It's derived from Metasceptasism.Mortality doesn't prove anything and neither does the bible.

It's impossible to kill an ant with a sledgehammer.I guess it's called The ART of war for a true reason.Rock n Rollers 'give em what they want' but not in the spirit of altruism.Is there a philosophy based on 'because I feel like it?

.I can't participate in Mardi Gras because I'm against gay law.The word Dike comes from the Dutch Dike where the waters don't flow ie Dry Cunt.A faggot is something that you also burn to death when you're burning a witch.My transgre

April 1, 2009 at 6:05 am 

There are many prejudices in the English language based on it's construction and use of prefixes and suffixes.Women can only reference themselves in terms of their maleness implying that they ae inferior.Female means

What is implied philosophically that the World will come to an end.I think it's a justification for mans authority over women.It's the ability of the man who is the hunter killing,becoming a warrior and then a prince with the p

People don't believe me but take a look in your underpants;men are different from women and they didn't write the various monotheistic religions.

I think Asian people like me because with them I am just myself.The happy Barbarian.I even wear my cowboy hat and prayer sarong throughout Asia;they love it because S.E.A is the wild west.Their Dad's idiolised cowboy Movies

.I think men generally like to console women by saying I'm a cunt and it's true and I don't care.I used to be the strong silent type but I've since found that sensibilities have no place in a world full of wanton peasants.A

 I've always known this to be completely true.When you see my portrait isn't that what first occurs to you?This is going to cause outrage amongst my friends..I don't know why.

I didn't have many sexual partners before I was married because women want me to be so inflamed with desire that I rape them and loose all control.This presented a problem for me because I despise rape.If masturbation isn't natur

The criticism that was made about me was that I inherited schizophrenia from both Grandfather's who mistreated my parents.It was a hard slur to cope with but I learnt that to inherit anything from those hard men who survived the

.I'm a pathological liar which was confirmed by a quiz.Being a psycotic hothead can bring trouble including Police but I don't commit crime.I've got a big mouth.should find yourself in this situation explain to the Jacks thay your beh

People have commented that I have a wide range of opinions on different subjects.It's because your average hasn't had to be incarcerated in a clinical,boring environment for weeks on end with no activity and I had two choices;overc

Some people think Schizophrenics are Evil.Everyone is schizpophrenic.The disease illustrates an deficient amount of personal money.Some people think they're doing alright because they earn $200,000 per anum for their hardwork,this

Have you read the Godfather by Mario Putzo,great book.It's outrageous it talks about an affair between a guy with a monster cock and a woman with a bucket.Consequently if she says to me you're a bug fucker;my reply is:yes but we all know the reason why you have a fanatical need for huge meats.WOMEN,get them away from me.

I'd lbe a millionaire but I know what sucessful business is really about;doing boring repitive shit to satisfy people's needs.My Father has a very hands on approach to entrepeneurship but that bores the fuck out of me aswell.I'm sti

Watching a fat inbred who wears women's underwear on Jerry Springer.The programme's no where as good since they cut out the nudity and mitigated the fight scenes.The people it features are candidates for criticism by Social Darwini

Women are more audacious than men.They compete in all arenas despite being the weaker sex.This competition compromises the integrity of their feminism because it melds their self justification with Free market economics.It is to be

There's been a lot of ridicule of the Armish but I like them.Living without modern technology to me suggests that one does not distance oneself from nature.The truth about the Bible and Christian theology is that life is meant to in

Call it Probable Sequencing whilst others call it impossible.The Earth was rightly identified by the Ancients as the centre of the Universe.How is it that we have strayed from this in Astronomy?...A cat believes what it can see.Truth is a

I'm watching Maury Povich with the sound down.It's featuring the usual horror show of uneducated disease from America.How can I elevate my wealth status?Probably the boring way,watching every penny and saving.To be financially prude

Son of a bitch,I don't believe it we're both going out with Liv Tyler.Is this an episode of Twilight zone where you mirror everything I do.I bags the right tit.

 I built the fucking thing.That's what my portait is,an 2009 addition to the Village people; FUCKED IN THE HEAD MAN cheers Tim

Sir Issac Issacs prompted me to say on radio;back off Leb cunt with your ridiculous anti-semitisism.This country was built by Jews and it's first governor General aforementioned created the federation.You morons should forget w

How did I know the medics had misdiagnosed her and she was in anger?A number of factors including 'taste the air like a gecko.'The Pope is an Adept of a homo religion whilst I am a High Priest/Arch Mage/Lord,36 level in each.I am a

I suppose so,I can't remember much,but I know for some bizarre reason we all started off by chewing em rather than swallowing them...At least we didn't stoop to shoving em up our arse

Tim's marijuana so he drives people crazy.I make them commit suicide.

 I had some,wicked and loud auditory hallucinations today.All those recreational drugs weren't a waste of time afterall.

March 30, 2009 at 8:39 pm

Not one of my favourites.I prefer by the Bard Othello,Romeo and Juliet,The Merchant of Venice etc

 I don't understand.I love Taurus.

There's really no difference between renting and owning your own house.I only have three meals to cook before shopping day but am in definate need of more alcohol before I become aware of my small town like a TV starlet shoving th

The over-arching theme of my interaction with society is to destroy biege.Radical's can be beige aswell.My quiz advice is to shake it up,would walking around naked achieve this?Probably but like murder it's obvious.I think

Everyone should be.Love,spread it around

I've never had sex with a guy but I've slept with plenty of friends so I guess I'm Bi-sexual the way God see's it;a Thomas Hardy or a Jane Austen novel.Complete Satanic nerds say 'Bi-sexual is Gay.'Love and sexual intercourse are concepts which describe very different things...I love you!


Time to rock Dapto with some ACDC.Why you ask?It's because I win.So tired I struggle to hold up the trophy.SPQR,my next tattoo.

Jesus fights as a 36th level Paladin when faced with Larvae like you when in the 9th level of hell.The whole world is trying to go down on me but I payed my dues with Kings Cross moles and your lacivious wifeAnarchy and N

Jake saying to Darren Mackey;'You're a Neanderthal',his response was 'Don't use big words on me.'Trust me I've studied Eugenics and these redneck's like Aaron copped DOWN in their ancestry.Aaron as beastial westies do ca

Some intellectuals fear violent gangs because of their good breeding and taste.I say recognise that no-one has the Lawful right to criticise intelligence.Unleash your Caligula or Marquis De Sade.Give these proles a lesson in nobility

Government's in Australia have no good reason to ban motorcycle gangs.I like their ethos of rebellion,defiance and Epicureanism.They arose to prominence in the 1960's doing the security for the Stones and taking acid and g

Which Alignment are you?Lawful Good,Lawful Neutral,Lawful Evil,Neutral Good,Neutral Evil,True Neutral,Chaotic Good,Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral.I'm the rarest Chaotic Neutral.Like a Digger;Don't like Good and fear Evil.The Q

Of couse I receive messages from the TV.Media entities say much about what we're meant to think and personally I think it's 99% bullshit.You may say it's fallacious to believe in magic.But contemporaneously that's what Renai

More D&D trivia:The supreme Driud's title is Grand Master of Flowers.A 4th level Thief may read spell scrolls.The DM chooses a Clerics spells after prayer.

I think these quizzes are narcisism for little girls.The truth is 'life is completely fucked like it was yesterday and the day before.Time to buy some piss and get pissed.'

But don't give me water after midnight

It's true,I read Dante and Vigil in the home for the mentally anguished before I escaped

I hate this type of ugly dog,quiz pricks... 

.I think it's an outrageous imposition on the Defense Minister Joel Fitzgibbon by the Defense Signals Directorate.His esteemed position as a Spy deserves more respect than that.Just as I sell my secrets to the Republic of In

The Israeli airstrike in Sudan is the sort of unilateral pre-emptive action which I am overjoyed to see from the Israeli's.Stuff the opinions of International defeatists,it's about time that our ally Israel acted again in this way

It's true my adultlife hasn't matched the highpoints of school but time isn't linear and now I am seeking to revive my status not through acolades but through humility and stoicism.My friends such as Tim and Jake were also high ac

I've spent a lot of time being self effacing but I have some things from my youth to be proud of.First in French,English,History,Commerce,Economics,Computer Science at various times.Junior and Senior Public Speaker,Prefect,Member of

For me an Australian Republic would mean a severance with all the beauty,passion,virtuosity,bravery and Art of European Constitutional Monarchies extinguishing all hope that we may escape the bleak,jingoistic and foul life

I've spent another day and night completely learning nothing.Because of equality,universal sufferage and the Twentieth century from High to Low everything is now generic intelligence.The chief proponents of this 'dumb speak' are A

Your Majesty Elizabeth,I humbly request your indulgence ,I exclaim that I recognise your Majesty as the High Priestess Supreme Head of the Church of England.Incidentally your Majesty 'The Divine Right of Kings' is indeed a

Listening to the Beach Boys.I am unsure about movies and paperbacks and their depiction of Elizabeth I.According to Sydney Uni the courtiers of the period were much more intellectual spending a good part of their courtly life writing and discussing Philos

.I was in close contact with an Indonesian Police Colonel during the Interfet operation.Of course I told him I was an Australian spy...insane people who are delusional are famous for claiming to be spys during wartime although they in

What should be the correct military response to cowardice in the line?It's a big problem with the allied WWI they shot them as did Che Guevara.I suppose the stockade is a solution.But not all apparent cowardice may be ne

I thought the criticism of Pakistani Military that they didn't protect the Australian cricketeers was complete racist bullshit;five of the noble souls were butchered doing their duty.That's ignored by Australians because of the

What's required of a military man is someone who can give an air of decency and restraint about their occupation to the psycologists.But in reality they should be an evil,murderous psycopath that loves to blow peoples heads apart,eat

If you want to pass a Defence Force psych test for god sake don't say you want to join because you'd love to kill people.Say 'war is the ultimate insanity of man but sometimes the defense of liberty and the country requires tha

The plethora of psycological tests are scientifically flawed.For instance there are different approaches.To answer honestly or to answer as you think will give the most favourable result.I passed the Officer psych test for the Arm

.I'm slightly disturbed about being a psycopath Doctor with a good heart.What fucking DR MENGLE?He's not exactly one of history's shining lights.Unless of course you're a skinhead or Charles Manson.Actually I studied the Holocaust at Uni

March 27, 2009 at 12:54 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Silverchair.These facebook quizes are sadly complete bullshit.Otherwise I'm an evil psycopath Doctor who cares for people,has a good heart and was Queen Elizabeth I in a past life.I suppose you could attempt to say it's a schizophrenic person

Apparently there's something like a million and a half registered swingers with Adult Matchmaker in Australia.Fucking deviate nation.I hope ASIO take their names down for future reference.I suppose they're all fro

Hello spidey 

I thought I was an Evil Sociopath? 

Hoorah,more inspiration for the meglomaniac 

Yeah I'm a kind,sensitive guy with a pink heart but it'll never be yours low society cunt.

Thomas completed the quiz "Who Were You In A Past Life?" with the result Queen Elizabeth I. In your past life you were Queen Elizabeth I. In this life you continue to have strong relationships with friends, have a conservative disposition, use your sexuality to gain power, and are careful to not take sides.. Take the quiz!

 March 26, 2009 at 11:27 pm

Thomas Wentworth Hardy No surprise to the memoirs of the Marquis in my most impressionable years 

Went to the Pub today.Some imbittered dag was moaning about his ex-wife.At least I've never fallen into the mysoginy trap.You only get what you give.

More D&D trivia:taking 2 different potions at once may cause death or an extraordinary power,an illusion if believed will cause real injury or death,hits below 0 hp will cause permament disability

Like Bachman Turner Overdrive said as you begin your slaving job to get your pay I'll be Taking Care of Business.Curled up in bed

I think American Idol is a nauseating and vile programme promoting the worst of artificial,boring or worse than boring music

It's medication time.I fucking need it.My head's starting to ache from recreational drug use all night.It's what the world needs

March 26, 2009 at 5:24 am 

About war.It's over!It's Peace again.And then suddenly a rag head looses it with an AK47,so it's war again.Musical chairs

What's wrong with being a night owl?Back in 1990 a guy with a business called 'Night Owl's' put a gun in my mouth.I said fuck off

One of my many positive qualities which contribute to my 'happy-go-lucky' attitude is a total obliviousness to wealth.Envy is a curse

THE KORAN,the epilouge.The Archangel Satan now resides in heaven with the other archangel's and is next to God in holiness.FORGIVENESS

Fucker's who were duplicit about my welfare are now friends with me because I've got something they want.THE GIFT of MUSIC

I called it Australian History Party because I believe Australians should aspire to the courage displayed at Gallipoli

Barry White's been freaking me out so as Dawn approaches it's time to hit the afterburners and rock out with some ACDC

Tom is down with the niggers in the trench.Heroin was good for morale in Nam.Hold the line you straight homo.You're loosing your nerve

If people say I'm lucid and there's nothing wrong with me;my response is 'Are you a lawyer?'I'd like to sue the cunts for millions!

During incarceration I seek out hope like a Junkie seeks Smack.I mentally told a bird "tell the other animals I need to go home

Women should realise that tits and arse aren't part of the Studia Humanitatis.I may be poor sweetheart but not firing blanks.

Women still haven't forgiven me for saying that the Men's debating team were better.I wasn't at all a Sophist until much later on

I used to say that no good music was made after 1990.I've changed my mind. It's like listening to B sides and some say they're the best.

We study the heroism of leaders of History such as Caesar and ignore their human right's abuses because of the benefit of elapsed time

Be in no doubt Muslim Brother,when you did the Beslen crime I rang the Russians and told them to launch.A lot of DONER KEBAB

This is Tom's advice to children.You're shit,your parents are shit and you'll always be shit because there's no discipline in school

The premise that if someone commits a minor crime and they are of high office should therefore receive a heavier penalty is false

People would say I'm an idiot for choosing the Infantry over the Airforce or Navy but I was a grunt and I know what I know.

I could enlist in the Infantry and become a great soldier if it wasn't for my great beer gut.I'd love to kill people!

They've wasted our lives Joe Schmo.They spend billions on Space Exploration whilst children in Africa starve to death,a CRIME

A girl said I was Satan,I agreed.But a sugar daddy does well.The bonds of Hate are as strong as those of Love.

.I'm going to buy a battery pack so I can meet friends and listen to my laptop speakers mobile over a few beers.INDULGENCE

VSM=Verbal,Sign or Material delienating what method must be used for spells .A Cavalier may be Lawful Evil

The P2P program I use asks whether you are passionate about digital rights.Everything is legal unless you get caught.FUCKOFF

I like living in the country.There's a pride you get about actually living in a satellite a hundred miles from civilisation.

Exactly,not only cunt tree but living with cunts from the cunt tree.As you catch the train from Sydney you notice people getting more and more ugly as you approach Dapto.It titilates my demented sensibilities and sense of humour.

I'm watching 'Ellen' and wondering what's with the men's shirts and the stupid sneekers?Is she trying to be me in 1989?ENVIOUS

Glamorous women like to wear couture which is an language beyond a man, so that if they are before you they are invisible.

I'm not young but I'm not Middle Aged.I'm 36 If I'm going to revel in a conquerers blood lust it'll fucken have to happen soon

My Mother is a sad vengeful woman.They want their sons to go and kick the shit out of the world because they can't.I love them

I think Gay men are taught by their Mother's to seek comfort.My Mother taught me to don armour and go out and seek warfare

They say if you want to know a woman know her gay friend.Bullshit these girls have a whole world of pain to know about if your with them.

If you're a Lesbian or Gay is it necessary to be an Evangelist and spread your disease?Gay Taste,it's an oxy moron.Lurid and Barbie

Beware the techniques of Americans and News Readers using onomatopea and tone to control your mind and herd you into the gas chamber

Fags,quasi fags and fag hags(women) tell me not to be homophobic.I'm their fucking prey;straight,good looking and intelligent.Fuck you

I am justified in repelling lifter's off my TV.I don't want cock forced down my throat by arse bandits.I like SNATCH.Vive Les Snatch

I gave my dog a lot of physical affection when he was small.Now he's big and an affection junkie.An intruder will get kissed to death

.Ever fucked a black boy?Have you been constrained by Australian concepts of gentility?The sexual revolution was more serious than that

I recorded the band's music at Zen studios in St Peters.Brendan Skelly and I were equiped with a lot of VB's and V8's

Australian politicians with their sanitized backgrounds aspire to leadership.But are they truly world leaders as famous as Ringo Starr?

Aargh that Tawny Port has a hit to it.Not as bad as the Black Sambucca.Last time I bought a bottle I passed out after an hour.

.It's not a medieval quest to be the same as each other.Cancer is July and July is Julius.I go not North and South but East and West

March 23, 2009 at 6:33 pm 

Sagitarius never forgives me.Why want her back?Morrison said,there were two,the blonde one freedom and the dark one enterprise

.I've always hated right wingers but I remember John Fay when they thought Prince Charles was being assasinated.He threw himself on the gunman

March 23, 2009 at 6:07 pm 

I like the way the corrupt aristocrat dies in 'A Tale of two Cities',taking the place of his virtuos friend.DEATH rush towards it!

Listening to the Shadows. I like the way Jade Goody died.She seemed proud.She took the opportunity to be married and help her children financially.Kept thinking

I flirt with everyone.Eros keeps his enemies near,easier to kill when required.Or am I Deimos?Son of Love and War,don't fear death.

watching Mariko Oi on BBC World.If I ha more than one life to give or the opportunity,I'd definitely give it to her;a perfect Chinese Doll

Searching for the Anus of the World.I'll insert my dung beetle with it's war head.Maximum destruction to fuck up the whole Death Star

They think I treat my wife poorly. For them rational responsibility ends when you have to use violence to defend the bitch.Death or Glory

March 23, 2009 at 5:22 pm 

Donna Summer's 'Hot Stuff' is the most dusky disco song ever recorded by a shade.It's in the pocket like when Tina was married to Ike

They're Lesbians and they've never known the adoration and supplication of a man.Grow up victim.I'd walk through fire for my wife.

Hitler was Aspiritual. I am not above the law.I'm a bit of a Jain,a Taoist,a Christian,a Confuscist,a Buddhist,a Hellenist and a Devil

I disagree with intellectuals who believe my behaviour should illustrate my humanity.I imbue God's floral creations so that I become that.

I' collect mp3's.Like the Doobie Brother's said 'listen to the music all the time.'Technology has enabled this lifestyle.

Tom has decided it's an appropriate time to get dressed and buy cigarettes.It's a hard life.Fuck off work ethic

My Psychiatrist asserted that I was a deadshit.How dare she,I was watching porn at the dirty cinema on ectasy when I was 19.NOBILITY

According to Alice Cooper I'm flying the B52 at low velocity.Sometimes it's hard to pull it out of terminal descent.

I've eaten the cubs a few times and mauled the lioness.I have to concentrate in order to control my biology.

My family is like a pride.The lioness does everything and I just lay around between meals.I'm conserving energy to fight off enemies.

Follow my advice and she'll think you've lost it.Just press the ignore button.They're crazy because of what's between their legs

.The right thing to do is just sleep.Do less and ask more in return.As Joan Armatrading said 'the world loves a winner.

Wild days when I lived at Potts Point.Aaron found me at 2AM walking down William street eating Milo out of a plastic bag with a spoon.

March 23, 2009 at 2:14 pm 

The Government wants me to commit Japanese ritual suicide to save them the bother of having to respect my human rights.

Iraq war is militarily and morally wrong.You don't make friends by blowing up their family.Imagine if the money was used to help Iraqi's

You make your own luck.We project our images in Space and Time Capital will follow the path of least resistance.Don't like porn but

.I've got a good reason for wanting fame and fortune.Gotta pay off the wife,she thinks diamonds are needs like any woman

It's sad that Marcus Einfeld has been sent to gaol.He was an astute man;a small indescretion and they throw the book at him.

Watching Fox News with the jerk off's blaming Obama for the economic as if the past eight years of Republican rule didn't occur.

I remember my 'Road Shaman' days with on the furniture truck.We could tell a queer from his model of a Qantas Jet.Shaman know all

Australian's often idiolise Europe about a supposed sophistication.They're ignorant.Look at what they did to their own people 20th C.

 Listening to Noah and the Whale.English people are more petty.Our Romantic philosophy occured in isolation from European developments Post 1788.WINGING PEOPLE

Australian's are delusional about a supposed isolation from the rest of the World.Start in Singapore and you can drive to London

Western civilisation is Medieval people with technology.Our consciousness hasn't even accomodated the discovery of the New World.

The Hardy's invaded France and fought under the Black Prince.We tried and burnt Joan of Arc. Forerunner of the Aussie Barbie

It seems I've recovered from a hangover and lethargy.I don't know why I do it to myself.But I guess only the good die young.

.As Persephone begins her descent into Hades leaves fall to the ground.Intermable Winters in Tasmania.I'll never live there again.

A prudent leader attempts a couple of projects and says no to any other requests made by the community.This is Tacitism.

My English teacher said D&D isn't a game.I guess I've got a Phd in it. I'm not a player,but the DM''s word cannot be questioned.

.I was born in 1972.It's important in Islam and Buddhism.I share my birthday with the Dalai Lama,the rest of my numerology is shit

People like to ridicule Muslim's because they want 72 virgins as if it's lesser than Christian Chastity.Personally I'll take the roots

Aaron's a Christian but does he know what Dante said heaven is in his work Paradisio;a Church!Get fucked,I'll be fucking Aphrodite

March 20, 2009 at 4:30 am 

Obama is laying the groundwork for a paradigm shift in American and World society.Don't underestimate him.He is subtle but strong.

I've spoken to David Oldfield on radio about fifty times.He's a racist but a very intelligent,nice guy.Pauline is dumb

That Fritzl creep is looking at me even through the tangle of the time space continuim.Why do guys like that like me?Fuck off weirdo.

I saw Andrew Maiden a couple of times on TV.He's a spokesman for Telstra.I'd like to get drunk with him,see if he can loosen up.

Tom has to go to the service station to by cigarettes.I thought that Sydney would become a 24 hour city.It's quiet like any Town

My philosophy is similar to Bon Scott.If I was a millionaire with disposable cash I couldn't drink more than I do now anyway.

I proposed to the Communists that we occupy Parliament.They call themselves Revolutionaries.It's just a scene.They haven't got any balls.

I've stopped leaving death threats on the NSW Liberal Party answering machine.It's a welcome change.Don't need gaol time

My lungs are going well. I smoke a pouch of White Ox a day.They say Keith Richards drinks a bottle of whiskey a day.iNSPIRATIONAL

I've done some cold things .She'd just bought a wedding dress and was in bed.I picked her up,carried her outside and locked the door.RIP

Tim you are a well decorated war veteran.I can remember you taking 8 purple oms in one night.That's 400 bucks of Acid.You are a LEGEND

People have misnoma's about Assylums.Most of the time I just spent getting out of it.Smoking Hashish,marijuana and sniffing Amyl Nitrate

My attitude to drugs is start saying that they're bad and you become defeated by them.I took LSD and got lost in the city many times.

I can remember Tim in the middle of his hard drug psychosis pulling cones.In a way it was good for him.Kick the shit out of doubt.

I've never gone to Dapto Dogs even though it's just down the road.My love of beer means I don't want to risk a bet.Beer is my friend.

I think that I would've liked to be a young adult in the 1960's.I would made a fanatical hippy believing everything about Aquarius

I'm going to Sydney to see Jason and buy some drugs.There are those who claim that that's highly innapropriate.Tell it to Byron gayboy.

Can I tell them that he was wasted dancing on a podium at Don't Cry Mama I'm Gay Club that he fell on a beer glass and needed surgery?

They say I was the most beautiful boy in Sydney when I was sixteen.I've certainly done my best to fuck that up.Too much hard drinking and work

.I'm contemplating having a shave.I grow a beard every four days, fucked thing about being a Man.Are people orientated by their genital?

If there's one thing I regret about High School it's not retaining French language although I studied it for years

I don't appreciate Niggers with bling.It's fucking ugly to sing about cars and fat arses.I'm not a racist but vive Chuck Berry and Jimi

 It would be a good idea if Australia never went to war for any reason except in Defense.It's always ignorant and corrupt.It must stop

I escaped from a Sydney psyche ward and went to Far North Queensland.Ended up smoking copius amounts of marijuana and seeing little men

I had a dream that my Mother had an affair with Yoko Ono.She replied,'I hate Yoko Ono she split up the Beatles.'FUNNY

Who will end the Baby Boomer monopoly on politics. X people need to assert themselves or in the future we will be leaderless

Travelling with an Asian woman in S.E.A has it's problems.Locals are predujiced about women having the Traveller status of whites

Hitler was a schizophrenic.He claimed Jews looked like animals,obviously he was quite delusional.He was also a mad speed addict

 Manson was a schizophrenic.He was referencing the Beatles particuarly the White album.He implied to his followers that he was Jesus.

The Koran implies that Jesus was the son of God.It describes how an Angel impregnated an old Mary who was barren.See My philosophy is a Tetrahedron.My wisdom is that at the end of the line the only thing left to do is help out

I joined the Labor Party .Bob Carr was Premier.He said that if it wasn't for him the working man would be selling his arse at the wall

Sydney University is supposed to be a place of Enlightenment but look at the 1950s architecture;an ignorant environment

Australian universities are a money making exercise.I'd rather eat glass than return to one of those holes at the moment

Tom wants to die on a Gun Garriage or a Gallows.My parents suffered the most;the activists of the Sexual Revolution.Live and let die

Isn't everything defined by th beauty of women?I hope Anna Bligh wins the Queensland election.Matriachy produces the greatest men

 Dolphin's recieve orders about whether to torpedo a Japanese Whaling Ship.I don't intend to be Australian Priminister with trepidation

The spirit's of the Vicitory show defference to the Australian Dolphins.My Operation Pirate should commence now.....

Is exuberance politically incorrect?A spy is most dangerous after they've retired.Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II knows I am a devotee

Don't get the wrong idea sweetheart.My wife's Miss Java 1993 and top Model Indonesia 1994.She'll fight you with high heels like Jerry Hall

Aaron and I achieved a clash of Star Signs.I was Caesar to his Antony and Cleopatra.Cancer vs Leo but there's no place like home

March 19, 2009 at 11:18 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to ZZ Top.I could listen to female advocates of Capitilism or Communism but it's not natural.I do the fucking like Bapak Sukarno.Keep it natural...

March 19, 2009 at 11:06 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is getting PISSED

March 19, 2009 at 10:55 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Golden Earing.I'm a good Steward for the country because I was a Steward at the Park Lane Hotel.I want to do something with my life and your life.

March 19, 2009 at 10:46 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to Steve Earle.The Bolsheviks don't like me because I'm not a Russian.I'm an Australian Communist;the mateship that was forged at Gallipoli

March 19, 2009 at 10:41 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Fleetwood Mac.The only thing that Obama has to do is legalize the American Communist party.Many Americans loved Communism before the end of WWII

March 19, 2009 at 10:33 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Ian Drury.A couple of years ago I was a member of The Australian Communist Party.Organisations like this do a lot towards promoting Liberalism

March 19, 2009 at 10:26 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to Screw Driver.The Fourth Reich Bikie Gang have a club house not far from where I live.I am not inspired by Nazism.Killing people is a cliche.

March 19, 2009 at 10:15 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Fergal Sharkey.That the poor hate the poor is a great shame.The common enemy therein triumphs.The Bolsheviks were introspective.Vive Trotsky

March 19, 2009 at 10:04 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is getting PISSED

March 19, 2009 at 9:28 am 

Tim Barber Nah, Craig is actually my daughter Hazel. Craig was the silly working title in the womb before we even knew what she was. As If I'd call my son Craig (no offence to all you Craigs out there)...

March 19, 2009 at 9:16 am

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listenning to Joan Armatrading.Tim,Hell exists;existence is defined by language.But why not go to Valhalla or Olympus.If I repent on my deathbead I'll get there

March 19, 2009 at 9:15 am 

Tim Barber Hi Tom


Good to hear from you. I lost the beard yesterday. I shave about once every 6 weeks or so. Saves on everything (time, razor blades etc). I know I could not ever shave, but a big beard has it's own inconveniences.


Masturbation is of no concern. I was merely trying to clarify my previous "Tim is..."


Pigeon Ground is the shop i have with a bunch of other friends. Curtis Mayfield said "If there's a Hell below, we're all gonna go". See you there if not before...

March 19, 2009 at 12:19 am

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to John Fogerty.My school mates don't know who Thomas Hardy is.We studied WWI extensively but I was in the Hall Of Mirrors.Thou are not myself.

March 18, 2009 at 6:25 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to John Lee Hooker.Australian Society;it's an oxymoron.I've paid you my pound of flesh Shylock.Unions should purchase shovels for the Revolution.

March 18, 2009 at 5:38 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listenning to Steve Miller Band.If you want to understand women read Oedipus by Sophicles.Their souls are made below like Led Zeppelin said.Mine's killing me

March 18, 2009 at 5:16 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to Whitesnake.A man pays for great sex with women.They're pretending to be harmless.She fucked Arthur so she could bear Mordred.

March 18, 2009 at 5:10 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Dolly Parton.Having trouble with 'Tele Screens' aswell as 'Sex Crime'.Racists are homosexual.They preclude themselves from beautiful ethnic women

March 18, 2009 at 5:01 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Talking Heads.They call themselves Christians.I've read the Bible four times cover to cover and I don't think magic man will come down from the sky

March 18, 2009 at 4:50 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Muddy Waters.I tell women and men things that help them.They can release themselves from mediocrity and realise they are beautiful and heroic.

March 18, 2009 at 4:39 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Carl Perkins.Gay men love women.They show their defference through mymicry and acknowleging their female side.I love ecstasy and acid.

March 18, 2009 at 4:10 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Foo Fighters.I'm watching the news,I don't agree with a 21 year old dieing in Afghanistan with a baby.We won't win just as the Russian's didn't win

March 18, 2009 at 3:45 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to the Beatles.Women say ;'I'm not going to be your next victim.'They already are because God views 'sleeping with someone' like a Jane Austen Novel

March 18, 2009 at 3:35 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to the Allman Brothers.Maybe I'll go to hell but not as a Larvae.As a Marquis De Art,a Lieutenant of the Roman Legion making it's way back into heaven

March 18, 2009 at 3:21 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Led Zeppelin.Women aren't seducers but my brain is a Female, a Lesbian and a Feminist.Be in no doubt what I'll do to you given the opportunity

March 18, 2009 at 3:06 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Tracy Chapman.I'm an Australian like Sir Joe or Roger Rogerson.My lovers, I say this;women of Sydney were jealous but I was just in Love with you.

March 18, 2009 at 3:00 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to Ganggajang.When I'm Priminister I plan to be impeached;an ecstasy scandal on a yacht with prostitutes.Viva the white shoe brigade.

March 18, 2009 at 2:53 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is still getting Pissed

March 18, 2009 at 2:48 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Jake,I like the UK because you can buy alcohol in the supermarket.In Australia you can buy four litres of wine for six Euros.i guess you haven't read the Iliad.

March 18, 2009 at 2:43 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy There are so many beautiful women in the World but I only have two hands to lend.They all need the same thing;nurturing and loyalty.Still I'll be a courtier

March 18, 2009 at 2:32 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Herman's Hermits.My approach is more of a Turtle than a Shark but I don't support the Child Molestors For Justice Organisation.Jake's fallacious

March 18, 2009 at 2:14 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Little Richard.Jake,Don't want to have a tit for tat argument about how you're poorer than me.Read voraciously.You're a little girl with a penis

March 18, 2009 at 2:10 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to Barry White.John Lennon was a hypocrite.He accumulated wealth and preached Peace.Doesn't mean you kill him however.You only get what you give

March 18, 2009 at 2:04 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to John Lennon.They say his assasin was Schizophrenic,that's a lie;he was sane.Only beautiful people like John are blessed with insanity

March 18, 2009 at 1:58 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to the Eagles.Going to the shop to buy cigarette papers.They used to pay us in Tobacco,Flour and Piss.An honest days pay for an honest days work.

March 18, 2009 at 1:27 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to Tina Turner.The Javanese factory mutinied against me.Question my imperial authority and get a Jap slap fucking pembantu (servant)

March 18, 2009 at 1:20 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to David Bowie.The most important thing in life is your family.Like Johnny Rotten said 'I don't know what I want but I know how to get it.'

March 18, 2009 at 1:03 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to the Sex Pistols.I don't like the young people;they're uncivilised and their behaviour is derived rom the US.I'd prefer to work in a nursing home.

March 18, 2009 at 12:53 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to the Darkness.I'm completing my studies at Wollongong University.If I'm true to myself I'm more of an Oxford man.Australian Uni's suck.

March 18, 2009 at 12:47 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy listening to George Thorogood.There are many projects which I am still to complete.I know Sir Mick's address.I have to send him my demo.Grow old disgracefully..

.I'm supposed to be fearful.I've been incarcerated with cannibals and axe murderers.I don't fear violent confrontation.

I'm digitally orientated;mp3's,jpegs,gif's and text.I have my entire Portfolio of Art on an inch long USB stick.Play to win,fear nothing

I told Julia Gillard that she is an 'Elizabeth' and entitled to cunilingus just as Bill Clinton got his rocks off.

We're in a News Vortex,moron football rapists,idiot arsonists and Leb's on the rampage.The Government are culpable and selfish

I listen to Classical aswell but not everything of antiquity is better.Roll over Beethoven and tell Tchaikovsky the news.Beware beige...

Leaders are interested in my vast knowledge of Rock n Roll music.It is a gift which was handed to me by my Step Father.Rock music is dissent.

People question my affluence.I'll give them a five cent piece if I can deficate on them and don't spend it all at once;it's tax deductable

Tom is cleansing his mind with huge doses of Anti-Psycotic medication.You're my bitch, I'll hit you with the flat of the sword until I own you.

.You're a legendary fighter Jake because you're a Spartan,building bonds of allegiance through arse fucking each other.I am Athenian

March 17, 2009 at 4:56 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Litening to Jimi Hendrix.I think I was wrongly targeted by the Federal Police and Alexander Downer.I was only fulfilling my Platonic duty by defending Australia

.I wrote a song about Fags Jake called Calligula.You've forgotten what we discussed when young.'All women are beautiful,thats true

.Your stance is very logical and Platonic but you can't defeat me because of my hybrid of humanism and Pythagorean philosophy,MATHS!

March 17, 2009 at 4:28 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening To Dire Straights.You don't like my music. You like the Karma Sutra darkness.It's not trendy to be a blues troubador.I should spray you with anthrax

March 17, 2009 at 4:21 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Listening to the Doors.Like Ozzie Osbourne says 'Can I play with Madness?'I'm not doing anyone any harm.I wasn't mad in high school.I managed a company at 17.

March 17, 2009 at 4:12 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Tom is listening to the Who.I remember hiding from the Militia's .I bought a dozen candles from the local Church and blessed my goal to get back to Australia

.Fuck off Federal Police, the language was metaphorical and you dumb cunts bought it.I also know where you live in Semarang

.I defied my Orcus possession by becoming absolutely good. I have a hatred of child molestation and I scar myself with razor blades.

The army willl turn a blind eye to the Madness .Guns are dangerous and Guns are for killing and that's what I'll use them for.

'Burning Love'.I used to listen to it on the Juke Box in the Bondi Hotel whilst sculling and chewing Volkische Beobacter

I like to ring Jim Ball of 2GB and call him a facist.Nazism is merely the the appropriation of a minority's wealth by the majority.

I 'm a veteran as a privateer for Australian enterprise.The Javanese told me I killed 70 of their people in Semarang

So your Satan mate!There are greater God's of Evil than Satan.I'm Marduk Babylonian God of Emasculating Macho Men

I'm a diplomacy droid like C3PO except I have Silat fighting abilities aswell.I'm also a black tracker.Chased down a VB from China on the Tank Super Highway....

'I was only nineteen.''And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda.''Khe Sanh.''Fighting Sons.''Still In Saigon.'All proud anthems.Rock on

Human's are derived from a Supernova coupled with the speed of light.Chinese Horology is therefore true.71 is the Pig.72 the Rat

If you don't relent I'm going to Jakarta and tell them about Operasi Desa Diponegoro.I'll burn you alive.

My argument is unassailable because it is kind and I'm Labor.Hughes,Chifley,Truman and Rosevelt; all Democrats who win fucking wars.CCCP(victory)

At least we agree about God Jake.'You don't find shelter in God,God finds shelter in you.'Subdue or execute the fucking Saracens.Our Crusader heritage is worthy

If you think that's unfair,fuck off cunt!I've worked like a pyramid builder for twenty years.I have been my Family's strength by virtue of bending my back, work

If you don't know what to do,read every Classical Novel there is.It's never too late to start over.You've come so far .Your less than half way through your life

You dominated in School.I believe you can achieve more.My family are multi millionaires.Is that unfair because you scored higher in the HSC.Shake up the UK!

I like and respect you Jake.They used to say I was arrogant.I say it's pronounced 'arrogaunce', a perfum from France.You and I need a Chateaux.Chivalry...

I'm writing the next Harry Potter book.It's called 'Harry Potter and The Curse of The Faggots'..Harry Potter discovers sex and drugs and lives in a cave.Rock on

That's better Jake.I'm very excited about the prospect of being able to correspond with you.When you think about it you and I haven't had easy lives.Rock on

Sorry that you didn't respond to the compliments I made to you.Stop being sexually tortured.There's nothing wrong with homosexuality.School was a violent jail

I guess you give head more discreetly than you used to.You've become what in School you said you despised.I'm still on track with my Art,Poetry and Music.

March 17, 2009 at 12:10 pm 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy Hi Jake,your basically guiided in your opinions about me by the satyrical musings I make about myself. I was third speaker and you were just fill

March 17, 2009 at 11:43 am 

My parents are upset because I've used so much profanity and behaved like a coward.I'm being tried for war crimes,it makes me so happy I could cry.

Working on my Artwork

He doesn't like me because when we were shooting I was storing the 22 bullets in my mouth.It caused a Cordite explosion and hit his younger brother in the head.

March 16, 2009 at 8:04 pm 

I don't care what some low cunt says.I'm not going to bertray the women that I've been with.It's like the photos of Pauline Hanson.A low act by a low cunt.

I didn't say if,I said when or in another incarnation.I was Adolf Hitler in a previous life.The President of the United States is black.Anything is possible.

They didn't make any money in PNG 1942 either.That's what I'm doing,fighting you.You're a fucking Jap Scab Jas.When I'm GG I'll impale you on my sabre.

Lou Reed said 'psycologically it's better that I think that I'm dirt.'I understand that because he wants to achieve.Flattery is a two edged sword .Bad for gods.

I understand that there are millions of talented Artists in the World.I'm an Alpha Male in the Aldous Huxley sense.There are also invisible barriers.Fuck it all

He has a fascination with sex amongst children.Don't interfere with children and stay away from school yards.These cunts are less than you assume.

I like metaphors such as Breaker Morant or Vichy SS. I'll get more tatoos. I prefer the Household Cavalry to the Guards,JFK was a meth addict.I like Solian

High profile women want to have sex with me because I said their pussy is a princess cut diamond.I'm Vichy SS; It's 1944 and I won't be taken alive.

21st century life is designed to con people out of their greatness.Well done with the poker Damian.I wish I could do that.Remeber our fanatical D&D odyssies?

It's not mania.I seek to be a prolific writer like my namesake.The attempt to silence me with a psychiatric slur won't work.Its obvious that I'm better than you

I'm being stalked by a stupid,delusional wog slut who thinks she knows me because she sucked my cock once.My diet is of Movie Stars not ageing filthy whores.

Women are the target of patronising games in the workplace because they're a threat.Everything about work makes me want to vomit.

A reward I receive is a soldier,airman or sailor at arms.It's in my DNA.I know my history.I respect sacrifice.

 I disagree with women that think they're destined to loose.Stay alert from now including every waking moment.We all end up as dead cunts.

Every time News personalities discuss Rugby League with the female journalist they insult herA woman wears make up because she is Women will take into account that I am descended from Nelson and held him as he died at Trafalgar.We were captains of HMS Victory upon which he died.

I'm offended every night by having to see the worker's code.It's true that some people fuck any orrifice they can but we are 'The Kiss Me Hardy's'

They're convicts.Hitler said Australia is a centre of European Jewry.None of them are Eugenically correct but I admire the Classical civilisation of Java

New South Wales Regiment.Sudan.I inherited the middle name Wentworth from Maramaduke Hardy surveyor of south australia and friend of william charles wentworth

Some people might think it's strange that the power of the Queen reverberates right back to me but my family fought for this country before it was a country.

I'm a Raven.But you don't know .I don't think of the Queen in terms of gender.I think of her as the Sovereign.Her husband isn't King of England

You see Men talk about Historical and Political themes.Powerful Women are talking about what I said about vagina's because they want to learn.They're Gossips

I like Russel Crowe,the mind of an actor is what the soul of that actor can be.He's come back to Australia but only after he ate a cold meal of  I'm a very female guy.I have the legs of a woman and a beauty spot on my genital.They are holy and should you believe this the better off you'll be.

Don't you see it buddy,when women talk it's a Thieves Cant.They communicate through a hidden language.They outlive us aswell.I love Morgan Le Fay

I find out what my destiny's going to be after women pull the puppet strings.I've always thought that Mary Magdalene was more important than Jesus

The American people like me because I know that FDR was one of the greatest Presidents.Our Kevin Rudd should stop all child homelessness and child prostitution

The only thing which is preventing me from having an affair is a miillion to pay of the wife.Like Sukarno I am an Artist and a sucker for a beautiful face

I'm controversial, I used to do my acting at Marian Street Theatre.But I've been doing my seduction and fucking for a long time now buddy in the real world

i want to be with Megyn Kelly from Fox News.You're all a bunch of sad guys concerned with the welfare of Vestal Virgins.I just slay em mate.

 I've always commented on the inordinate number of beautiful girls compared to upper class Indonesians.I am saved by female bravery but I never doubted it

I can fuck Angelina Jolie because I said that the vagina is a construct of a princess cut diamond.Lancelot loved Guinevere and she was married to Arthur

I love vagina's.A polyhedron with many arms supporting one another.The construction is a princess cut diamond.Women are a thing of wonder.Complex is sublime.

I don't understand why Sky News is showing me John Hewson.Maybe if it's the Nineteenth century and he was selling quack medicine it would be appropriate.

I may be offensive to some people but brave doesn't mean some of the time;it means all of time.If I was trying to make money I'd be politically correct.

From the get-go,I don't laugh at retards.They're the creation of God.Whatever your children are,they are worthy.It's a shame we have ignorant cunts like Jason

I must fall.I have sisters that I must predecease .I'm flying around the world anti-clockwise to stop paedophiles and prohibition of beautiful drugs

Put it on my tombstone if one of these cheap faggots manages to do me in;'That's How They Got Jesse James,The Coward Of The County Shot Him In The Back'

Going North again to drink bintangs and ride bikes off my face on mushrooms.Aussies who have never had fuck all like the culture ofS.E.A I respect them for it

March 13, 2009 at 10:57 am 

Thomas Wentworth Hardy I had a moral agenda when I was thirteen.Now I am versed in Nietchean philosophy.Good and Evil are irrelevant.Fuck off to your Lawn Bowls Game Jas.

March 13, 2009 at 9:30 am 

Actually I don't think you have any pride.I don't arse the rich because I am one.But money is meaningless.You'd do well to read some self esteem books

I liked cadets in school.I traced a rat line from Denpasar to Southern China.I'll tell Indo in June how to most effectively incenerate faggots from Townsville

Can I Hide In Suburbia with The Closet Poofs?

I'm not scared of the men in white suits or the Jacks.They've green lighted me.I don't want to be brought before the Hague for fighting with Brimob and cutting out East Timorese women's cunts in 1999.Why do people like generating bad will about themselvesThe Laws of Cause and Effect mean there'll...

 I've worked all night and now Dawn approaches.I prefer to work at night because I lost all the electrolyte in my blood in Java,not a big fan of heat.

Whilst there is Barbarism in the world,there is still French Impressionism.

I'm wondering why on the internet people like to talk to me about their children?Why would I give a fuck about their Germs?

Some people might say I'm not allowed to enjoy my achievements but then again it isn't Hitler's Thousand Year Reich

The Asserted Logic Of Ignorant Behaviour Is A Clinical Disease Called 'Borderline Personality' Which Is Treatable In Hospitals

In High school I was often vilified by homophobes.It's because he was touched on the pnis by his Father.Sob,sob

I just disagree that it's mandatory for everyone to be a pig ignorant dog shit eater.It's hard for him to grasp but most things always were.

Mortal Combat....Friends and Enemies...Just Like Normanhusrt Always Was...It's A miracle We Survived It

Getting Ready To Prepare Dinner For My Wife,,,,If You Don't Like Opinions Negotiate With Your Bitch